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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 4 Dec 2008

    OASIS News
    4 Dec 2008

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * OASIS Blue explores role of standards and sustainability
    * OASIS creates discussion list on Smart Grid
    * TAB provides new service for Committee Draft review
    * UBL Turkish Localization Subcommittee forms

    OASIS Blue explores role of standards and sustainability

    The consortium is launching a new initiative to bring the energy and IT communities together. A new white paper on OASIS Blue describes how three seminal areas of standards work -- energy, security, and transparency -- can be used to develop new models for the intelligent use of natural resources. OASIS Blue encourages the formation of new TCs to address different aspects of sustainability.


    OASIS creates discussion list on Smart Grid

    Members and non-members are invited to use this new mailing list to discuss the benefits of applying interoperable enterprise and eCommerce standards to smart power grids. Architectural and implementation issues will be identified, with specific focus on market interactions and interactions with smart buildings. The goal of the discussion list will be to articulate a way forward for the industry, with the potential of forming one or more OASIS technical committees under the new OASIS Blue initiative. Toby Considine of the University of North Carolina is designated as the discussion leader.


    TAB provides new service for Committee Draft review

    Members of the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB) are now available to provide feedback on Committee Drafts prior to public review. Upon request, TAB members will evaluate specs for quality, consistency, and completeness, offering TCs a fresh perspective during their internal review cycle. To arrange for a TAB review, TC chairs should contact tc-admin@oasis-open.org.


    UBL Turkish Localization Subcommittee forms

    The new subcommittee will work to customize Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.0 according to Turkey's requirements and produce UBL content in the Turkish language. Asuman Dogac of the Middle East Technical University serves as chair. All interested parties are invited to join (membership in the parent UBL TC is required).


    Consortium seeks volunteer to translate OASIS News into Japanese

    OASIS gratefully acknowledges Keizo Okabe who will conclude his effort of translating this newsletter into Japanese at the end of December. Volunteers interested in translating OASIS News as a service to the international community are welcome. Please contact communications@oasis-open.org for details.

    Important dates:

    9-10 Dec
    WMO, ITU, and OASIS host CAP public warning workshop in Geneva

    6 Jan
    UBL 2.0 International Data Dictionary public review ends

    13-15 Jan
    SOA-Tel TC holds first meeting (face-to-face)

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