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     * 贴子主题: OASIS News: 17 Dec 2008 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Ontology Engineering | Web Services    
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    发贴心情 OASIS News: 17 Dec 2008

    OASIS News
    17 Dec 2008

    Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium.

    In this issue:

    * eGov workshop in Brussels will focus on Public Finance
    * Symmetric Key Services Markup Language 1.0 public review begins
    * Reference Ontology for Semantic SOA 1.0 public review begins
    * OASIS eGov Member Section holds Steering Committee elections
    * Volunteers translate oBIX into Japanese, DITA and XLIFF into French
    * OASIS seeks senior web developer

    eGov workshop in Brussels will focus on Public Finance

    The Belgian Federal Ministry of Finance, Service Public Federal Finance [SPFF] and the OASIS eGovernment Member Section will host a workshop on "Public Finance: ICT Solutions Using SOA and Web Services." The event, which will be held on 19 Feb, is designed to bring together a wide range of officials from various ministries concerned with tax, revenue and related public finance issues, members of the secretariats of several international and European organizations, and representatives of technology companies and industry/trade associations. There is no cost to attend; however space is limited and delegates are advised to register early.


    Symmetric Key Services Markup Language 1.0 public review begins

    SKSML is an XML-based messaging protocol that enables applications executing on computing devices to request and receive symmetric key-management services from centralized key-management servers, securely, over networks. This public review is limited in scope and ends 26 Dec.


    Reference Ontology for Semantic SOA 1.0 public review begins

    Developed by the Semantic Execution Environment TC, the Reference Ontology for Semantic SOA is an abstract framework for understanding significant entities and their relationships within a semantically enabled, service-oriented environment. This public review ends 7 Feb.


    OASIS eGov Member Section holds Steering Committee elections

    Nominations are now open for five seats on the OASIS eGovernment Member Section (eGov MS) Steering Committee. The eGov MS serves as a focal point for discussions of governmental and public administration requirements for e-business standardization. Two seats on the Steering Committee are reserved for employees of governmental or public administration entities, and three seats are open to any eGov MS member. All eGov MS participants are invited to nominate qualified candidates and/or serve.


    Volunteers translate oBIX into Japanese, DITA and XLIFF into French

    OASIS congratulates LonMark Japan for translating the OBIX 1.0 Committee Specification into Japanese and Jean-Jacques Solari for translating both the DITA v1.1 and XLIFF v1.2 OASIS Standards into French. These are all unofficial, non-normative documents provided to the global community as an informational service.

    oBIX http://lmjapan.org/docs/technique/obix-1.0-cs-01jpn00.pdf
    DITA http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/oasis/dita11/overview/overview.html
    XLIFF http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/oasis/xliff12/index.html

    OASIS seeks senior web developer

    The consortium has a job opening for a full-time developer to take a lead role in web applications, data modeling, and software implementation and integration. This position is part of our Technology Services team responsible for both the development and ongoing support of the web collaboration services offered to our members. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.


    Important dates:

    26 Dec
    Symmetric Key Services Markup Language 1.0 public review ends

    6 Jan
    UBL 2.0 International Data Dictionary public review ends

    13-15 Jan
    SOA-Tel TC holds first meeting (face-to-face)

    7 Feb
    Reference Ontology for Semantic SOA 1.0 public review ends

    19 Feb
    OASIS eGov workshop on Public Finance (Brussels)


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