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    >> 本版讨论Java, J2SE, J2ME, J2EE, 以及Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder等Java开发环境,还有JSP, JavaServlet, JavaBean, EJB以及struts, hibernate, spring, webwork2, Java 3D, JOGL等相关技术。
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     * 贴子主题: JComponentPack产品NetBeans IDE插件免费下载[下载] 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 JComponentPack产品NetBeans IDE插件免费下载[下载]

    JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE 6.5

        1. Download the JComponentPack Product and JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE from:  
           JComponentPack Product Evaluation Version: [url=http://www.zfqjava.com/download/componentpack-1_5_0-eval.zip]componentpack-1_5_0-eval.zip[/url] (Size: 5.10 MB)
             JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE: [url=http://www.zfqjava.com/download/com-zfqjava-ide-netbeans.nbm]com-zfqjava-ide-netbeans.nbm[/url] (Size: 1.84 MB)

        2. Click “Tools -> Plugins” to open the Plug-in  Manager, then at “Downloaded” Tab add the plugin:

        3. Select the Plug-in “JComponentPack” and  then click “Install”.
         After Installation, restart the NetBeans  IDE, you will find the following changes:
        1. At the Toolbar, you will find the Plug-in  button:

         2. At the Library Manager, the Library named  “JComponentPack” has been added:
       3. At the Component Palette window, the “JComponentPack”  category has been added:
      You can drag the  component at the Palette to your form:

      Main Window
         Click the new added button on the Toolbar,  the following window will open:
    You can configure the latest JComponentPack  version, just choose the JComponentPack product directory.
            License  Tool
         Request Evaluation License:
    You can request a evaluation license, a free evaluation licensewillsend to your email box shortly, please input your real emailaddress toavoid cannot receive the license, [url=http://www.zfqjava.com/privacy.html]we value your  privacy[/url].
      Input  License:
           After  you receive the license, you can input the license data here.
      Generate  Java Code:
       Ifyou want to use our product on your project, you need configurethelicense correctly, this tool will help you generate a Java String.
      Then  invoke the following code:    // the code means the above license data
      Run  JComponentPack Demo:
    You can run the several JComponentPack Demo at NetBeans IDEdirectly,you need configure the JComponentPack product home at first.Run JDataGridBean: This will launch the  JDataGridBean application.
        Run DataGridDemo: This will launch the many  JDataGrid Spreadsheet Edition demos.
        Run JDataTableBean: This will launch the  JDataTableBean application.
    Run ComponentSetDemo: This will launch the individual component demo,such as JListView, JFontChooser, JCalendar, JWizardPane.

      NetBeans  IDE Integration:
      Add as Class Library: This will adds the  current JComponentPack product to the Class Library.
      There are several documents to help you  learning and using the JComponentPack product.
        If you configure the JComponentPack product home directory to thelicensed binary version, you will view the JavaDoc API in your codeeditor of NetBeans IDE directly, configure it to the licensed sourcecode version, you will view the source code and JavaDoc API in yourcode editor directly. After you configure the JComponentPack producthome directory, you should run "Add as Class Library" again to makeyour configuration works.
          How to get the JComponentPack product binary version or source version?
    [url=http://www.zfqjava.com/buynow.html]Get it Now![/url]   
    Configure it and the JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE willaccelerate your project development process,         save time, reducecosts for your team.

    [font=verdana][size=14px][b][url=http://www.zfqjava.com.cn/]奇新Java控件——Java控件提供商和Java RIA, Web, J2ME解决方案开发商[/url][/b]
    [b][url=http://www.zfqjava.com/zh_CN/docs-JComponentPack.html]JComponentPack[/url][/b]是基于Swing框架的Java GUI控件集合,它包括[url=http://www.zfqjava.com/zh_CN/docs-datagrid.html]JDataGrid电子表格版本[/url], [url=http://www.zfqjava.com/zh_CN/docs-datatable.html]JDataGrid数据库版本[/url],[url=http://www.zfqjava.com/zh_CN/docs-componentset.html]JComponentSet--Java swing控件集[/url]。


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