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     * 贴子主题: 第五届高级数据挖掘及其应用国际会议(ADMA2009)征文通知 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Ontology Language | Web Services    
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    发贴心情 第五届高级数据挖掘及其应用国际会议(ADMA2009)征文通知

    The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA2009)Beijing, China.  August 17-19, 2009.

    NOTE: The schedule of the conference has been changed, please check out! Also, the website has been updated, welcome to the new access.

    http://www.adma2009.org   (for public user)
    http://ksei.bnu.edu.cn/adma2009  (for CERNET user in China)

    ADMA2009 aims at bringing together the experts on data mining in the world, and provides a leading international forum for the dissemination of original research results in data mining, spanning applications, algorithms, software and systems, and different applied disciplines with potential in data mining.

    The Proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, and indexed by EI. A selected number of the accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in "Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal" (http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~kais/) by Springer.

    The important dates of ADMA 2009 are:
    April 13, 2009 Submission of full papers
    May 25, 2009 Notification of papers acceptance
    Jun 3, 2009 Deadline of early registration
    Jun 3, 2009 Deadline of final camera-ready

    We invite authors to submit papers on any topics of advanced data mining and applications, including but not limited to:

    Advanced Data Mining Topics

        * 1. Grand challenges of data mining
        * 2. Parallel and distributed data mining algorithms
        * 3. Mining on data streams
        * 4. Graph and subgraph mining
        * 5. Spatial data mining
        * 6. Text, video, multimedia data mining
        * 7. Web mining
        * 8. High performance data mining algorithms
        * 9. Correlation mining
        * 10. Bench marking and evaluations
        * 11. Interactive data mining
        * 12. Data-mining-ready structures and pre-processing
        * 13. Data mining visualization
        * 14. Information hiding in data mining
        * 15. Security and privacy issues
        * 16. Competitive analysis of mining algorithms

    Data Mining Applications (applied data mining in following listed areas)

        * 1. Database administration, indexing, performance tuning
        * 2. Grid computing
        * 3. DNA Sequencing, Bioinformatics, Genomics, and biometrics
        * 4. Image interpretations
        * 5. E-commerce and Web services
        * 6. Medical informatics
        * 7. Disaster prediction
        * 8. Remote monitoring
        * 9. Financial market analysis
        * 10. Online filtering
        * 11. Application of Data Mining in Education < /o:p>

    For detailed information, please visit the ADMA 2009 conference website.

    For more info: please mail to adma2009@bnu.edu.cn (Organization Committee).

    Beijing Normal University
    R&D Center for Knowledge Engineering

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