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    发贴心情 NetBeans News

    Issue # 376 - Jan 26, 2009
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3144]Register for Webinar: MySQL, NetBeans & Rails (Jan 27)[/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 Learn to leverage the NetBeans IDE and the JRuby-on-Rails framework to deploy MySQL-backed applications on GlassFish in a FREE and LIVE technical webinar on Tuesday, January 27th.

    Topic: Developing MySQL-Backed Applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails

    Time: 10:00 am PDT, 1:00 pm EDT, 18:00 GMT (The presentation will be approximately 45 minutes long followed by Q&A.)

    Project News
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3207]Updated: PDF Viewer and Bookmarking Plugin for NetBeans IDE[/URL][/B]

    IDRsolutions has updated its free PDF viewer and bookmarking plugin for the NetBeans IDE. The plugin allows users to view and search PDFs on their computers or the Internet, and also allows PDFs to be bookmarked for quick and easy access. This update improves speed, fixes all reported bugs and is also available from the NetBeans IDE's Update Center and the [URL=http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/]NetBeans Plugin Portal[/URL].
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3206]Understanding the JavaFX Scene Graph[/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 Inyoung Cho and Cindy Church describe the JavaFX Scene Graph and demonstrate how it is used by running a sample JavaFX application in the NetBeans IDE.

    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3203]Creating a CRUD Application with PHP[/URL][/B]

    In this tutorial, create and run a simple web application using a MySQL database and PHP support in the NetBeans IDE. The sample application lets you share information on wish lists (for birthdays, holidays, and so on) with your friends.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3205]Developing Jython Apps Using NetBeans[/URL][/B]

    Python and Jython support is available in NetBeans 6.5 via the nbPython plugin. This tutorial covers installation of the plugin and then shows how to generate a small Jython application that uses Java libraries contained within an external JAR file.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3204]Working with JavaScript Toolkits in NetBeans IDE 6.5[/URL][/B]

    按此在新窗口浏览图片 A screencast demonstrating how to add a JavaScript toolkit to a project, and how to register toolkits with the NetBeans IDE.

    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3209]Model-Based Code Insight and Completion in NetBeans[/URL][/B]

    A developer discovers how NetBeans IDE handles code insight and completion for CakePHP.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3210]Tech Tip: New Plugin, Slow NetBeans?[/URL][/B]

    You installed a new plugin in NetBeans and now the IDE has slowed down or has stopped responding. Adam Bien offers a quick fix.
    [B][URL=http://www.netbeans.info/newsletter/story.php?id=3208]DTrace, NetBeans IDE and Python[/URL][/B]

    Amit Saha writes about how to start using the DTrace plugin for NetBeans IDE with Python.

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