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     * 贴子主题: CFP:(EI/ISTP)智能,软件工程,知识管理国际学术会议(IWASK2010) 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web | Web Services    
     WASE_conf 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 CFP:(EI/ISTP)智能,软件工程,知识管理国际学术会议(IWASK2010)

    2010 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management In conjunction with 2010 WASE International conference on Information Engineering (http://www.enjoywise.org/icie)

    2010 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management (IWASK’10)
    Call for Papers

    Beidaihe, China, August 14~15, 2010.

    Aim and Scope:
    2010 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management (IWASK 2010) will be held on August 14, 2010 in Beidaihe, China. And this workshop will be in conjunction with 2010 International Conference on Information Engineering. IWASK 2010 provides a leading international forum for the sharing of original research results and practical development experiences among researchers and application developers from all areas related to the Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management.
    The theme of the plenary session is “Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management” featuring invited speakers who will further explore this topic that is so significant for this fields. Concurrent sessions and a poster session will cover a wide range of topics and issues, including both contributed papers and special sessions developed on specific themes.
    You are invited to submit papers in all areas of Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management. For detailed up-to-date information, please visit the WASE IWASK10 conference website at: http://www.enjoywise.org/iwask10
    In order to make high quality of IWASK2010, All papers accepted will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 1876-1100, Which will be indexed by EI Compedex.
    Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Advanced Intelligence
    •Adaptation and Learning
    •Affective Computing
    •Agents and Multi-agent Systems
    •Biological Computing
    •Brain and Mind Models
    •Cognitive Informatics
    •Complex Systems
    •Distributed Intelligence
    •Fuzzy Logic and other forms of Logic
    •Integrated Intelligence Theory & Application
    •Machine Learning
    •Machine Translation
    •Pattern Recognition
    •Theories of Natural Intelligence
    Software Engineering
    • Web services model and Internet application architecture
    • MIS on economic development
    •Business Process Re-engineering
    •Quality Management
    •Project Management
    •Financial Engineering
    •Supply Chain Management
    •Software Engineering Management
    •GIS Database Management
    •Environment and Energy Management
    •Human Resources Management
    Knowledge Management
    •Business Intelligence
    •Decision Support System
    •National Data Infrastructure
    •Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
    •Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    •Intellectual Property Protection
    •Computational Economics
    •Software Warehouse and Software Mining
    •Intelligence-related knowledge discovery
    • Theoretic foundations and novel algorithms
    • Privacy Preserving Data Mining
    • Data and Knowledge Visualization

    Paper Submission:
    Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a full paper for review by March 1, 2010, in PDF or Word format. Papers will be accepted based on peer review and should contain original, high quality work. Claims and results should be substantive enough to be further developed as quality work. All papers must be written in English. Submit a standard paper should not succeed 5 pages (two columns IEEE format), including figures and references with 10-12 point font. Helpful information for paper formatting can be found on the IEEE Authors Tools. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register the work. Complete manuscripts must be electronically submit to the following system http://www.enjoywise.org/openconf.All accepted papers will be presented in oral sessions or poster sessions.
    Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to register and present at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the digital library after the conference. The proceedings will be published before the conference.

    Please submit your papers to the following system:  http://www.enjoywise.org/icie/openconf or  https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=icie09    or  icie@enjoywise.org

    In order to make high quality of IWASK2010, All papers accepted will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 1876-1100, Which will be indexed by EI Compedex.

    Important Dates:
    • Paper submission site open:                             March 1,         2010
    • Full paper submission:                                       June 1,       2010
    • Acceptance Notification:                                    June 20,              2010
    • Camera-ready papers:                                       June 30,             2010  
    • Presenting author registration due:                    June 30,            2010  
    • Conference:                                                       August 14~15, 2010

    Contacts Us

    [此贴子已经被作者于2010-3-9 16:16:16编辑过]

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    具体投稿地址:http://www.enjoywise.org/icie/openconf or  https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=icie09  or  icie@enjoywise.org
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