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    >> 本版讨论SVG, GML, X3D, VRML, VML, XAML, AVALON, Batik等基于XML的图形技术,以及有关GIS的应用。

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     * 贴子主题: CREATE JPEGS AUTOMATICALLY WITH SVG 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发信人: clyb (心静如水), 信区: XML
    发信站: 饮水思源 (2003年10月08日10:11:47 星期三)
    Use Scalable Vector Graphics to create images by the dozen
    Level: Introductory
    Benoit Marchal (bmarchal@pineapplesoft.com)
    Consultant, Pineapplesoft
    In this tip, Benoit Marchal discusses a pragmatic approach to Scalable Vector
    Graphics (SVG). Until the SVG viewer becomes as ubiquitous as the Macromedia F
    lash player, it will be difficult to incorporate SVG images directly into a We
    b site. In the meantime, Web developers benefit from generating JPEGs and othe
    r bitmaps through SVG. SVG is especially helpful because it is pure XML.
    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an image format developed by the W3C. Since
    it is based on XML, you can generate images through stylesheets and other XML
    scripts. This makes SVG a valuable addition to a Web developer and webmaster t
    oolkit. In this tip, I'll show you how to use SVG to generate images automatic
    ally, such as from statistical data.
    SVG is an XML vocabulary for describing vector images. The two types of images
    are: bitmap and vector. A bitmap (JPEG, GIF, or PNG file) is a grid of pixels
    that represents an image. A vector image (SVG or Macromedia Flash) describes
    the image in terms of basic shapes such as circle, rectangle, lines, or curves
    . Adobe Photoshop is an editor for bitmaps, while Adobe Illustrator is an edit
    or for vector images.
    Bitmaps tend to be larger files and are more difficult to resize without losin
    g quality. Imagine an image with a circle 50 pixels in diameter. The correspon
    ding bitmap must be at least 50 x 50 pixels in size, or 2,500 individual pixel
    s. If the circle had a diameter of 100 pixels, the bitmap would be 100 x 100 p
    ixels in size, making it four times as large (10,000 individual pixels). JPEG,
    GIF, and PNG files are compressed to reduce file size. While compression help
    s to a certain extent, bitmaps still tend to be larger than vector images.
    Indeed, the corresponding vector image has only one instruction: "Draw a circl
    e of 50 pixels." Furthermore, the larger circle does not require a significant
    ly larger file (it becomes "draw a circle of 100 pixels"). Unfortunately, not
    every image can be decomposed in basic shapes -- for example, it does not work
    with photos. So bitmaps play a useful role, but for those images that can be
    decomposed into basic shapes such as diagrams, logos, and chemical formulas, a
    vector file format is inherently more efficient.
    Making a bitmap bigger or smaller results in loss of image quality. Indeed, wh
    en you double the dimensions of the pixel grid, you have four times as many pi
    xels so you need to extrapolate almost three quarters of the image! Conversely
    , to double a vector image, you simply draw larger shapes.
    Today, the most popular vector format on the Web is Macromedia Flash -- a grea
    t format supported by several vendors, but it is also a proprietary tool. SVG
    is a new standard, developed by the W3C, as an alternative to Flash.
    The Web design community has much discussed the wisdom (or lack thereof) of us
    ing SVG instead of Flash. The main concern is that while Flash is available to
    97 percent of PC users, SVG is not yet as widespread. Things may change and,
    since SVG is a standard, you should expect that browsers will eventually suppo
    rt it, but it may take years before it is as ubiquitous as Flash.
    Even though it is not as readily available as Flash, using SVG today still has
    its advantages. One of the attractions of SVG is that it is an XML vocabulary
    , so it is easy to tweak SVG files with familiar tools such as XML parsers, sc
    ripts, and XSL stylesheets. To work around the lack of browser support, it is
    possible to convert SVG images into formats that are widely supported, such as
    GIFs or JPEGs.
    Apache offers an open-source SVG renderer, Batik (see http://xml.apache.org/ba
    tik/). Batik comes in different forms and shapes, including a browser to view
    images, tools to create images, and a rasterizer. I'm most interested in the r
    asterizer, since it can convert SVG files to bitmaps.
    Enough talk -- it's time to code. Listing 1 is a Python script that creates a
    bar chart from a set of data. Note that you don't have to use Python for this
    tip to work -- Perl, JavaScript, the Java language, and, most importantly, XSL
    stylesheets work equally well. The point is that since SVG files are XML, any
    XML tool is appropriate.
    Listing 1. printsvg.py
    from sys import stdin
    def read_data():
       data = []
       line = stdin.readline()
       while line != '\n' and line != '':
          line = stdin.readline()
       return data
    def print_bars(data):
       position = 0
       for i in data:
          height = int(i[1]) * 2
          if height > 200:
             height = 200
          print '       <rect x="%(x)i" y="%(y)i" width="30" \
    height="%(height)i"/>' % { 'x': position * 40 + 10,
                               'y': 200 - height, 'height': height }
          print '       <text x="%(x)i" y="215">%(text)s\
    </text>' % { 'text': i[0], 'x' : position * 40 + 20 }
          position += 1
    def print_svg(data):
       print u'<?xml version="1.0"?> \
    \n<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" \
    \n     id="body" \
    \n     width="%(width)i" \
    \n     height="220" \
    \n     viewBox="0 0 %(width)i 220"> \
    \n     <polyline style="stroke:black; fill:none" id="axis" \
    points="0,0 0,200 %(width)i,200"/> \
    \n     <g id="boxes" style="stroke:black; fill:green; \
    text-anchor: middle">' % { 'width': len(data) * 40 + 10 }
       print '    </g> \
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    In Listing 1, I kept the bar chart simple. First the script draws the axis, th
    en it loops over the data and draws the bars as rectangles. It also draws labe
    ls as text. It would not be difficult to improve on the graphics, like drawing
    the bars in 3D or using different colors. If you'd like to learn more about w
    riting SVG shapes, check the developerWorks tutorials:
    Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics
    Interactive, dynamic Scalable Vector Graphics http://www.ibm.com/developerwork
    The script is a filter, so it expects its input from the standard input and it
    writes the results on the standard output. It expects the data to be presente
    d in lines where each line holds two pieces of data -- the line label and a pe
    rcentage. Use the redirection operators to work with files, as in:
    python printsvg.py < data.txt > chart.svg
    Listing 2 is a sample data set. Obviously, you can generate dozens of images i
    n seconds by feeding different data sets to the script. This can be useful in
    statistical applications.
    Listing 2. data.txt
    Jan. 43
    Feb. 34
    Mar. 98
    Apr. 29
    May  52
    Jun. 33
    Jul. 15
    Aug. 11
    Sep. 65
    Oct. 78
    Nov. 98
    Dec. 87
    To convert the SVG image to a more common format, install the Batik rasterizer
    (see http://xml.apache.org/batik/) and issue the following
    java -jar batik-rasterizer.jar chart.svg
    Running the script in Listing 1 with the data from Listing 2 will ultimately p
    roduce the image in Figure 1, which you can see by clicking this link:
    By default, the rasterizer creates PNG files. If you'd rather create JPEGs, us
    e the following command:
    java -jar batik-rasterizer.jar -m image/jpeg -q 0.8 chart.svg
    The -m specifies the image MIME type and the -q is the quality factor for the
    JPEG (a number between 0 and 1).
    The main benefit of using SVG and the Batik toolkit to produce images through
    XML is that every XML tool, including scripts and stylesheets, is now suitable
    to produce Web graphics.
    I illustrated the technique with a bar chart, but the same technique applies f
    or other images such as navigation buttons, technical drawings, and UML models
    . Note that you do not have to generate the entire image in your script. To im
    port logos and other graphics created with an image editor, such as Adobe Illu
    strator, follow these steps:
    1. In the image editor, save the image as SVG.
    2. In the script, insert the following instruction:
    <use xlink:href="logo.svg"/>
    With the Batik rasterizer and the flexibility of XML, you will find no shortag
    e of applications for SVG.

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