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    OASIS News
    9 May 2007

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments,
    and activities for the international open standards consortium.


    * OASIS Standard ballots on CAM and WS-ReliableMessaging open soon
    * Eight candidates run for OASIS Board of Directors
    * LegalXML eContracts TC approves Committee Specification
    * Public reviews begin for XLIFF 1.2 and ebXML Messaging Services 3.0
    * TCs host ebXML Webinar Week
    * Burton Catalyst Conference to feature XACML InterOp
    * IDtrust Member Section elects Steering Committee
    * World Conservation Union (IUCN) and OASIS host Biodiversity Workshop
    * OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines TC holds first meeting
    * DSS, WBBPEL, WS-Context, WS-Transaction mail lists support developers
    * Upcoming deadlines

    OASIS Standard ballots on CAM and WS-ReliableMessaging open soon

    The OASIS Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) TC has submitted the CAM 1.1
    specification to be considered as an OASIS Standard. CAM provides an open
    XML-based system for using business rules to define, validate and compose
    specific business documents from generalized schema elements and structures.

    The OASIS Web Services Reliable Exchange (WS-RX) TC has submitted the
    WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1 specification set to be considered as an OASIS
    Standard. WS-ReliableMessaging allows messages to be transferred reliably
    despite software component, system, or network failures.

    On 16 May, Calls for Vote on CAM 1.1 and on WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1 will be
    issued to all OASIS member organizations. Members who wish to discuss either of
    these ballots may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.

    CAM: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200705/msg00001.html
    WS-RX: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200705/msg00000.html

    Eight candidates run for OASIS Board of Directors

    In the upcoming OASIS Board of Directors elections, members will select five
    candidates from eight nominees: Peter Brown of Pensive.eu; Mike DeNicola of
    Fujitsu; Rik Drummond of Drummond Group; Bob Freund of Hitachi; Eduardo
    Gutentag of Sun Microsystems; Jim Hughes of Microsoft; Claus von Riegen of SAP;
    and Michael Winters of IBM. Candidate profiles will be posted for review, and
    balloting will be held 15 May - 15 June.

    In addition, four technology experts have accepted nominations for the four
    open seats on the Technical Advisory Board. They include: Hal Lockhart of BEA
    Systems; Bill Cox; Martin Chapman of Oracle; and Mahav Vodnala of Fiorano


    LegalXML eContracts TC approves Committee Specification

    eContracts 1.0, an XML markup model for the creation, maintenance, management,
    exchange and publication of business and consumer contract documents, has been
    approved as a Committee Specification by the OASIS LegalXML e-Contracts TC. The
    eContracts schema is designed to reduce maintenance costs of precedent
    documents and allow organizations to effectively automate document assembly and
    publishing processes. Congratulations to TC chair, Daniel Greenwood, and all
    members who participated in this work.


    Public reviews begin for XLIFF 1.2 and ebXML Messaging Services 3.0

    The OASIS XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC has approved
    XLIFF 1.2 as a Committee Draft and submitted the specification for public
    review. XLIFF is a specification for the loss-less interchange of localizable
    data and its related information. The review ends 17 May.

    The OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC has approved ebXML Messaging Services
    Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features as a Committee Draft and submitted the
    package for public review. This specification defines a communications-protocol
    neutral method for exchanging electronic business messages. The review ends 17

    XLIFF: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200705/msg00003.html
    ebXML: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200705/msg00002.html

    TCs host ebXML Webinar Week

    The OASIS ebXML Technical Committees will host a week of free webinars devoted
    to the ebXML OASIS Standards (ISO 15000). A different standard will be featured
    each day, Monday through Thursday, 4-7 June, at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM San
    Francisco, 11:00 AM Boston, 4:00 PM London). Attend one or all four. Learn
    about the current state of the standards from the people who created them and
    who continue to advance this foundational work.


    Burton Catalyst Conference will feature XACML InterOp

    Seven companies will collaborate to demonstrate interoperability of the
    eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 2.0 OASIS Standard at the
    Burton Catalyst Conference in San Francisco, 28 June. Optimized for
    large-scale, federated environments, XACML specifies the syntax and processing
    rules for authorization. In the demo, multiple XACML components are deployed in
    a hypothetical high value stock portfolio account, where customer and account
    managers coordinate and approve transactions. Each vendor's implementation will
    exchange policies with others, and policy enforcement points will request
    authorization decisions from one another. BEA Systems, IBM, Jericho Systems,
    Oracle, Red Hat, Securent, and other TC members will participate in this


    IDtrust Member Section elects Steering Committee

    June Leung, Abbie Barbir of Nortel, Arshad Noor, John Sabo of CA, and Ann
    Terwilliger of Visa International have been elected to the Steering Committee
    for the OASIS Identity and Trusted Infrastructure (IDtrust) Member Section.
    IDtrust promotes greater understanding and adoption of standards-based identity
    and trusted infrastructure technologies, policies, and practices. Each Steering
    Committee member will serve a two-year term.


    World Conservation Union (IUCN) and OASIS host Biodiversity Workshop

    Representatives from the scientific community, conservation organizations,
    government agencies, and intergovernmental groups met in Gland, Switzerland to
    address the need for improved standards in the collection and exchange of
    biodiversity data. The event, which was produced by the Biodiversity
    Conservation Standards initiative of IUCN and the Conservation Commons in
    partnership with OASIS, articulated the growing demand for easier integration
    of biodiversity data with corporate decision support systems. A follow-on
    workshop is planned for June in Arlington, Virginia, USA. All those interested
    in advancing biodiversity data standards are invited to contact
    peter.roden@oasis-open.org for information on getting involved.


    OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines TC holds first meeting

    Jacques Durand of Fujitsu and Patrick Curran of Sun Microsystems were elected
    co-chairs of the new OASIS TAG TC, which  held its first meeting on Thursday, 3
    May. Devoted to improving the quality of standards, this TC will facilitate the
    creation and use of test assertions by OASIS committees and others. The group's
    member roster demonstrates wide geographic diversity, with representatives from
    Korea, Russia, the UK and US. New participation is welcome.


    DSS, WBBPEL, WS-Context, WS-Transaction mail lists support developers

    OASIS has created four new public mail lists, dss-dev, wsbpel-dev,
    ws-context-dev, and ws-tx-dev, to foster support among developers of Digital
    Signature Services, Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL),
    WS-Context, and WS-Transaction OASIS Standards. Members and non-members are
    encouraged to subscribe and share advice, questions, and experiences with one

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