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    >> VoiceXML, CCXML, OpenVXI
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     * 贴子主题: 关于OPENVXI中VXIValue类 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     yuyuanb7 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 关于OPENVXI中VXIValue类

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    struct VXIValue;
    struct VXIBoolean;
    struct VXIInteger;
    struct VXIFloat;
    struct VXIString;
    struct VXIPtr;
    struct VXIContent;
    struct VXIMap;
    struct VXIVector;
    struct VXIDouble;
    struct VXIULong;
    struct VXILong;
    struct VXIMapIterator;

    typedef struct VXIValue   { void * dummy; } VXIValue;
    typedef struct VXIBoolean { void * dummy; } VXIBoolean;
    typedef struct VXIInteger { void * dummy; } VXIInteger;
    typedef struct VXIFloat   { void * dummy; } VXIFloat;
    typedef struct VXIString  { void * dummy; } VXIString;
    typedef struct VXIPtr     { void * dummy; } VXIPtr;
    typedef struct VXIContent { void * dummy; } VXIContent;
    typedef struct VXIMap     { void * dummy; } VXIMap;
    typedef struct VXIVector  { void * dummy; } VXIVector;
    typedef struct VXIDouble  { void * dummy; } VXIDouble;
    typedef struct VXIULong   { void * dummy; } VXIULong;
    typedef struct VXILong    { void * dummy; } VXILong;
    class VXIValue;
    class VXIBoolean;
    class VXIInteger;
    class VXIFloat;
    class VXIPtr;
    class VXIString;
    class VXIContent;
    class VXIMap;
    class VXIVector;
    class VXIMapIterator;
    class VXIContentData;
    class VXIDouble;
    class VXIULong;
    class VXILong;


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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2007/8/13 11:47:00
     zhu_ruixian 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?射手座1983-12-2

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    * Define each type as an opaque structure to get full information hiding
    * while ensuring strong compiler type checks. The actual implementation
    * defines these structures however it wants.

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    struct VXIValue;
    struct VXIBoolean;
    struct VXIInteger;
    struct VXIFloat;
    struct VXIString;
    struct VXIPtr;
    struct VXIContent;
    struct VXIMap;
    struct VXIVector;
    struct VXIDouble;
    struct VXIULong;
    struct VXILong;
    struct VXIMapIterator;

    typedef struct VXIValue   { void * dummy; } VXIValue;
    typedef struct VXIBoolean { void * dummy; } VXIBoolean;
    typedef struct VXIInteger { void * dummy; } VXIInteger;
    typedef struct VXIFloat   { void * dummy; } VXIFloat;
    typedef struct VXIString  { void * dummy; } VXIString;
    typedef struct VXIPtr     { void * dummy; } VXIPtr;
    typedef struct VXIContent { void * dummy; } VXIContent;
    typedef struct VXIMap     { void * dummy; } VXIMap;
    typedef struct VXIVector  { void * dummy; } VXIVector;
    typedef struct VXIDouble  { void * dummy; } VXIDouble;
    typedef struct VXIULong   { void * dummy; } VXIULong;
    typedef struct VXILong    { void * dummy; } VXILong;

    typedef struct VXIMapIterator  { void * dummy; } VXIMapIterator;

    // Forward declarations, required because we mask out the struct definitions
    // in VXIvalue.h with the define below

    class VXIValue;
    class VXIBoolean;
    class VXIInteger;
    class VXIFloat;
    class VXIPtr;
    class VXIString;
    class VXIContent;
    class VXIMap;
    class VXIVector;
    class VXIMapIterator;
    class VXIContentData;
    class VXIDouble;
    class VXIULong;
    class VXILong;

    你看一下黑体字部分  #ifdef __cplusplus 是判断编译器是C 还是C++编译器.


    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2007/8/14 23:11:00
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