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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 26 Mar 2007

    OASIS News
    26 March 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international standards consortium.


    * OASIS expands with China Office
    * PKI transitions to IDtrust Member Section
    * Primeton becomes newest OASIS Foundational Sponsor
    * Members form OASIS ebXML Registry REST Subcommittee  
    * TC provides WS-BPEL educational opportunities
    * Symposium to feature OpenDocument Workshop
    * McGrath promoted to Senior Director
    * Upcoming deadlines and events

    OASIS expands with China Office

    The Changfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance has been selected to
    host the new OASIS China Office in Beijing. The OASIS China Office will focus
    on increased opportunities for new participation and enhanced services for
    existing members in China. A Chinese version of the OASIS web site and
    newsletter has been introduced in support of this outreach effort.


    PKI transitions to IDtrust Member Section

    The OASIS PKI Member Section has expanded its scope to encompass additional
    standards-based identity and trusted infrastructure technologies, policies, and
    practices. Under the new name, OASIS Identity and Trusted Infrastructure
    (IDtrust) Member Section, the group will oversee the work of the OASIS
    Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) and PKI Adoption Committees.
    Other TCs are invited to explore the advantages of working within this Member
    Section, and the group is open to ideas for forming new Committees. Nominations
    for the OASIS IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee will remain open until
    29 March. Elections will be held 2-9 April.


    Primeton becomes newest OASIS Foundational Sponsor

    OASIS welcomes Primeton, a provider of component-oriented software development
    and operations platforms, as its newest Foundational Sponsor. Major banks,
    telecom operators and equipment suppliers, and government agencies in China and
    around the world use Primeton products to gain agility in rapidly changing
    business and regulatory environments. Primeton helps businesses build SOA
    solutions that support SCA/SDO specifications. Primeton joins other OASIS
    Foundational Sponsors, BEA Systems, EDS, IBM, SAP, and Sun Microsystems. OASIS
    gratefully acknowledges the contributions of these major supporters and
    applauds their commitment to advancing open standards.


    Members form OASIS ebXML Registry REST Subcommittee

    David Webber will chair a new sub-committee that will produce a specification
    document to allow implementers to develop a complimentary, optional, REST-based
    interface for the ebXML Registry OASIS Standard. This work will not replace the
    existing interface, but will augment the access methods that the ebXML Registry
    can support based on the current RIM and APIs.


    TC provides WS-BPEL educational opportunities

    The OASIS Symposium will feature the "WS-BPEL Workshop" on Wednesday, 18 April,
    in San Diego. Registration is free to Symposium attendees and also available
    separately. Recorded versions of two recent webinars, "WS-BPEL Technical
    Overview for Developers and Architects" and "The Business Value of WS-BPEL for
    Business Analysts and Managers" are now available online.


    OASIS Symposium to feature OpenDocument Workshop

    The members of the OASIS ODF Adoption Committee will be hosting a special half
    day Symposium workshop dedicated to topics important to understanding the ODF
    standard and its technology on Wednesday, 18 April, in San Diego. Presentations
    will cover OpenDocument accessibility, programmability, and interoperability


    McGrath promoted to Senior Director

    In recognition of his increased responsibility and demonstrated corporate
    leadership, Scott McGrath as been promoted to the role of Senior Director of
    Member Services at OASIS. Scott will continue to supervise the administrative
    and accounting team and member outreach. Scott will also take on new
    responsibilities, working to oversee portions of OASIS corporate financial
    affairs and communications efforts.

    Upcoming deadlines

    27 Mar:
       eContracts v1.0 public review

    28 Mar:
       Comments on proposed Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC

    31 Mar:
       Digital Signature Services (DSS) 1.0 OASIS Standard ballot

       WS-Transaction 1.1 OASIS Standard ballot

       WS-Context 1.0 OASIS Standard ballot

       WS-BPEL 2.0 OASIS Standard ballot

    2 April:
       Comments on proposed Web Services Federation (WSFED) TC

    4 May:
       DITA v1.1 public review

    Upcoming events

    15-20 April 2007
    OASIS Symposium: eBusiness and Open Standards
    San Diego, CA, USA

    17-19 April 2007
    6th Annual PKI R&D Workshop
    Gaithersburg, MD, USA

    8-9 May 2007
    Web Services Security Conference & Exhibition
    Baltimore, MD, USA

    16-17 June 2007
    XML Prague
    Prague, the Czech Republic

    22-27 July 2007
    XML Summer School 2007
    Oxford, UK

    All events:

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Volunteers
    to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome; contact

    Archives: [URL=http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php]http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php[/URL]

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