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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: REMINDER: CFP for Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-driven Information Retrieval (ENQOIR 2009) 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Ontology Language | XML文档存取技术(DOM, SAX)    
     raojinghai@gmail.com 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 REMINDER: CFP for Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-driven Information Retrieval (ENQOIR 2009)

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    - 2009年4月1-4日@苏州。与APWeb和WAIM共同召开
    - 截至日期:2009年1月5日
    - 双盲评审
    - 会议论文集由Springer的LNCS系列出版
    - 优秀论文经修改后可在 ACM JDIQ (Journal of Data and information Quality, ISSN: 1936-1955) 或 International Journal on Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (ISSN: 1744-2621) 上发表。

    Call for Paper

    *** ENQOIR 2009 ***
    First International Workshop on Aspects in Evaluating Holistic Quality of Ontology-based Information Retrieval

    To be held with the joint APWeb-WAIM 2009 conferences
    April 1-4, 2009 | Suzhou, China


    - Submissions' site is opened: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=enqoir2009
    - Submission deadline: January 5, 2009;
    - A double-blind review process;
    - Post-proceedings in LNCS by Springer;
    - Extended best papers will be considered for publication in a standard issue of ACM JDIQ (Journal of Data and information Quality, ISSN: 1936-1955) or in a
    special issue of International Journal on Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (ISSN: 1744-2621).

    The ENQOIR workshop targets to deeper understanding and disseminate
    knowledge on advances in evaluation and application of ontology-based
    information retrieval (ObIR). The main areas of the workshop is an
    overlap between three evaluation aspects in ObIR, namely, evaluation of
    information retrieval, evaluation of ontology quality's impact on ObIR
    results, and evaluation of user interaction complexity. The main objective
    is to contribute to optimization of ObIR by systematizing existing body of
    knowledge on ObIR and defining a set of metrics for evaluation of ontology-
    based search. The long-term goal of the workshop is to establish a forum
    to analyze and proceed towards a holistic evaluation method for evaluation
    of ontology-driven information retrieval systems.


    In the recent years, a significant research effort has been devoted to
    ontology-based information retrieval (ObIR). The progress and results in
    this area offer a promising prospect to improve performance of current
    information retrieval (IR) systems. Furthermore, existing sparse
    evaluations of the ObIR tools report improvement compared to traditional
    IR systems. However, the results lack indications whether this improvement
    is optimal, causing difficulties to benchmark different ObIR systems.
    Yet, majority of IR evaluation methods is mainly based on relevance of
    retrieved information. While additional sophistication of the ObIR tools
    adds complexity on user interaction to reach improved results. Therefore,
    standard IR metrics as recall and precision do not suffice alone to
    measure user satisfaction because of complexity and efforts needed to use
    the ObIR systems. We need to investigate what ontology properties can
    even further enhance IR, to assess whether this improvement comes at a
    cost of interaction simplicity and user satisfaction, etc.

    Furthermore, evaluation methods based on recall and precision do not
    indicate the causes for variation in different retrieval results. There
    are many other factors that influence the performance of ontology-based
    information retrieval, such as query quality, ontology quality, complexity
    of user interaction, difficulty of a searching topic with respect to
    retrieval, indexing, searching, and ranking methods. The detail analysis
    on how these factors and their interactions affect a retrieval process can
    help to dramatically improve retrieval methods or processes.

    From other hand, ontology's ability to capture the content of the universe
    of discourse at the appropriate level of granularity and precision and
    offer the application understandable correct information is important.
    An important body of work already exists in ontology quality assessment
    field. However, most of ontology evaluation methods are generic quality
    evaluation frameworks, which do not take into account application of
    ontology. Therefore there is a need for task- and scenario-based quality
    assessment methods that, in this particular case, would target and optimize
    ontology quality for use in information retrieval systems.

    In order to promote more efficient and effective ontology usage in IR,
    there is a need to contemplate on analysis of ontology quality- and value-
    added aspects for this domain, summarize use cases and identify best
    practices. Several issues have been put forward by the current research,
    like the workload for annotation, the scalability, and the balance between
    the express power and reasoning capability. An approach to holistic
    evaluation should assess both technological and economical performance
    viewpoints. An aspect of value creation by semantics-based systems is
    important to demonstrate that the benefits of the new technology will
    overwhelm the payout.

    The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers, developers,
    and practitioners to discuss experiences and lessons learned, identify
    problems solved and caused, synergize different views, analyse interplay
    between ontology quality and IR performance, and brainstorm future
    research/development directions. Particularly, we strongly encourage
    submissions dealing with ontology quality aspects and their impact on IR
    results, evaluation of usability of the ObIR systems, analysis of user
    behaviour, new evaluation methods enabling thorough and fine-grained
    analysis of ObIR technological and financial performance, etc.


    All submissions that focus on different aspects of a holistic evaluation
    of the ontology-based information retrieval are invited. The topics of
    interest are as follows:
    - Evaluation of Ontology-based Information Retrieval
      * Information retrieval evaluation
      * Assessment of annotation quality/labour-load
      * Evaluation and benchmarking techniques and datasets
      * Quantitative / qualitative evaluation methods
    * Cost/ utility ratio
    - Ontology quality aspects in Information Retrieval
      * Ontology quality evaluation
      * Ontology utility
      * Ontology maintenance
      * Quantitative / qualitative evaluation methods
    - User acceptance of semantic technology
      * Usability evaluation
      * Quantitative / qualitative evaluation methods
      * Evaluation of human-computer interaction


    We invite submissions of two types: regular papers, and research in progress
    papers. Papers are restricted to a maximum length of 12 pages. Submissions
    must conform to Springer's LNCS format. All accepted papers will be
    published as post-proceedings in a combined APWeb-WAIM'09 workshops
    volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer.

    Papers will be subject to a DOUBLE-BLIND review process by the Program
    Committee, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout
    the review process. The text of the submitted paper should not reveal the
    identity of the authors.

    Submissions for the workshop are handled by Easychair. Use the following
    link to access the submission system:

    The extended best papers will be considered for publication in a standard
    issue of ACM JDIQ (Journal on Data and Information Quality,
    ISSN: 1936-1955). Furthermore, a special issue on Evaluation Aspects
    of Semantic Search Applications of the International Journal on
    Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (by Inderscience, ISSN: 1744-2621)
    containing extended versions of selected papers will be published after
    the workshop. Please note, that the extensions must be significant
    accounting for at least 30% difference from the papers published in the
    workshop proceedings. Preliminary deadline for submission of the extended
    papers is May, 2009. More details will follow later.


    - Darijus Strasunskas (Dept. of Industrial Economics & Technology
    Management, NTNU, Norway)
    - Stein L. Tomassen (Dept. of Computer & Information Science, NTNU,
    - Jinghai Rao (AOL, China).

    Contact at: enqoir09 [at] gmail.com


    - Per Gunnar Auran (Yahoo! Technologies, Norway)
    - Xi Bai (University of Edinburgh, UK)
    - Robert Engels (ESIS, Norway)
    - Avigdor Gal (Technion, Israel)
    - Jon Atle Gulla (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, Norway)
    - Sari E. Hakkarainen (Finland)
    - Monika Lanzenberger (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
    - Kin Fun Li (University of Victoria, Canada)
    - Federica Mandreoli (University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)
    - James C. Mayfield (John Hopkins University, USA)
    - Gabor Nagypal (disy Informationssysteme GmbH, Germany)
    - David Norheim (Computas, Norway)
    - Jaana Kekalainen (Univ. of Tampere, Finland)
    - Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow, UK)
    - Marta Sabou (The Open University, UK)
    - Tetsuya Sakai (NewsWatch, Inc., Japan)
    - Amanda Spink (Queensland Univ. of Technology, Australia)
    - Peter Spyns (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
    - Heiko Stoermer (University of Trento, Italy)
    - Victoria Uren (The Open University, UK)


    January 5, 2009 Submission of papers
    February 2, 2009 Notification about decision
    February 20, 2009 Camera-ready versions due
    April 1, 2009 The workshop


    enqoir09 [at] gmail.com

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