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    发贴心情 [EI indexed] Data, Privacy, & E-Commerce  ISDPE2010 Call for Papers

    Data, Privacy, & E-Commerce

    ISDPE2010 Call for Papers
    (EI indexed; Technically co-sponsored by IEEE computer society)
    Conference website: http://aimlab.cs.uoregon.edu/ISDPE10/papers.html

    The Second International Symposium on Data processing, Privacy, and E-commerce (ISDPE 2010) is an international conference  technically sponsored by the IEEE computer society, covering the research of data processing, data privacy, and electronic commerce. The aim of ISDPE 2010 is to bring together computer scientists and electrical engineers in all the related areas under one roof, such that the interactions among the experts of these areas can be promoted and new interdisciplinary technologies can be developed.
    The ISDPE2010 conference seeks submissions of research papers reporting original investigation results related to data processing, data privacy and electronic commerce, as well as industrial papers reporting their applications. Position papers and work-in-progress papers will also be considered. Please indicate clearly on your submission which category it belongs to. The topics of the papers will include but are not limited to the following:
       Data Processing:
        Database techniques
        Data pre-processing and post-processing
        Data integration
        Online transactions processing
        Data mining algorithms
       Data Privacy:
        Data Integrity
        Access control
        Network security
        Key management
        Intrusion detection
        Security management
        Database security
        Automated shopping and trading
        Computational economics
        Information markets
        Payment and exchange protocols
        Reputation and trust systems

    Important Dates:
    Paper Submission: 11:59pm PDT, May 1, 2010
    Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 2010
    submission of final version and author registration deadline: July 5, 2010
    Conference: September 13-14, 2010

    Paper Submission:
    Submissions are to be made to the Submission Website at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isdpe10
    All papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF or PS format. Submitted papers must not have any significant overlap with published papers or submissions to other journals or conferences. Submissions should be at most 6 pages(8.5" x 11", Two-Column Format). Please see the formatting instruction at http://www.computer.org/CPS for details.
    Note that the proceedings will be completely included in the IEEE Xplore digital library, and indexed by EI.

    Honorary Chairs
        Sushil Jajodia                                        George Mason University, USA
        (University Professor,
         BDM International Professor
         of Information Technology, Director
         of Center for Secure Information

        Vipin Kumar                                      University of Minnesota, USA
        (William Norris Professor, Department
         Head, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS

    General Chair
        Shambhu J. Upadhyaya                      State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

    General Co-Chair 
        Zhiqiu Huang                       Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

    Program Chairs
        Dejing Dou                                        University of Oregon, USA

        Xintao Wu                                         University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
    Organization Chair
        Sheng Zhong                                     State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

    Organization Co-Chair
        Rui Xue                                             Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Organization Co-Chair
        Jiqiang Liu                                          Beijing Jiaotong University, China

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