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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 24 April 2007

    OASIS News
    24 April 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international open standards consortium.


    * Nominations for OASIS Board and TAB close 1 May
    * Open CSA Member Section launches; Steering Committee nominations open
    * Public reviews begin for EDXL-RM 1.0 and EML 5.0
    * OASIS Symposium attracts international audience
    * Four OASIS Technical Committees complete work
    * Call for Papers issued for OASIS Open Standards Day Germany
    * OASIS seeks volunteers to translate newsletter into French
    * XML Summer School offers discount to OASIS members
    * Recent press releases
    * Upcoming deadlines

    Nominations for OASIS Board and TAB close 1 May

    Nominations for candidates to fill five seats on the OASIS Board of Directors
    (BoD) and four seats on the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) remain open until 1
    May. Any OASIS member organization may nominate candidates; nominees are not
    required to be members of the Consortium. Tuesday, 1 May, is also the deadline
    for members to submit questions for BoD candidates on issues regarding the
    management and direction of the Consortium.


    Open CSA Member Section launches; Steering Committee nominations open

    The OASIS Open Composite Services Architecture (Open CSA) Member Section has
    been formed to advance open standards that simplify SOA application
    development. Open CSA will oversee several new OASIS TCs that will be chartered
    to promote the further development and adoption of the Service Component
    Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO) families of specifications.
    Any OASIS member may participate in Open CSA; there is no additional cost, and
    no dues allocations will be made. Nominations for three open seats on the Open
    CSA Steering Committee will be accepted until 7 May.


    Public reviews begin for EDXL-RM 1.0 and EML 5.0

    The OASIS Emergency Management TC has approved the Emergency Data Exchange
    Language Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) 1.0
    as a Committee Draft and submitted the specification for public review. EDXL-RM
    1.0 describes a suite of standard messages for data sharing among emergency and
    other information systems that deal in requesting and providing emergency
    equipment, supplies, people, and teams. The review ends 8 June.

    The OASIS Election and Voter Services TC has approved the Election Markup
    Language (EML) 5.0 as a Committee Draft and submitted the specification for
    public review. EML 5.0 defines a standard method for the structured interchange
    among hardware, software, and service providers who engage in any aspect of
    providing election or voter services to public or private organizations. The
    review ends 10 June.

    EDXL-RM http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200704/msg00011.html
    EML http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200704/msg00011.html

    OASIS Symposium attracts international audience

    Delegates from 16 countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America
    gathered to explore open standards for e-business and e-government at the
    fourth annual OASIS Symposium in San Diego, California last week. Presentation
    slides and links to blogs on the event are now available on the Symposium web


    Four OASIS Technical Committees complete work

    The OASIS Asynchronous Service Access Protocol (ASAP), SOA Adoption Blueprints,
    Electronic Business Service Oriented Architecture (ebSOA), and DCML Framework
    TCs have completed their work and are now closed. Thanks to the members and
    leadership of these TCs for their contributions. The TCs' public pages and
    email archives will remain permanently accessible.

    Call for Papers issued for OASIS Open Standards Day Germany

    The second annual OASIS Open Standards Day Germany will be held in conjunction
    with the tcworld conference on 7-8 November in Wiesbaden, Germany. The event
    will be hosted by tekom, the German society of technical communicators.
    Submissions for presentations or workshops on DITA, DocBook, OpenDocument, and
    XLIFF are being accepted until 4 May.


    OASIS seeks volunteers to translate newsletter into French

    In response to requests to publish OASIS News in French, the consortium is
    seeking one or more volunteers interested in providing a few hours of
    translation twice a month. OASIS News is currently translated into Chinese by
    Wang Jing of Changfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance, into Japanese
    by Keizo Okabe, and into Russian by Paul Rabinovich.


    XML Summer School offers discount to OASIS members

    Co-sponsored by OASIS, CSW's XML Summer School is targeted for anyone using,
    designing, or implementing XML-based and related technology solutions. Tracks
    on Web Services and Identity, XML in Healthcare, and Building XML Applications
    will be offered. Delegates who register before 30 April receive a 15% discount;
    after this date, all OASIS members will continue to receive a 10% discount.


    Recent press releases

    OASIS Advances Standards to Simplify SOA Application Development: Open
    Composite Services Architecture (Open CSA) Member Section Forms

    Members Approve Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) as
    OASIS Standard

    Upcoming deadlines

    1 May:
      Nominations for OASIS Board of Directors and TAB

    4 May:
      DITA 1.1 public review

      OASIS Open Standards Day Germany CfP

    7 May:
      Nominations for Open CSA Member Section Steering Committee

    8 June:
      Emergency Data Exchange Language Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) 1.0

    10 June:
      Election Markup Language (EML) 5.0 public review

    **MEMBERSHIP TIP #35**

    Start a discussion list to build support for a new idea

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Volunteers
    to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome; contact

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php

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