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    发贴心情 [news] OASIS News: 17 Oct 2008

    OASIS News
    17 Oct 2008

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * UOML Part 1 version 1.0 becomes an OASIS Standard
    * OASIS Standard vote opens for two emergency management specs
    * OASIS Member Sections hold elections for Steering Committees
    * MadCap becomes newest Sponsor member
    * OASIS cosponsors DocTrain East
    * Upcoming events

    UOML Part 1 version 1.0 becomes an OASIS Standard

    Members have approved version 1.0 of the Unstructured Operation Markup Language (UOML) Part 1 as an OASIS Standard. UOML defines a markup language for unstructured document operation. Congratulations to UOML TC co-chairs, Yan Shi and Alex Wang of Beijing Sursen International Information Technology, and to all TC participants, including representatives of Primeton and Avaya, for this accomplishment.


    OASIS Standard vote opens for two emergency management specs

    Balloting for the Emergency Data Exchange Language Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) 1.0 and for the Emergency Data Exchange Language Hospital AVailability Exchange (EDXL-HAVE) 1.0 is now underway and will close 31 Oct. EDXL-RM describes a suite of standard messages for data sharing among emergency and other information systems that deal in requesting and providing emergency equipment, supplies, people, and teams. EDXL-HAVE describes a standard message for data sharing among emergency information systems using EDXL. The specifications were developed by representatives of AtHoc, EDS, ESI Acquisition, Sandia National Laboratories, Warning Systems, and others. All organizational members of OASIS are encouraged to vote on EDXL-RM and EDXL-HAVE; those who wish to discuss these ballots may do so through member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org.


    OASIS Member Sections hold elections for Steering Committees

    Nominations are now open for two seats on the Emergency Interoperability Member Section (EI MS) Steering Committee and one seat on the Open CSA MS Steering Committee. The EI MS accelerates the development, adoption, application, and implementation of emergency interoperability and communications standards and related work. Open CSA advances open standards that simplify SOA application development. All respective Member Section participants are invited to nominate qualified candidates and/or serve.


    MadCap becomes newest Sponsor member

    MadCap Software provides a family of tightly integrated applications for end-to-end content development, delivery and management. Members who would like to invite MadCap to participate in specific committees should contact member-services@oasis-open.org.


    OASIS cosponsors DocTrain East

    The 10th Annual Documentation & Training East Conference will focus on the theme of "Producing Quality Content". The event, which will be held 29 Oct-1 Nov in Burlington, MA, USA, includes a special focus on both software documentation project best practices and translation and localization issues. Companies that practice what they preach will be showcased. Sessions on several OASIS Standards, including DITA, will be featured. OASIS members receive a discount off registration.


    **Encourage colleagues to subscribe to OASIS News by emailing

    Upcoming events cosponsored by OASIS:

    29 Oct - 1 Nov
    DocTrain East
    Burlington, MA, USA

    3-6 Nov
    DITA/TechComm Conference
    Raleigh, NC, USA

    6-7 Nov
    Standards Edge Conference
    Brussels, Belgium

    2-4 Dec
    Gilbane Boston Conference
    Boston, MA, USA

    8-10 Dec
    XML-in-Practice 2008
    Arlington, VA, USA

    9-10 Dec
    Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementer Workshop
    Geneva, Switzerland

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