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     菜籽 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?双鱼座1981-2-28

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    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3578]Use JavaFX and NetBeans to Help Make The Jump Happen![/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 A strange phenomenon is occurring with increased frequency across the globe. These unexplained events are harbingers of a massive change in mankind's direction. How do we know? Because it's happened before. Another Jump is coming and we need your help. Join the cause.
    —Baron and Hector

    PIE Theory is a cool new interactive game featuring Baron Rude and Hector Macchiato, two nerds—(Ahem!) Paranomal Investigation Experts (PIEs)—who think big leaps in technology are foreshadowed by paranormal events, and that one is around the corner. Are they on to something? There's only one way to find out: Play along using Baron and Hector's "Recruit Toolkit" comprised of JavaFX 1.1 and NetBeans 6.5. Learn more about [URL=http://www.pietheory.com/index.html]PIE Theory[/URL] and how to play.

    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3577]Two Products in One Bundle[/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 For your convenience, Sun has bundled Update 13 of the JDK (the Java development platform) with the JavaFX 1.1 SDK, which provides the functionality to develop rich Internet applications. This bundle runs on Windows only.

    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3579]Developing a Jython Application Using NetBeans IDE[/URL][/B]

    A quick start tutorial for developing Jython applications using the Python plugin available in the NetBeans IDE. The scenario for the tutorial is a simple RSS feed reader.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3580]Working with the Java DB (Derby) Database[/URL][/B]

    An introductory tutorial that demonstrates how to work with the Java DB (Derby) database in the NetBeans IDE.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3581]Make Dependency Checking[/URL][/B]

    This tutorial covers the Make Dependency Checking feature in the NetBeans IDE.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3584]Tech Tip: Go Full Screen with NetBeans[/URL][/B]

    See the bigger picture with this tech tip from Hubert A. Klein Ikkink. Got tips to share? Contribute them through the [URL=http://wiki.netbeans.org/CommunityDocs]NetBeans Community Docs Program[/URL].
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3582]Scheme Editor Built on the NetBeans Platform[/URL][/B]

    NetBeans Zone has a growing collection of "Built on NetBeans Platform" stories. Check out a recent addition: an interview with Antonio Vieiro, creator of LambdaBeans, an IDE for the Scheme programming language built on the Platform.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3583]Arriving Soon to Mailboxes - NetBeans Refer-a-Friend 2GB USB Sticks![/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 Good news to all qualified participants of the recent [URL=http://www.netbeans.org/competition/refer-a-friend/]NetBeans Refer-a-Friend Promotion[/URL]: Your Gift is on the Way! We've shipped out NetBeans Refer-a-Friend 2GB USB sticks preloaded with NetBeans documentation and video, and OpenOffice software. So keep an eye on your mailboxes. Again, we thank everyone who uses NetBeans and that participated in this campaign!

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