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     * 贴子主题: OASIS Broadens PKI Agenda to Form Identity and Trusted Infrastructure (IDtrust) Member Section[转帖] 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 OASIS Broadens PKI Agenda to Form Identity and Trusted Infrastructure (IDtrust) Member Section[转帖]

    ** Link to this press release at
    http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2007-05-24.php **

    OASIS Broadens PKI Agenda to Form Identity and Trusted Infrastructure (IDtrust)
    Member Section   

    24 May 2007 -- The international open standards consortium, OASIS, has expanded
    its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) work to encompass the full identity and
    trusted infrastructure marketplace. The new OASIS IDtrust Member Section will
    promote greater understanding and use of standards-based technologies,
    policies, and practices for identity and trusted infrastructure. The group will
    provide a neutral setting where government agencies, companies, research
    institutes, and individuals can work together to facilitate the use of these

    "The U.S. federal government has been working for years to develop standards,
    procedures and guidelines for implementing e-identity management services that
    can ensure trusted, secure transactions over the Internet. IDtrust will help
    accomplish that mission," said Peter Alterman, Ph.D., Asst. CIO,
    EAuthentication, National Institutes of Health, and Federal PKI Policy
    Authority Chair.

    "IDtrust will advance standards that provide the basic security necessary for
    carrying out electronic business," added June Leung, chair of the Steering
    Committee for the OASIS IDtrust Member Section. "These standards make it
    possible for parties who do not know one another or who are widely distributed
    to communicate securely by adopting a chain of trust."

    Other members of the IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee include Abbie
    Barbir of Nortel Networks, Arshad Noor, John Sabo of CA, and Ann Terwilliger of
    Visa International.

    Working to identify trust policies for assurance and standardization, IDtrust
    members will focus on validating and building trust paths. They plan to catalog
    implementation projects, publish adoption reports, and conduct studies on
    costs, benefits and risk management. The Member Section will also oversee the
    work of two OASIS Committees:  Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI),
    which defines symmetric key management protocols; and PKI Adoption, which
    advances the use of digital certificates as a foundation for managing access to
    network resources and conducting electronic transactions. The Steering
    Committee seeks suggestions for forming additional committees.

    IDtrust has its roots in PKI Forum, an organization that was founded in 1999.
    It transitioned its work to OASIS in 2002, where it continued to operate as an
    independent body focused on broadening adoption for PKI.  

    "The expansion and re-chartering of OASIS PKI as IDtrust marks an exciting
    milestone in the evolution of this work," noted Patrick Gannon, president and
    CEO of OASIS. "By broadening its scope, IDtrust will be better positioned to
    reduce barriers to adoption and effectively address data privacy and
    cryptographic issues, as well as interoperability, outsourcing and application
    integration of trusted infrastructures."

    Organizations participating in IDtrust include CA, CATCert Agencia Catalana de
    Certificacio, EMC, Forum Systems, Jericho Systems, Nortel Networks, Sterling
    Commerce, Verisign, Visa International, WISeKey, and others. Public sector
    agencies from around the world, including Canada's Public Works & Government
    Services, Norway's Directorate of Labour and Welfare, and Tunisia's National
    Digital Certification Agency--as well as the Electronics and Telecommunications
    Research Institute (ETRI) and Oxford University--are also participating.
    IDtrust welcomes other interested parties to join their work at any time.

    Support for IDtrust
    "CA is pleased to support the formation of the IDtrust Member Section. Its
    broad focus on identity technologies, trust policies, and education will help
    meet the growing need for open, standards-based trust infrastructure," said
    John Sabo, director of government global relations at CA.

    "My experiences in implementing public key cryptography at Visa have made me
    very aware of the importance of identifying workable solutions. I am committed
    to supporting the work of IDtrust to achieve this," said Ann Tertwilliger,
    Director of Security Projects, Visa International.

    Additional information

    OASIS IDtrust Member Section:

    OASIS EKMI Technical Committee:

    OASIS PKI Adoption Committee:

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