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    发贴心情 Top 10 Destinations for Enterprise Developers at the 2007 JavaOne Conference[转帖]

    By [URL=http://java.sun.com/features/authors.html#ort]Ed Ort[/URL], April 2007     


    [URL=http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/]Articles Index[/URL]

    So much to see, so much to do. This year's JavaOne conference is expanding in many ways, from technical session offerings, to Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions and Hands-on labs, to additional programs such as Java Technology Business Day and Blu-Ray Disc and Cable Day. If you're an enterprise Java developer, you've got a wealth of opportunities to learn from experts on a wide variety of enterprise Java technologies, implementations, and applications. You'll also have the chance to share your experiences and ideas with Conference attendees from all over the world.

    This year's Java EE track is particularly rich in content, with sessions covering enterprise Java topics such as the following:

    Present and future APIs, standards, and specifications
    Enterprise data modeling, persistence, and databases
    Quality of service: security, manageability, availability, scalability, reliability, portability, and performance
    Web services and interoperability with other platforms
    Portal and telephony technologies
    Open-source innovation involving the platform
    Pragmatic testing and debugging techniques
    Case studies on applying the platform to solve real-world problems
    Cool stuff that shows innovation on the platform
    But that's not all. Parallel tracks such as the Open Source track, the Services and Integration track, and the Next Generation Web track also offer interesting sessions for enterprise Java developers. And then there's [URL=http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf/javauniversity.jsp]Java University[/URL], [URL=http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf/netbeansday.jsp]NetBeans Software Day[/URL], and the [URL=http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf/pavilion/index.jsp]JavaOne Pavilion[/URL], all of which are part of the JavaOne conference experience and offer learning opportunities for enterprise developers.

    Here are 10 must-see destinations and some related recommendations for enterprise developers at the 2007 JavaOne conference. Note: The schedule of sessions and speakers is subject to change, so check the [URL=http://www28.cplan.com/cc158/sessions_catalog.jsp]Content Catalog[/URL] periodically.

    Java Persistence 2.0 (TS-4945)
    Speaker: Linda DeMichiel, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    One of the key parts of the EJB 3.0 specification incorporated into Java EE 5 was the Java Persistence API, a new standard API for plain old Java object (POJO) persistence and object/relational mapping. Work is ongoing to define the next level of the standard: Java Persistence 2.0. In this session, Linda DeMichiel, the EJB 3.0 specification co-lead and chief architect at Sun Microsystems for EJB technology, discusses some of the topics under consideration by the Java Persistence 2.0 Expert Group and progress to date.

    If you plan to port applications that use the Java Persistence API, you'll also want to attend the session "Java Persistence API: Portability Do&acute;s and Don&acute;ts" (TS-4568). In this session, Oracle's Michael Keith, the EJB 3.0 specification co-lead with Linda DeMichiel, covers some of the practices that can cause portability problems for persistence code. And if you want to learn more do's and don'ts about the Java Persistence API, attend the session "Java Persistence API: Best Practices and Tips" (TS-4902). Here, Sun technology evangelist Rima Patel Sriganesh steps you through some best practices for designing applications that use the Java Persistence API.

    Implementing Java EE Applications Using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 Technology: Real-World Tips, Tricks, and New Design Patterns (TS-4721)
    Speakers: Fabiane Nardon, Zilics; and Edgar Silva, Summa Technologies

    This session presents techniques and tips for building effective enterprise applications using EJB 3.0 technology. The presenters, Fabiane Nardon and Edgar Silva, have real-life experience building EJB 3.0-based applications. Nardon, the CTO of Zilics, a Brazilian healthcare information systems provider, is responsible for all technical aspects of large distributed projects. Silva, a senior consultant at Summa Technologies, has designed and developed Java EE applications for industries such as finance and telecommunications. They'll share their experiences and discuss some of the problems and pitfalls they encountered. They'll also identify some of the successful techniques they developed in using EJB 3.0 technology.

    If you want to learn about future enhancements to EJB technology, attend the session "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 Technology" (TS-4247). Kenneth Saks, the specification lead for Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, will cover some of the key features under consideration for the EJB 3.1 specification.

    Takes Two to Tango: Java Web Services and .NET Interoperability (TS-4865)
    Speakers: Harold Carr, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Arun Gupta, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Interoperability is a key issue to enterprise Java technology developers, and certainly many have hoped for application interoperability between the Java EE platform and Microsoft .NET. The good news is that Sun and Microsoft engineers are working together to smooth the way to interoperability -- especially for enterprise Java technology applications. In this session, Harold Carr and Arun Gupta talk about Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT) -- also known as Project Tango -- an implementation of open web services technologies that enables interoperability between Java EE and the .NET framework. Carr is Sun's lead architect for enterprise web services interoperability at Sun Microsystems, and Gupta is a Sun staff engineer who works in the Web Technologies and Standards team. Attend this session and see a demonstration of web services interoperability using WSIT. You'll also learn about the future roadmap for Java Web Services-.NET interoperability.

    Advanced Spring Framework (TS-7755)
    Speaker: Rod Johnson, Interface21

    The Spring framework is a popular POJO-oriented, open-source framework for developing Java EE platform applications. In this session, Spring's cofounder Rod Johnson covers some advanced features of the Spring component model such as the extensible XML configuration support added in Spring 2.0.

    If you use Spring and want to migrate your applications to Java EE 5, the place to be is the session "Embracing the Standard: Migrating a Spring/Hibernate Application to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5" (BOF-4181). SAP software developers Adrian G&ouml;rler and Robin de Silva Jayasinghe share their experiences in migrating a midscale web application using Spring/Hibernate to a pure Java EE 5 application. Two other Spring/Hibernate sessions of interest are "Building JavaServer Faces Applications with Spring and Hibernate" (TS-7082), hosted by Kito Mann, editor-in-chief of JSF Central and consultant Chris Richardson; and "Three Approaches to Securing Your JavaServer Faces Technology/Spring/Hibernate Applications" (TS-4514), hosted by Ray Lai of Intuit and Jaya Doraiswamy of ELM Resources.

    Open-Source Java: Grokking the Future and New Opportunities (TS-7498)
    Speakers: Simon Phipps, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Patrick Finch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    This session isn't only for enterprise Java developers, it's for anyone interested in open-source Java platform-based projects. In this session, Simon Phipps, Sun's chief spokesperson on open-source software, technology trends, and futures, is joined by Sun's Patrick Finch, one of the leaders of the OpenSolaris Content project. They'll discuss, among other things, Sun's business strategy for open-source Java platform-based projects.

    Phipps also joins Apache's Cliff Schmidt and Eben Moglen of the Free Software Foundation for a panel discussion on open-source licensing. It's called "Open-Source Licensing Emergency Room Panel" (TS-7495).

    Here's a session whose title makes it a compelling destination: "Open-Source Java Projects: Meet the Sausage Makers' Panel" (TS-7497). Consultant Daniel Steinberg leads a panel of developers who have taken part in, led, or benefited from open-source projects related to Java technology. They'll share their "sausage maker" experiences in open-source projects with you.

    The Future of the Java Technology Web Tier (TS-6381)
    Speaker: Rajiv Mordani, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Java EE 5 added a variety of features in the web tier that make things a lot simpler for enterprise Java developers. Join Sun senior engineer Rajiv Mordani for this session, and learn about some of the new and cool enhancements that are planned for the web tier in Java EE 6. Hint: The web tier will add significant new support for building Web 2.0-style applications.

    If you're interested in support for building Web 2.0-style applications using web tier technologies, come to the "JavaServer Faces Technology and Ajax Panel Discussion" (TS-6713). Hosted by Gary Horen, the Program Manager for Ajax and programming languages in the BEA Workshop organization, and Dennis Byrne of ThoughtWorks, the panel will address why Ajax and JavaServer Faces technology are a good match. They'll also look at some of the challenges involved in designing an Ajax web application with JavaServer Faces technology, as well as some other interesting aspects of this intersection of Ajax and JavaServer Faces technology.

    jMaki: Web 2.0 App Building Made Easy" (TS-6375)
    Speakers: Greg Murray, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Carla Mott, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    The Next Generation Web track offers a host of sessions related to Web 2.0. One of them is this session on jMaki, a lightweight framework that simplifies creating Web 2.0 applications. Among other things, jMaki wraps JavaScript widgets, such as those in the Dojo toolkit, in JSP custom tag handlers or JavaServer Faces components, allowing you to access the widgets as JavaServer Pages (JSP) tags or JSF components. Here, Sun's Ajax architect, Greg Murray, and Sun engineer Carla Mott show you how to use jMaki, and discuss how it simplifies building Web 2.0 applications.

    Web 2.0 applications typically involve some sort of scripting. Find out about some of the recent advances in the Java platform's support for server-side scripting in the session "Project Phobos: Server-Side Scripting for the Java Platform" (TS-6957). Project Phobos is a lightweight, scripting-friendly, web application environment whose goal is to marry the productivity and interactivity of scripting with the high performance and reliability of the Java platform. The speakers for this session are Sun senior architect Ludovic Champenois and Project Phobos architect Roberto Chinnici.

    Seam and SOA (TS-4092)
    Speaker: Gavin King, JBoss

    The Seam framework integrates the EJB 3.0 component model with JavaServer Faces technology as a presentation tier. This enables some neat things for enterprise developers, such as directly binding EJB components to JavaServer Faces technology-based pages. Seam has been successfully used as the programming model for JavaServer Faces-based web applications. Recent work in Seam has focused on bringing this same programming model to service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments. Come to this session and hear Seam's creator, Gavin King (yes, the same Gavin King who founded the Hibernate Project), discuss some of the aspects of applying the Seam programming model to SOA.

    You can also attend some good Seam-related BOFs: "Improve and Expand JavaServer Faces Technology With JBoss Seam" (BOF-4400), led by Michael Yuan of Red Hat Inc. and Kito Mann, editor-in-chief of JSF Central; and "Rapid Seam Application Development With the NetBeans IDE" (BOF-9792), with Michael Yuan and Sun's Petr Pisl.

    JSR 311: The Java API for RESTful Web Services (TS-6411)
    Speakers: Marc Hadley, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; Paul Sandoz, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Peter Liu, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Lightweight, RESTful approaches are emerging as a popular alternative to SOAP-based technologies for deploying services on the Internet. However, developing these kind of services using the Java platform is significantly more complex than developing SOAP-based services. The Java API for RESTful web services (JSR 311) is designed to simplify the development of REST-based services using the Java platform. Learn more about the API in this session with Sun staff engineers Marc Hadley, Paul Sandoz, and Peter Liu.

    The Services and Integration track offers a good set of web services-related sessions and BOFs. For instance, in "Service Virtualization: Separating Business Logic From Policy Enforcement" (TS-8459), Sun staff engineer Ron Ten-Hove and Layer 7 Technologies' Scott Morrison introduce service virtualization, a technique that separates the core logic of a service from enforcement of policies related to the service's use. In "Tips and Techniques for Achieving Web Services Interoperability in Enterprise Applications" (BOF-8081), Oracle's Tugdual Grall and Velmurugan Subramanian discuss some of the considerations for ensuring interoperability among web services providers and consumers.

    Technical Overview of GlassFish v2 (TS-4436)
    Speakers: Dhiru Pandey, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Larry White, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    In June 2005, Sun launched Project GlassFish -- an action that opened to the Java community the development of a Java EE 5 platform-compliant application server. Since then, a large and growing community of developers has actively participated in the project. The GlassFish community has already delivered GlassFish v1, a robust commercial, production-quality, Java EE 5 platform-compatible application server. GlassFish v1 is free for development, deployment, and redistribution. Now the community is working on GlassFish v2. Attend this session and get the technical details on what's new in GlassFish v2, as presented by Sun staff Engineers Dhiru Pandey and Larry White.

    For more on GlassFish v2, attend the quite descriptively titled session "Dive into the GlassFish Aquarium: Discuss the GlassFish Community and Open-Source Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 with the Experts" (BOF-7613) led by Sun Distinguished Engineer Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart and Sun's group product marketing manager for Java EE, Ken Drachnik.

    These and a host of other sessions should make the 2007 JavaOne conference a truly interesting and enriching experience for enterprise developers.

    [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-28 14:54:52编辑过]

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