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       本主题类别: Ontology Engineering | Web Services    
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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 19 Jan 2009

    OASIS News
    19 Jan 2009

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * Voting continues for nine WS specs submitted as OASIS Standards
    * WS-Federation 1.2 public review begins
    * Public reviews begin for XSPA Profiles of SAML and XACML
    * OpenDocument TC approves ODF 1.0 Errata 01
    * eGov Member Section seeks nominations for Steering Committee
    * Election for LegalXML Steering Committee is underway
    * Adobe sponsors eGov Workshop on Public Finance
    * OASIS staff blogs: "Blue" is the new "Green"
    * Norbert Mikula, former OASIS Board director, dies at 37

    Voting continues for nine WS specs submitted as OASIS Standards

    WS-SecurityPolicy 1.3, WS-SecureConversation 1.4, and WS-Trust 1.4 were produced by the Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC. WS-BusinessActivity v1.2, WS-AtomicTransaction v1.2, and WS-Coordination v1.2 were produced by the Web Services Transaction (WS-TX) TC. WS-MakeConnection 1.1, WS-ReliableMessaging Policy 1.2, and WS-ReliableMessaging 1.2 were produced by the Web Services Reliable Exchange (WS-RX) TC. OASIS member organizations are encouraged to consider these works and cast a ballot for each before the deadline of 31 Jan.


    WS-Federation 1.2 public review begins

    WS-Federation defines mechanisms to allow different security realms to federate, such that authorized access to resources managed in one realm can be provided to security principals whose identities and attributes are managed in other realms. This includes mechanisms for brokering of identity, attribute, authentication and authorization assertions between realms, and privacy of federated claims. This public review ends 12 Feb.


    Public reviews begin for XSPA Profiles of SAML and XACML

    The Cross-Enterprise Security and Privacy Authorization (XSPA) Profile of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for Healthcare 1.0 describes a framework in which SAML is encompassed by XSPA to satisfy requirements pertaining to information-centric security within the healthcare community. The XSPA Profile of the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) supports cross-enterprise security and privacy authorization. Both public reviews end 13 Mar.


    OpenDocument TC approves ODF 1.0 Errata 01

    OpenDocument is an open, XML-based file format for office applications. The errata document includes references to ODF 1.0 Second Edition (ISO/IEC 26300) and N0492, the Japanese National Body comments.


    eGov Member Section seeks nominations for Steering Committee

    Nominations are now open for six seats on the OASIS eGovernment Member Section Steering Committee. OASIS eGov serves as a focal point for discussions of governmental and public administration requirements for e-business standardization. Bringing together representatives from global, regional, national and local government agencies, OASIS eGov provides a platform for those who share a common interest in directing and understanding the impact of open standards on the public sector. The nominations period closes 21 Jan.


    Election for LegalXML Steering Committee is underway

    Four candidates are running for two open seats on the OASIS LegalXML Member Section Steering Committee. LegalXML brings legal and technical experts together to create standards for the electronic exchange of legal data. This election closes 22 Jan.


    Adobe sponsors eGov Workshop on Public Finance

    Jointly organized by the OASIS eGov Member Section and the Belgian Federal Ministry of Finance (SPFF), the workshop
    will introduce ICT solutions in the context of public finance, including tax, benefits and payments and exchange experience amongst professionals of use cases focusing on SOA and Web-based services. The event will be held 19 Feb in Brussels. There is no admission charge; however, advance registration is required, and space is limited.


    OASIS staff blogs: "Blue" is the new "Green"

    Laurent Liscia, executive director of OASIS, has been blogging recently about issues related to the role standards play in achieving sustainability. In a two-part blog, Laurent talks about how open standards will help us find our way to the smartgrid.


    Norbert Mikula, former OASIS Board director, dies at 37

    OASIS expresses deepest sympathies to the family of Norbert Mikula, an active contributor to the XML community since it began. In 1996, when Jon Bosak claimed that XML should be easy enough for a CS grad student to write a parser in three weeks, Norbert proved him right. Norbert went on to become CTO of DataChannel, and then to advance standards at Intel, and most recently, Microsoft. He will be fondly remembered by all the OASIS staff and the many members who were privileged to collaborate with him.


    Important dates:

    19 Jan
    Comment period for draft ICOM TC charter closes

    21 Jan
    Nomination period for eGov Member Section Steering Committee closes

    22 Jan
    Balloting for LegalXML Steering Committee ends

    31 Jan
    OASIS Standard ballots for WS-RX, WS-TX, and WS-SX specs close

    7 Feb
    Reference Ontology for Semantic SOA 1.0 public review ends

    12 Feb
    WS-Federation 1.2 public review ends

    19 Feb
    OASIS eGov workshop on Public Finance (Brussels)

    13 Mar
    Public reviews end for XSPA Profiles of SAML and XACML

    OASIS News is published in English, Chinese, Italian, and Korean. Volunteers to translate the newsletter into other languages are welcome; contact communications@oasis-open.org.

    Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php


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