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----  关于启动翻译 W3C RDF Primer 的倡 议(完成初审,欢迎大家Review)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=8689)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/8/2004 2:20:00 PM

--  关于启动翻译 W3C RDF Primer 的倡 议(完成初审,欢迎大家Review)
已提交给W3C, 译文链接为 http://zh.transwiki.org/cn/rdfprimer.htm[/color]

W3C RDF Primer Recommendation是一个重要的RDF规范。该规范是W3C RDF系列规范中内容相对简单的一个文 档,适于RDF入门者。


因此,翻译RDF Primer的意义非常重大,对SW技术面向非科研人员的推广等将起到积极的作用,希望更多有能力参加翻译的朋友加入我们的小组,共同完成该文档的翻译 。


使用Wiki的好处是,对于那些很想为翻译计划贡献力量、而时间精力有限的朋友,可以量力而行,根据自己的 情况,选择翻译其中一段文字、或修改他人的翻译,而不影响整个翻译的协作过程。


本次翻译行动的Leader是:trevol (拥有翻译过程中异议的最终裁决权。比如关于同一段文字的不同译法的最 终决定。)

开始时间为7月中旬,结束时间为8月底。翻译完成后,翻译小组将召集有相关研究背景的人士进行为期15天的 Review。如果没有异议,翻译文档将被提交给W3C。



请愿意加入本次翻译计划的朋友先去 http://Wiki.w3china.org 注册用户,


RDF primer 总共有7个主要的章节 ,共139页。


第一章 简介                                -4页  (初稿:admin,初审: orangebench )
第二章 资源描述语句                    -24页 (初稿:forwar,初审: orangebench)
第三章 RDF的XML语法                  -19页 (初稿:admin,初审: trevol)
第四章 其它RDF能力特征               -24页(初稿:orangebench,初审: npubird)
第五章 定义RDF 词汇 RDF Schema   -
                           5.1-5.2                        (15页,初稿:trevol,初审: admin)
                           5.3-5.5                       (4页,初稿:orangebench,初审:admin)
第六章 RDF应用领域                           -31页

6.1 都柏林核心元数据计划  5页          --(初稿:Ontoweb,初审: orangebench )
6.2 PRISM 5页                                 (初稿:forwar,初审: orangebench)
6.3 XPackage 4页                          (初稿:weekend,初审: orangebench)
6.4 RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary 4页  ---(初稿:trevol,初审: monbit)
6.5 CIM/XML 4页                          (初稿:nybon,初审: orangebench)
6.6 基因本体联盟 4页                 (初稿:nybon,初审: orangebench)
6.7 设备能力与用户偏好描述 4页         (初稿:orangebench,初审: admin)

第七章 RDF规范相关文档                     - 2页  (orangebench,已完成初稿)
附录                                                  11页(初稿:admin,初审: orangebench )

致谢: trevol  

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-3 19:24:22编辑过]

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/8/2004 11:54:00 PM

"http://wiki.w3china.org"我已经访问了,并注册了用户名:forwar,现在已经基本掌握了Wiki的使用方法,我十分想加入这次W3C RDF Primer 的翻译活动,虽然我水平不高,但我时间和精力很充裕(我现在在放暑假),每天保证可以至少有2-3个小时时间可以用在翻译上;至于能翻译的部分,我感觉都差不多--因为都有难度,如果我可以参加,那我可以接受分配下来的任务。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-9 0:24:32编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 1:27:00 AM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 8:37:00 AM

欢迎forwar, 留个 MAIL 或者MSN吧。。。呵呵
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 9:06:00 AM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 10:17:00 AM


RDF primer 总共有7个主要的章节 ,共139页。

第一章 简介                                       -4页
第二章 资源描述语句                          -24页
第三章 RDF的XML语法                        -19页
第四章 其它RDF能力特征                     -24页
第五章 定义RDF 词汇 RDF Schema          -19页
第六章 RDF应用领域                           -31页
第七章 RDF规范相关文档                     - 2页
其它                                                  11页



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 11:00:00 AM

关于翻译中遇到的相关术语,请参见 http://wiki.w3china.org/wiki/index.php/Terminology

如遇到未包含在内的术语,可以来这l讨论,或直接在 http://wiki.w3china.org/wiki/index.php/Terminology 里添加(遇到问题,再来这里讨论)

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 1:38:00 PM

谢谢admin,trevol!我的EMAIL:forwar@w3china.org. MSN:forwarr@hotmail.com,欢迎和我联系!谢谢!
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 9:17:00 PM


It introduces the basic concepts of RDF and describes its XML syntax.

它介绍了RDF的基本概念并且描述了它的可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)的语法。

句中的XML syntax译为可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)的语法,不知行不行。

It describes how to define RDF vocabularies using the RDF Vocabulary Description Language,


the RDF Vocabulary Description 译为RDF词汇描述术语,不知行不行,这些http://wiki.w3china.org/wiki/index.php/Terminology里没有,所以先试着翻了下,请大家看看。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 9:48:00 PM


以下是引用forwar在2004-7-9 21:17:56的发言:

It introduces the basic concepts of RDF and describes its XML syntax.

它介绍了RDF的基本概念并且描述了它的可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)的语法。
句中的XML syntax译为可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)的语法,不知行不行
可译为:基于XML(eXtensible Markup Language,可扩展标记语言)的语法,好像通顺点。

It describes how to define RDF vocabularies using the RDF Vocabulary Description Language,
the RDF Vocabulary Description 译为RDF词汇描述术语,不知行不行,这些http://wiki.w3china.org/wiki/index.php/Terminology里没有,所以先试着翻了下,请大家看看。

It describes how to define RDF vocabularies using the RDF Vocabulary Description Language,

RDF vocabularies :RDF词汇集

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 9:51:00 PM

可以参考 宋老师的新书:
《语义网 简明教程》
还有 trevol的博士论文
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 10:18:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 10:22:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-9 21:51:12的发言:
可以参考 宋老师的新书:
《语义网 简明教程》
还有 trevol的博士论文

Other documents may supersede this document.

总感觉这里少了个No,会不会是No Other documents.....呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-9 23:55:06编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 11:53:00 PM

个人觉得如果原文没有把XML展开为Extensible Markup Language,译文中也不需要把。
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/9/2004 11:57:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-9 23:53:14的发言:
个人觉得如果原文没有把XML展开为Extensible Markup Language,译文中也不需要把。


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 1:10:00 AM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-9 23:57:30的发言:
[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-9 23:53:14的发言:
个人觉得如果原文没有把XML展开为Extensible Markup Language,译文中也不需要把。


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 1:14:00 PM

在2. Making Statements About Resources中有这两句话:感觉翻的不顺手,情大家修改一下:

1.Parts of this statement are emphasized to illustrate that, in order to describe the properties of something, there need to be ways to name, or identify, a number of things:

2.the thing the statement says is the value of this property (who the creator is), for the thing the statement describes


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 2:30:00 PM

statement的标准翻译是什么? 陈述,语句,声明?

1.Parts of this statement are emphasized to illustrate that, in order to describe the properties of something, there need to be ways to name, or identify, a number of things:
这个声明的各个部分被强调了是想说明: 为了描述某些事物的特性,需要某种方法去命名或者是识别事物,使其不致于混淆。


以下是引用forwar在2004-7-10 13:14:53的发言:
在2. Making Statements About Resources中有这两句话:感觉翻的不顺手,情大家修改一下:

1.Parts of this statement are emphasized to illustrate that, in order to describe the properties of something, there need to be ways to name, or identify, a number of things:

2.the thing the statement says is the value of this property (who the creator is), for the thing the statement describes


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 2:44:00 PM


Other documents may supersede this document.
其他资料 可能会替代这份文献。

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-9 22:22:14的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-9 21:51:12的发言:
可以参考 宋老师的新书:
  《语义网 简明教程》
  还有 trevol的博士论文
Other documents may supersede this document.

总感觉这里少了个No,会不会是No Other documents.....呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-9 23:55:06编辑过]

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 4:37:00 PM

这个声明的各个部分被强调了是想说明: 为了描述某些事物的特性,需要某种方法去命名或者是识别事物,使其不致于混淆。这样翻好多了。我马上就去改过来。谢谢鼓励!谢谢!!

ps:我在2.1 Basic Concepts里把statement全部译成声明。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-10 20:35:00编辑过]

--  作者:yuji1998
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 5:59:00 PM

--  作者:hyandlsz
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 7:57:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 9:43:00 PM



RDF is based on the idea that the things being described have properties which have values, and that resources can be described by making statements, similar to those above, that specify those properties and values. RDF uses a particular terminology for talking about the various parts of statements.


Specifically, the part that identifies the thing the statement is about (the Web page in this example) is called the subject. The part that identifies the property or characteristic of the subject that the statement specifies (creator, creation-date, or language in these examples) is called the predicate, and the part that identifies the value of that property is called the object.


machine-processable 翻成 机器可处理的,行不行?如:machine-processable statements翻成机器可处理的声明。

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/10/2004 11:46:00 PM


ps:我在2.1 Basic Concepts里把statement全部译成声明。

statement也可以译为 "陈述"。


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 12:11:00 AM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-10 21:43:41的发言:


RDF is based on the idea that the things being described have properties which have values, and that resources can be described by making statements, similar to those above, that specify those properties and values. RDF uses a particular terminology for talking about the various parts of statements.




subject: 主语,主体,
predict: 宾语, 谓词, 断言
object: 宾语,客体,对象

machine-processable 翻成 机器可处理的,行不行?

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 12:24:00 AM

对于Class, Object, Property,以及forwar提到的subject, predict,object等
是不是可以考虑不翻? 或在所有出现的地方都用注明英文原文?

Reification的翻译,个人觉得“物化”比较好,欢迎讨论。 当然也可以译为“具体化”,“对象化”等

但翻译为"**化"还有一个问题,reify如何翻译呢? 和reification相同?

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 5:31:00 AM

我的翻译:仅供参考 ;-)
我认为的翻译的一个原则:让别人能看懂,在直译的基础上意译。 ;-)

RDF is based on the idea that the things being described have
properties which have values, and that resources can be described by
making statements, similar to those above, that specify those properties
and values. RDF uses a particular terminology for talking about the
various parts of statements.




Specifically, the part that identifies the thing the statement is about
(the Web page in this example) is called the subject. The part that
identifies the property or characteristic of the subject that the
statement specifies (creator, creation-date, or language in these
examples) is called the predicate, and the part that identifies the
value of that property is called the object.


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 6:03:00 AM




orangebench 这么晚了--应该说是这么早了--还在线上,偶顶不住了,要睡觉了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 6:25:18编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 10:49:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-11 5:31:05的发言:
我的翻译:仅供参考 ;-)
我认为的翻译的一个原则:让别人能看懂,在直译的基础上意译。 ;-)

RDF is based on the idea that the things being described have
properties which have values, and that resources can be described by
making statements, similar to those above, that specify those properties
and values. RDF uses a particular terminology for talking about the
various parts of statements.



  Specifically, the part that identifies the thing the statement is about
(the Web page in this example) is called the subject. The part that
identifies the property or characteristic of the subject that the
statement specifies (creator, creation-date, or language in these
examples) is called the predicate, and the part that identifies the
value of that property is called the object.


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 10:50:00 AM

--  哇~~~forwar,orangebench..你们这么晚还在拼阿~~~~
以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 6:03:53的发言:



  orangebench 这么晚了--应该说是这么早了--还在线上,偶顶不住了,要睡觉了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 6:25:18编辑过]

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 3:45:00 PM



the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 16:42:48编辑过]

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 4:59:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 15:45:05的发言:
  the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 5:41:00 PM

看了 ORANGEBENCH 和FORWAR的帖子,真是感到惭愧啊。。。
--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 6:00:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 15:45:05的发言:
  the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。

Uniform Resource Locator 可以译为: 统一资源定位符;      URL 不用译
Uniform Resource Identifier 可以译为: 同一资源标识符 ;   URI也不用译

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 6:48:00 PM

以下是引用trevol在2004-7-11 18:00:37的发言:
以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 15:45:05的发言:
   the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。
  Uniform Resource Locator 可以译为: 统一资源定位符;      URL 不用译
  Uniform Resource Identifier 可以译为: 同一资源标识符 ;   URI也不用译


The Web provides a more general form of identifier for these purposes, called the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URLs are a particular kind of URI. All URIs share the property that different persons or organizations can independently create them, and use them to identify things. However, URIs are not limited to identifying things that have network locations, or use other computer access mechanisms. In fact, a URI can be created to refer to anything that needs to be referred to in a statement, including:

* network-accessible things, such as an electronic document, an image, a service (e.g., "today's weather report for Los Angeles"), or a group of other resources.

* things that are not network-accessible, such as human beings, corporations, and bound books in a library.  

* abstract concepts that do not physically exist, such as the concept of a "creator".  


※ 网络可及的资源,譬如,一个电子文档,一副图片,一种服务(例如,“今天洛山矶的天气预报”),或者是一组其他的资源;

※ 网络不可及的资源,譬如,人类,企业,在图书馆装订成册的书籍;

※ 抽象概念,比如“作者”这个概念;

其中:a more general form of identifier 翻成一套更通用的标识符系统,行不行?
         All URIs share the property...中的property 翻成 资源行不行?
         network-accessible 翻成 网络可及的 怎么样?
         Los Angeles翻成洛杉矶 还是 洛山矶 ?呵呵 ^^





[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 19:39:32编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 11:35:00 PM

--  现在应该算7月中旬了吧
以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 18:48:36的发言:
[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-7-11 18:00:37的发言:
  以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 15:45:05的发言:
    the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。
   Uniform Resource Locator 可以译为: 统一资源定位符;      URL 不用译
   Uniform Resource Identifier 可以译为: 同一资源标识符 ;   URI也不用译


The Web provides a more general form of identifier for these purposes, called the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URLs are a particular kind of URI. All URIs share the property that different persons or organizations can independently create them, and use them to identify things. However, URIs are not limited to identifying things that have network locations, or use other computer access mechanisms. In fact, a URI can be created to refer to anything that needs to be referred to in a statement, including:

* network-accessible things, such as an electronic document, an image, a service (e.g., "today's weather report for Los Angeles"), or a group of other resources.

* things that are not network-accessible, such as human beings, corporations, and bound books in a library.  

* abstract concepts that do not physically exist, such as the concept of a "creator".  


※ 网络可及的资源,譬如,一个电子文档,一副图片,一种服务(例如,“今天洛山矶的天气预报”),或者是一组其他的资源;

※ 网络不可及的资源,譬如,人类,企业,在图书馆装订成册的书籍;

※ 抽象概念,比如“作者”这个概念;

其中:a more general form of identifier 翻成一套更通用的标识符系统,行不行?
          All URIs share the property...中的property 翻成 资源行不行?
          network-accessible 翻成 网络可及的 怎么样?
          Los Angeles翻成洛杉矶 还是 洛山矶 ?呵呵 ^^





[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-11 19:39:32编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 11:46:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 18:48:36的发言:
[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-7-11 18:00:37的发言:
  以下是引用forwar在2004-7-11 15:45:05的发言:
    the Uniform Resource Locator怎么翻呢?翻成统一资源定位器?还是用英文原文。
   Uniform Resource Locator 可以译为: 统一资源定位符;      URL 不用译
   Uniform Resource Identifier 可以译为: 同一资源标识符 ;   URI也不用译


The Web provides a more general form of identifier for these purposes, called the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URLs are a particular kind of URI. All URIs share the property that different persons or organizations can independently create them, and use them to identify things. However, URIs are not limited to identifying things that have network locations, or use other computer access mechanisms. In fact, a URI can be created to refer to anything that needs to be referred to in a statement, including:

* network-accessible things, such as an electronic document, an image, a service (e.g., "today's weather report for Los Angeles"), or a group of other resources.

* things that are not network-accessible, such as human beings, corporations, and bound books in a library.  

* abstract concepts that do not physically exist, such as the concept of a "creator".  


※ 网络可及的资源,譬如,一个电子文档,一副图片,一种服务(例如,“今天洛山矶的天气预报”),或者是一组其他的资源;

※ 网络不可及的资源,譬如,人类,企业,在图书馆装订成册的书籍;

※ 抽象概念,比如“作者”这个概念;

其中:a more general form of identifier 翻成一套更通用的标识符系统,行不行?
          All URIs share the property...中的property 翻成 资源行不行?

那句话的意思是:  所有URI的共同特征是:不同的人或组织可以彼此独立地创建并使用URI来标识事物。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 在RDF中资源一次尤其特殊含义,而且这里的意思并不是资源,所以感觉还是“事物”比较好。。

          network-accessible 翻成 网络可及的 怎么样?
          Los Angeles翻成洛杉矶 还是 洛山矶 ?呵呵 ^^
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如果要翻的话,那么文中的所有地名都必须翻译。所以建议不用翻,最多在括号中注明为 洛杉矶 就行了




--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/11/2004 11:58:00 PM

那句话的意思是:  所有URI的共同特征是:不同的人或组织可以彼此独立地创建并使用URI来标识事物。


在RDF中资源一词有其特殊含义,而且这里的意思并不是资源,所以感觉还是“事物”比较好...----- 回过头再看看,确实不应该全翻成资源。     


--  作者:wooyi
--  发布时间:7/12/2004 10:42:00 AM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/12/2004 11:31:00 AM

--  欢迎欢迎。。尽管在翻译RDF Primer过程中,你可能会遇到不少困难。
以下是引用wooyi在2004-7-12 10:42:25的发言:

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/12/2004 3:38:00 PM

一日一段 -0712

5.3 Interpreting RDF Schema Declarations

As noted earlier, the RDF Schema type system is similar in some respects to the type systems of object-oriented programming languages such as Java. However, RDF differs from most programming language type systems in several important respects.
正如前所述,RDF Schema的类型系统和面向对象编程语言,如Java的类型系统很相似,然而,RDF和大部分程序设计语言的类型系统在几个重要的方面有区别:

One important difference is that instead of describing a class as having a collection of specific properties, an RDF schema describes properties as applying to specific classes of resources, using domain and range properties. For example, a typical object-oriented programming language might define a class Book with an attribute called author having values of type Person. A corresponding RDF schema would describe a class ex:Book, and, in a separate description, a property ex:author having a domain of ex:Book and a range of ex:Person.
一个重要的区别是:RDF Schema中的属性可以通过定义域和值域属性作用于特定的类,而不是(像面向对象类型系统)把类描述为具有一些特定属性的集合。例如:在一个典型的面向对象编程语言中,类 Book会定义为有一个属性author,且author的类型是Person,而在RDF Schema中,类ex:Book和属性ex:author都会被分开定义,另外,属性ex:author的定义域是ex:Book,值域是ex:Person。

The difference between these approaches may seem to be only syntactic, but in fact there is an important difference. In the programming language class description, the attribute author is part of the description of class Book, and applies only to instances of class Book. Another class (say, softwareModule) might also have an attribute called author, but this would be considered a different attribute. In other words, the scope of an attribute description in most programming languages is restricted to the class or type in which it is defined. In RDF, on the other hand, property descriptions are, by default, independent of class definitions, and have, by default, global scope (although they may optionally be declared to apply only to certain classes using domain specifications).
这两种定义方法的区别表面上看起来只是语法层次上的,其实,他们有重大的区别。在程序语言中,属性author是关于类Book的描述的一部分,且只能应用于类Book的实例,如果另外一个类,例如SoftwareModule也有个属性author,但这两个author属性被看成是不同的属性,因为在大多数编程语言中,属性的作用域是定义这个属性的类或类型(Type). 而在RDF中,缺省地,关于属性的描述是独立与关于类的描述的,而且属性的作用域是全局的(尽管可能通过定义定义域而只能应用于某些类)。

As a result, an RDF schema could describe a property exterms:weight without a domain being specified. This property could then be used to describe instances of any class that might be considered to have a weight. One benefit of the RDF property-based approach is that it becomes easier to extend the use of property definitions to situations that might not have been anticipated in the original description. At the same time, this is a "benefit" which must be used with care, to insure that properties are not mis-applied in inappropriate situations.
一个结果是:RDF Schema可以描述一个不指定定义域的属性,如exterms:weight,这个属性可以用来描述任何具有重量(weight)属性的类的实例。RDF的以属性为中心的方法的一个好处是:扩展属性的用途使其应用于最初定义时未预知的情形更为容易。同时,这个“好处”也要谨慎使用,以免属性错误应用于不恰当的情形。

Another result of the global scope of RDF property descriptions is that it is not possible in an RDF schema to define a specific property as having locally-different ranges depending on the class of the resource it is applied to. For example, in defining the property ex:hasParent, it would be desirable to be able to say that if the property is used to describe a resource of class ex:Human, then the range of the property is also a resource of class ex:Human, while if the property is used to describe a resource of class ex:Tiger, then the range of the property is also a resource of class ex:Tiger. This kind of definition is not possible in RDF Schema. Instead, any range defined for an RDF property applies to all uses of the property, and so ranges should be defined with care. However, while such locally-different ranges cannot be defined in RDF Schema, they can be defined in some of the richer schema languages discussed in Section 5.5.
RDF属性的全局作用域的另外一个结果是:无法在RDF Schema中定义一个属性根据其描述的类(即定义域)具有不同的值域。例如,在定义属性ex:hasParent使,如果这个属性用于描述类ex:Human,则这个属性的值域是ex:Human;如果这个属性用于描述类ex:Tiger,则这个属性的值域是ex:Tiger,这样定义属性显然更为合适。但这种定义方法无法在RDF Schema中实现,RDF属性的值域是作用于任意对这个属性的应用,因此,定义值域的时候要谨慎。然而,虽然这种局部不同的属性值域不能在RDF Schema定义,但可以在Section 5.5.中讨论的表达能力更强的模式语言中定义.

--  作者:gisemo
--  发布时间:7/12/2004 3:41:00 PM

希望能帮上忙,暑假期间,不太忙,对 RDF有一定了解
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/12/2004 4:48:00 PM

--  欢迎欢迎。。现在就可以开始翻译了
以下是引用gisemo在2004-7-12 15:41:16的发言:
希望能帮上忙,暑假期间,不太忙,对 RDF有一定了解

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 8:44:00 AM


每天少看半小时新闻,少聊 半个小时的天,每天好好翻译一段RDF Primer. 坚持一个月。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 10:11:00 AM

5. Defining RDF Vocabularies: RDF Schema

RDF provides a way to express simple statements about resources, using named properties and values. However, RDF user communities also need the ability to define the vocabularies (terms) they intend to use in those statements, specifically, to indicate that they are describing specific kinds or classes of resources, and will use specific properties in describing those resources.


For example, the company example.com from the examples in Section 3.2 would want to describe classes such as exterms:Tent, and use properties such as exterms:model, exterms:weightInKg, and exterms:packedSize to describe them (QNames with various "example" namespace prefixes are used as the names of classes and properties here as a reminder that in RDF these names are actually URI references, as discussed in Section 2.1).

例如,3.2节所举例子中,example.com 公司想要描述一个类:exterms:Tent,并且使用特性 exterms:model,exterms:weightInKg 和 exterms:packedSize来描述它们。(这些类和特性的名字之前带有各种“example”名称空间前缀,表明:在RDF中,这些名字其实都是RUI引用,2.1小节中已经讨论过这个问题)。

Similarly, people interested in describing bibliographic resources would want to describe classes such as ex2:Book or ex2:MagazineArticle, and use properties such as ex2:author, ex2:title, and ex2:subject to describe them. Other applications might need to describe classes such as ex3:Person and ex3:Company, and properties such as ex3:age, ex3:jobTitle, ex3:stockSymbol, and ex3:numberOfEmployees.

类似的情况,那些对图书资源比较感兴趣的RDF开发人员可能会描述 ex2:Book或者ex2:MagazineArtical这样的类,并使用ex2:author, ex2:title ,ex2:subject之类的特性来描述这些类。其它的一些应用可能会描述诸如ex3:Person、ex3:Company 这样的类和ex3:age 、ex3:jobTitle、ex3:stockSymbol 、ex3:numberofEmployee之类的一些特性。

RDF itself provides no means for defining such application-specific classes and properties. Instead, such classes and properties are described as an RDF vocabulary, using extensions to RDF provided by the RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema [RDF-VOCABULARY], referred to here as RDF Schema.

RDF本身并不能针对特定应用需求来定义一些类和特性。这些类和特性被称为RDF词汇,它们需要通过RDF词汇描述语言:RDF Schema(RDF的一种扩展语言) 来定义。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 10:25:00 AM

这个"intened use"怎么翻译,比较好些? 谢谢

5.4 Other Schema Information

As with a number of the built-in RDF properties such as rdf:value, the uses described for these RDF Schema properties are only their intended uses. [RDF-SEMANTICS] defines no special meanings for these properties, and RDF Schema does not define any constraints based on these intended uses. For example, there is no constraint specified that the object of a rdfs:seeAlso property must provide additional information about the subject of the statement in which it appears.

对于其他内嵌的RDF属性,如rdf:value, 他们的用途就是本来用途(intended use),文档[RDF-SEMANTICS]对这些属性没有定义特定的语义,RDF Schmea也没有基于他们的本来用途定义任何的约束。例如,没有约束限制属性rdfs:seeAlso的客体必须为它所在的陈述的主体提供额外的信息。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 11:07:00 AM

intended uses 译成“设计用途”怎么样?

参见 :http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/
文中:3.3.4 rdf:value
The intended use for rdf:value is explained intuitively in the RDF Primer document [RDF-PRIMER]. It is typically used to identify a 'primary' or 'main' value of a property which has several values, or has as its value a complex entity with several facets or properties of its own.

Since the range of possible uses for rdf:value is so wide, it is difficult to give a precise statement which covers all the intended meanings or use cases. Users are cautioned, therefore, that the meaning of rdf:value may vary from application to application. In practice, the intended meaning is often clear from the context, but may be lost when graphs are merged or when conclusions are inferred.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 11:27:00 AM

以下是引用trevol在2004-7-13 11:07:34的发言:
intended uses 译成“设计用途”怎么样?

参见 :http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/
文中:3.3.4 rdf:value
The intended use for rdf:value is explained intuitively in the RDF Primer document [RDF-PRIMER]. It is typically used to identify a 'primary' or 'main' value of a property which has several values, or has as its value a complex entity with several facets or properties of its own.

Since the range of possible uses for rdf:value is so wide, it is difficult to give a precise statement which covers all the intended meanings or use cases. Users are cautioned, therefore, that the meaning of rdf:value may vary from application to application. In practice, the intended meaning is often clear from the context, but may be lost when graphs are merged or when conclusions are inferred.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 11:33:00 AM

一日一段 -0713

Another important difference is that RDF Schema descriptions are not necessarily prescriptive in the way programming language type declarations typically are. For example, if a programming language declares a class Book with an author attribute having values of type Person, this is usually interpreted as a group of constraints. The language will not allow the creation of an instance of Book without an author attribute, and it will not allow an instance of Book with an author attribute that does not have a Person as its value. Moreover, if author is the only attribute defined for class Book, the language will not allow an instance of Book with some other attribute.

另外一个重要的区别是:RDF Schema的描述不一定像程序语言类型声明那样是规约性的(prescriptive).例如,如果在程序语言中,类 Book定义为有一个属性author,且author的类型是Person,这常会解释为一些约束。这个语言不会允许Book的一个实例没有author属性,也不会允许Book的一个实例的book属性值的类型不是Person。更为重要的是,如果author的定义为类Book的唯一属性,这个语言不会允许Book的实例具有其他的属性。

RDF Schema, on the other hand, provides schema information as additional descriptions of resources, but does not prescribe how these descriptions should be used by an application. For example, suppose an RDF schema states that an ex:author property has an rdfs:range of class ex:Person. This is simply an RDF statement that RDF statements containing ex:author properties have instances of ex:Person as objects.

相反,RDF Schem提供的模式信息是作为对资源的额外描述(descriptions),并不会限制这些描述怎样被用于一个应用。例如,假设一个RDF Schema中定义了属性ex:author的值域(rdfs:range)是ex:Person,这仅仅是一个简单的RDF陈述: 谓词是ex:author的陈述的客体是类ex:Person的实例。

This schema-supplied information might be used in different ways. One application might interpret this statement as specifying part of a template for RDF data it is creating, and use it to ensure that any ex:author property has a value of the indicated (ex:Person) class. That is, this application interprets the schema description as a constraint in the same way that a programming language might. However, another application might interpret this statement as providing additional information about data it is receiving, information which may not be provided explicitly in the original data. For example, this second application might receive some RDF data that includes an ex:author property whose value is a resource of unspecified class, and use this schema-provided statement to conclude that the resource must be an instance of class ex:Person. A third application might receive some RDF data that includes an ex:author property whose value is a resource of class ex:Corporation, and use this schema information as the basis of a warning that "there may be an inconsistency here, but on the other hand there may not be". Somewhere else there may be a declaration that resolves the apparent inconsistency (e.g., a declaration to the effect that "a Corporation is a (legal) Person").

这个Schema提供的信息可能以多种方式得到利用。一个应用可能把这个陈述解释为创建RDF数据的模板的一部分,且用它来限制任意ex:author的值都是ex:Person的实例。也就是说,这个应用和程序语言一样,把模式信息解释为约束(constraint). 然而,另外一个应用可能把这个陈述解释为获取的数据的额外信息,这个信息并没有在原数据中显式表示。例如,第二个应用可能收到一些RDF数据,这些数据包含了一个值为未知类型的ex:author属性,则可以利用RDF Schema中的那个陈述推导出这个ex:author属性的值是类ex:Person的实例。 第三个应用可能收到一些RDF数据, 这些数据包含了一个值为ex:Corporation的实例的ex:author属性,利用RDF Schema的信息,可以发出警告:“数据可能不一致,也可能不是”。在其他地方,可能存在一个声明消除了这个数据不一致性(例如,声明一个“Corporation”也是一个“Person”)。

Moreover, depending on how the application interprets the property descriptions, a description of an instance might be considered valid either without some of the schema-specified properties (e.g., there might be an instance of ex:Book without an ex:author property, even if ex:author is described as having a domain of ex:Book), or with additional properties (there might be an instance of ex:Book with an ex:technicalEditor property, even though the schema describing class ex:Book does not describe such a property).

此外,根据应用解释属性描述的方式,一个实例可以被认为是合法的,即使没有RDF Schema指定的属性(如,可能有一些ex:Book的实例没有ex:author属性,即使ex:author的定义域为ex:Book),或者具有其他的属性(如,可能有一些ex:Book的实例具有ex:technicalEditor属性,即使描述ex:Book的Schema没有对这个属性的描述)。

In other words, statements in an RDF schema are always descriptions. They may also be prescriptive (introduce constraints), but only if the application interpreting those statements wants to treat them that way. All RDF Schema does is provide a way of stating this additional information. Whether this information conflicts with explicitly specified instance data is up to the application to determine and act upon.

换句话说,RDF Schema中的陈述通常是描述(descriptions),他们可能是规约性的,但只有当应用这样解释时。RDF Schema做的事情时提供额外的信息。这些信息是否和显式指定的实例数据有冲突,取决于具体的应用。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 1:06:00 PM

property 翻译为特性 还是 属性?请统一

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 2:20:00 PM



以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 13:06:36的发言:
property 翻译为特性 还是 属性?请统一

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 2:35:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-13 14:20:20的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 13:06:36的发言:
property 翻译为特性 还是 属性?请统一

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 3:15:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 3:38:00 PM

感觉Property 和 Attribute之间还是有些细微的差异:

PROPERTY 可能强调一个SUBJECT和其它SUBJECT之间的区别的性质,所以感觉译为“特性”合适一些; 而ATTRIBUTE 只是强调一个SUBJECT所具备的性质,故译为“属性”。


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 3:50:00 PM

什么地方会混淆呢? 我只发现在rdf xml syntax中,有属性节点(attribute node)。在RDF中没有attribute的概念吧?
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 3:55:00 PM

5.4 Other Schema Information

RDF Schema provides a number of other built-in properties, which can be used to provide documentation and other information about an RDF schema or about instances. For example the rdfs:comment property can be used to provide a human-readable description of a resource. The rdfs:label property can be used to provide a more human-readable version of a resource's name. The rdfs:seeAlso property can be used to indicate a resource that might provide additional information about the subject resource. The rdfs:isDefinedBy property is a subproperty of rdfs:seeAlso, and can be used to indicate a resource that (in a sense not specified by RDF; e.g., the resource may not be an RDF schema) "defines" the subject resource. RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema [RDF-VOCABULARY] should be consulted for further discussion of these properties.

RDF Schema还提供了一些其他内嵌的属性,这些属性可以用于为RDF Schema和实例提供文档和其他信息。例如,rdfs:comment属性可用于提供关于资源的易读的描述,rdfs:label属性可用于提供关于资源的更易读的名字, rdfs:seeAlso属性可用于提示其他地方可能有关于此资源的更多的描述,rdfs:isDefinedBy是rdfs:seeAlso的子属性,可用于提示其他地方有关于此资源的定义。对这些属性更多的讨论,请参考RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema [RDF-VOCABULARY]。

As with a number of the built-in RDF properties such as rdf:value, the uses described for these RDF Schema properties are only their intended uses. [RDF-SEMANTICS] defines no special meanings for these properties, and RDF Schema does not define any constraints based on these intended uses. For example, there is no constraint specified that the object of a rdfs:seeAlso property must provide additional information about the subject of the statement in which it appears.

对于其他内嵌的RDF属性,如rdf:value, 他们的用途就是规范中的设计用途(intended use),文档[RDF-SEMANTICS]对这些属性没有定义特定的语义,RDF Schmea也没有基于他们的设计用途定义任何的约束。例如,没有约束限制属性rdfs:seeAlso的客体必须为它所在的陈述的主体提供额外的信息。

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 5:11:00 PM


* RDF Schema要不要翻译

* RDF URIs : RDF的URIs还是不翻。

* Like HTML, this RDF/XML is machine processable and, using URIs, can link pieces of information across the Web.

* The following documents contribute to the specification of RDF:

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 5:56:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-13 17:11:29的发言:
* RDF Schema要不要翻译

* RDF URIs : RDF的URIs还是不翻。

* Like HTML, this RDF/XML is machine processable and, using URIs, can link pieces of information across the Web.

* The following documents contribute to the specification of RDF:

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 8:23:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-13 15:15:01的发言:




--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 8:29:00 PM

--  恩。。是的
以下是引用forwar在2004-7-13 20:23:12的发言:
[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-13 15:15:01的发言:



--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 9:19:00 PM

TO admin:无法编辑2.2The RDF Model这一段,点[编辑]后看到的是2.1 基本概念。
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 9:40:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-13 21:19:56的发言:
TO admin:无法编辑2.2The RDF Model这一段,点[编辑]后看到的是2.1 基本概念。


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 10:18:00 PM

RDF Schema does not provide a vocabulary of application-specific classes like exterms:Tent, ex2:Book, or ex3:Person, and properties like exterms:weightInKg, ex2:author or ex3:JobTitle. Instead, it provides the facilities needed to describe such
classes and properties, and to indicate which classes and properties are expected to be used together (for example, to say that the property ex3:jobTitle will be used in describing a ex3:Person).

RDF Schema 并没有针对特定应用提供诸如 exterms:Tent , ex2:Book 或者 ex3:Person这样的一些类或者是诸如 exterms:weightInKg 、ex2:author 或者 ex3:JobTitle 这样的一些特性词汇。RDFS只是提供了描述一种这些类和特性的能力 (facilities),并且可以暗示某些类和特性期望合在一起使用(例如,特性 ex3:jobTitle 应该用来描述ex3:Person)。

In other words, RDF Schema provides a type system for RDF. The RDF Schema type system is similar in some respects to the type systems of object-oriented programming languages such as Java. For example, RDF Schema allows resources to be defined as
instances of one or more classes. In addition, it allows classes to be organized in a hierarchical fashion; for example a class ex:Dog might be defined as a subclass of ex:Mammal which is a subclass of ex:Animal, meaning that any resource which is
in class ex:Dog is also implicitly in class ex:Animal as well.

换句话说,RDF Schema为RDF提供了一个类型系统。RDF Schema 类型系统在某些方面类似于Java这样的面向对象编程语言的类型系统。例如,RDF Schema允许资源被定义为一个或者多个类的实例。另外,RDFS通常把类组织成为一种分级结构;例如,类 ex:Dog可以定义为ex:Mammal的子类,而ex:Mammal又是ex:Animal的子类。 如果某个资源是类 ex:Dog的实例,那么隐含意味着它也是ex:Animal的实例。

However, RDF classes and properties are in some respects very different from programming language types. RDF class and property descriptions do not create a straightjacket into which information must be forced, but instead provide additional
information about the RDF resources they describe. This information can be used in a variety of ways, which will be discussed in Section 5.3.

然而,RDF 类和特性在某些方面又与编程语言的类型系统有着明显的差异。RDF类和特性并没有过多束缚资源的描述方式,而是提供了一些关于RDF 资源的额外描述信息。这些添加的信息可以通过各种方式来使用,具体内容将在5.3节中介绍。

The RDF Schema facilities are themselves provided in the form of an RDF vocabulary; that is, as a specialized set of predefined RDF resources with their own special meanings. The resources in the RDF Schema vocabulary have URIrefs with the prefix http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# (conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdfs:). Vocabulary descriptions (schemas) written in the RDF Schema language are legal RDF graphs.

RDF Schema 所具有的这些能力本身也是以 RDF词汇形式提供的。也就是说,这些RDF 词汇是一组带有特殊含义的、预定义的RDF资源。 这些资源的(RDF Schema词汇)URI带有前缀 http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# (QName通常采用前缀 rdfs:)。采用RDF Schema 语言所定义的词汇描述(schemas)也是合法的RDF图。

Hence, RDF software that is not written to also process the additional RDF Schema vocabulary can still interpret a schema as a legal RDF graph consisting of various resources and properties, but will not "understand" the additional built-in meanings of the RDF Schema terms. To understand these additional meanings, RDF software must be written to process an extended language that includes not only the rdf: vocabulary, but also the rdfs: vocabulary, together with their built-in meanings.

This point will be illustrated in the next section.
因此,即使一个软件不是专为处理新加的RDF Schema词汇而开发的,它仍然可以将schema解释为一个包含了各种资源和特性的合法RDF图,但是这个软件并不能“理解”新添加的RDF Schema术语的内在含义。为了理解新加术语的含义,RDF 软件必须能够处理一种扩展语言。这种扩展语言不仅仅包含rdf:前缀的词汇,而且还包含了rdfs:前缀的词汇,以及这些词汇的内在含义。下一小节中将对这一点进行详细分析。

The following sections will illustrate RDF Schema's basic resources and properties.

下一小节将详细分析RDF Schema的基本资源和特性。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 10:20:00 PM

RDF PRIMER 这篇文章感觉写得罗罗嗦嗦。。。十分不爽。。。
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 11:03:00 PM

呵呵。没办法,入门篇嘛。我开始翻译4。3  RDF Reification 了
--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/13/2004 11:16:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 23:03:58的发言:
呵呵。没办法,入门篇嘛。我开始翻译4。3  RDF Reification 了



--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 12:15:00 AM

一日一段 -0715

5.5 Richer Schema Languages

RDF Schema provides basic capabilities for describing RDF vocabularies, but additional capabilities are also possible, and can be useful. These capabilities may be provided through further development of RDF Schema, or in other languages based on RDF. Other richer schema capabilities that have been identified as useful (but that are not provided by RDF Schema) include:

RDF Schema提供了描述RDF词汇集的基本能力,更强的表达能力是可能的,也是有用的。这些能力可能通过RDF Schema的发展提供,也可能由其他基于RDF的语言提供。其他已经被认为有用但RDF Schema没有提供的,更丰富的表达能力包括:

• cardinality constraints on properties, e.g., that a Person has exactly one biological father.
• 对属性的基数限制 例如,一个人有且只有一个生物学意义上的父亲。
• specifying that a given property (such as ex:hasAncestor) is transitive, e.g., that if A ex:hasAncestor B, and B ex:hasAncestor C, then A ex:hasAncestor C.
• 指定一个属性(如ex:hasAncestor)是传递的,即,如果A ex:hasAncestor B, 且 B ex:hasAncestor C, 则A ex:hasAncestor C.
• specifying that a given property is a unique identifier (or key) for instances of a particular class.
• 指定一个属性是一个类的实例的唯一表示符(或说,主键),
• specifying that two different classes (having different URIrefs) actually represent the same class.
• 指定两个不同的类(具有不同的URIrefs)其实表示了相同的类。
• specifying that two different instances (having different URIrefs) actually represent the same individual.
• 指定两个不同的实例(具有不同的URIrefs)其实代表了同一个实例
• specifying constraints on the range or cardinality of a property that depend on the class of resource to which a property is applied, e.g., being able to say that for a soccer team the ex:hasPlayers property has 11 values, while for a basketball team the same property should have only 5 values.
• 指定属性的值域或基数限制取决于属性应用到的类,例如,说一个足球队的属性ex:hasPlayers值的个数为11,同时,这个属性应用于篮球队时,值的个数应该是5。
• the ability to describe new classes in terms of combinations (e.g., unions and intersections) of other classes, or to say that two classes are disjoint (i.e., that no resource is an instance of both classes).
• 能够通过对类的组合(如,并,交)得到新的类,或者说两个类是相离的,即两个类没有共同的实例。

The additional capabilities mentioned above, in addition to others, are the targets of ontology languages such as DAML+OIL [DAML+OIL] and OWL [OWL]. Both these languages are based on RDF and RDF Schema (and both currently provide all the additional capabilities mentioned above). The intent of such languages is to provide additional machine-processable semantics for resources, that is, to make the machine representations of resources more closely resemble their intended real world counterparts. While such capabilities are not necessarily needed to build useful applications using RDF (see Section 6 for a description of a number of existing RDF applications), the development of such languages is a very active subject of work as part of the development of the Semantic Web.
上面提到的丰富的表达能力,还有更多的,正是本体语言如DAML+OIL [DAML+OIL] 和 OWL [OWL]的目标。这些本体语言都是基于RDF和RDF Schema的。这些语言的目的是为资源提供更多的机器可处理的语义信息,也就是说,使资源的机器表示能够更紧密模拟真实世界对应的部分。虽然这些语言对用RDF构造有用的应用(Section 6有一些已有的RDF应用的描述)不是必须的,这些语言的研究是语义Web研究中的一个非常活跃的主题。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 9:03:00 AM

  以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 23:03:58的发言:
  呵呵。没办法,入门篇嘛。我开始翻译4。3  RDF Reification 了



“物化”和“对象化”通常是哲学、政治经济学对REIFICATION在具体语境下的 翻译,在这里采用这种翻译可能会让读者有点摸不着头脑。

我们不如直接采用 REIFICATION这个词的本意-“具体化”,在这种语境下应该是“声明化”,呵呵,不过好像没有人这样译。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 9:43:00 AM

Literal 呢? 目前的翻译是“字面量”,我们在逻辑里面一般翻译为“文字”,
XML Literal 呢?
literal value 呢?
plain literal? typed literal?
--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 9:58:00 AM

Literal -建议译为“文字”

plain literal -“平凡文字”
typed literal -“类型文字”


--  作者:zhuxuanlv
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 11:32:00 AM


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 11:38:00 AM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 12:14:00 PM


“物化”和“对象化”通常是哲学、政治经济学对REIFICATION在具体语境下的 翻译,在这里采用这种翻译可能会让读者有点摸不着头脑。

我们不如直接采用 REIFICATION这个词的本意-“具体化”,在这种语境下应该是“声明化”,呵呵,不过好像没有人这样译。




如果可以这样理解的话,我觉得并没有看到 抽象->具体的过程呀~~~~只看到了物化(客观化)的过程。。

不知说的对不对~~~ 欢迎讨论。。。

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 12:16:00 PM

--  提交之前,最好先在本地复制一份。以防止提交失败,造成内容丢失。
以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-14 11:38:12的发言:

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 2:19:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-13 21:19:56的发言:
TO admin:无法编辑2.2The RDF Model这一段,点[编辑]后看到的是2.1 基本概念。

需要把 ===2.1 Basic Concepts === <BR>

最后的<BR> 去掉。

即=== 标题 === 后不能有其他符号

--  作者:cquzjh
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 5:39:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 8:40:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-14 14:19:47的发言:
[quote]以下是引用forwar在2004-7-13 21:19:56的发言:
TO admin:无法编辑2.2The RDF Model这一段,点[编辑]后看到的是2.1 基本概念。

需要把 ===2.1 Basic Concepts ===


即=== 标题 === 后不能有其他符号

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/14/2004 9:03:00 PM

你可以开始翻译,挑还没有翻译的,如4.1; 4.2 谢谢!

以下是引用cquzjh在2004-7-14 17:39:33的发言:

--  作者:向日葵
--  发布时间:7/15/2004 3:14:00 PM


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/15/2004 3:57:00 PM

--  已经完成15%了。。欢迎加入我们~~~
以下是引用向日葵在2004-7-15 15:14:31的发言:

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/15/2004 5:13:00 PM

我准备开始翻译4。1;4。2 了,大家不要和我抢 ;-)
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 12:08:00 AM

【一日一段- 0716】

4.2 RDF Collections

A limitation of the containers described in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#containers]Section 4.1[/URL] is that there is no way to close them, i.e., to say "these are all the members of the container". As noted in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#containers]Section 4.1[/URL], a container only says that certain identified resources are members; it does not say that other members do not exist. Also, while one graph may describe some of the members, there is no way to exclude the possibility that there is another graph somewhere that describes additional members. RDF provides support for describing groups containing only the specified members, in the form of RDF collections. An RDF collection is a group of things represented as a list structure in the RDF graph. This list structure is constructed using a predefined collection vocabulary consisting of the predefined type rdf:List, the predefined properties rdf:first and rdf:rest, and the predefined resource rdf:nil.
在[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#containers]Section 4.1[/URL]中描述的容器的一个缺点是没有办法封闭它,即没有办法说这些是容器的所有成员。一个容器只说一些有标识的资源是它的成员,无法说没有其他的成员了。而且,如果有一个图描述它的一些成员,我们没法排除在其他地方有图也描述这个容器的其它成员的可能。RDF提供了对描述限定成员的组的支持,即RDF集合(collection)。一个RDF集合是用列表结构表示的一组事物,这个列表结构是用一些预定义的集合词汇表示的。RDF的集合词汇包括属性rdf:first 和rdf:rest,和资源rdf:nil.

To illustrate this, the sentence "The students in course 6.001 are Amy, Mohamed, and Johann" could be represented using the graph shown in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL]:
为了展示这个,句子“上课程6.001的学生有:Amy, Mohamed, 和Johann”可以用[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL]所示的图表示:

Figure 16: 一个RDF集合(列表结构)

In this graph, each member of the collection, such as s:Amy, is the object of an rdf:first property whose subject is a resource (a blank node in this example) that represents a list. This list resource is linked to the rest of the list by an rdf:rest property. The end of the list is indicated by the rdf:rest property having as its object the resource rdf:nil (the resource rdf:nil represents the empty list, and is defined as being of type rdf:List). This structure will be familiar to those who know the Lisp programming language. As in Lisp, the rdf:first and rdf:rest properties allow applications to traverse the structure. Each of the blank nodes forming this list structure is implicitly of type rdf:List (that is, each of these nodes implicitly has an rdf:type property whose value is the predefined type rdf:List), although this is not explicitly shown in the graph. The RDF Schema language [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-vocabulary][RDF-VOCABULARY[/URL]] defines the properties rdf:first and rdf:rest as having subjects of type rdf:List, so the information about these nodes being lists can generally be inferred, rather than the corresponding rdf:type triples being written out all the time.
在这个图中,集合中的每个成员,如s:Amy,是属性rdf:first的客体,这个属性的主体是表示一个列表的资源(这个例子中是一个匿名节点)。这个列表通过属性rdf:rest链到列表的剩下的元素,列表的结束用一个值为rdf:nil 的属性rdf:rest表示(rdf:nil表示一个空列表,它的类型是rdf:List)。这种结构和Lisp语言很像,像Lisp一样,属性rdf:first 和rdf:rest允许程序遍历这个结构。列表结构中的每个匿名节点的类型都是rdf:List,尽管这没有在图中显示出来。RDF Schema语言[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-vocabulary][RDF-VOCABULARY[/URL]]定义了属性rdf:first 和rdf:rest的主体的类型是rdf:List,因此,这些匿名节点的类型信息可以推导出来,而不用每次都写出来。

RDF/XML provides a special notation to make it easy to describe collections using graphs of this form. In RDF/XML, a collection can be described by a property element that has the attribute rdf:parseType="Collection", and that contains a group of nested elements representing the members of the collection. RDF/XML provides the rdf:parseType attribute to indicate that the contents of an element are to be interpreted in a special way. In this case, the rdf:parseType="Collection" attribute indicates that the enclosed elements are to be used to create the corresponding list structure in the RDF graph (other values of the rdf:parseType attribute will be described in later sections of the Primer).

To illustrate how rdf:parseType="Collection" works, the RDF/XML from [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example17]Example 17[/URL] would result in the RDF graph shown in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL]:
为了展示rdf:parseType="Collection"是怎么工作的,[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example17]Example 17[/URL] 中的RDF/XML写法对应的图如 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL]说示:

Example 17: RDF/XML for a Collection of Students

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="[URL=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#]http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#[/URL]"


   <rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://example.org/courses/6.001]http://example.org/courses/6.001[/URL]">
      <s:students rdf:parseType="Collection">
            <rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://example.org/students/Amy]http://example.org/students/Amy[/URL]"/>
            <rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://example.org/students/Mohamed]http://example.org/students/Mohamed[/URL]"/>
            <rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://example.org/students/Johann]http://example.org/students/Johann[/URL]"/>


The use of rdf:parseType="Collection" in RDF/XML always defines a list structure like the one shown in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL], i.e., a fixed finite list of items with a given length and terminated by rdf:nil, and which uses "new" blank nodes that are unique to the list structure itself. However, RDF does not enforce this particular way of using the RDF collection vocabulary, and so it is possible to use this vocabulary in other ways, some of which may not describe lists or closed collections. To see why, note that the graph shown in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL] could also be written in RDF/XML by writing out the same triples "in longhand" (without using rdf:parseType="Collection") using the collection vocabulary, as in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example18]Example 18[/URL]:
在RDF/XML 中用rdf:parseType="Collection" 常定义了一个如 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]Figure 16[/URL]所示的列表结构:一个固定有限长度的列表,它用rdf:nil表示列表的结束,还用了一些相对于列表唯一的匿名节点。然后,RDF并没有强制集合词汇只能用于这种方式,因此也可以用于其他方式。有些方式可能没有描述列表或者说封闭的集合。为了知道原因,注意到[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16]http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#figure16[/URL] Figure 16]所示的图也可以用集合词汇的普通格式(不用rdf:parseType="Collection")写,如[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example18]Example 18[/URL]所示:

Example 18: RDF/XML for a Collection of Students in "Longhand"

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="[URL=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#]http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#[/URL]"


<rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://example.org/courses/6.001]http://example.org/courses/6.001[/URL]">

   <s:students rdf:nodeID="sch1"/>


<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="sch1">

   <rdf:first rdf:resource="[URL=http://example.org/students/Amy]http://example.org/students/Amy[/URL]"/>
   <rdf:rest rdf:nodeID="sch2"/>


<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="sch2">

   <rdf:first rdf:resource="[URL=http://example.org/students/Mohamed]http://example.org/students/Mohamed[/URL]"/>
   <rdf:rest rdf:nodeID="sch3"/>


<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="sch3">

   <rdf:first rdf:resource="[URL=http://example.org/students/Johann]http://example.org/students/Johann[/URL]"/>
   <rdf:rest rdf:resource="[URL=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil]http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil[/URL]"/>



As noted in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-semantics][RDF-SEMANTICS[/URL]] (and as was the case for the container vocabulary described in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#containers]Section 4.1[/URL]), RDF imposes no "well-formedness" conditions on the use of the collection vocabulary so, when writing triples in longhand, it is possible to define RDF graphs with structures other than the well-structured graphs that would be automatically generated by using rdf:parseType="Collection". For example, it is not illegal to assert that a given node has two distinct values of the rdf:first property, to create structures that have forked or non-list tails, or to simply omit part of the description of a collection. Also, graphs defined by using the collection vocabulary in longhand could use URIrefs to identify the components of the list instead of blank nodes unique to the list structure. In this case, it would be possible to create triples in other graphs that effectively added elements to the collection, making it non-closed.
注意到在 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-semantics][RDF-SEMANTICS[/URL]] (和容器词汇相同的情况[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#containers]Section 4.1[/URL])中, RDF并没有对集合词汇施加格式正确性约束(well-formedness),因此,当用普通格式写时,有可能写出的列表结构并不像由用rdf:parseType=”collection”自动生成的那样正确,如一个节点的rdf:first属性有两个不同的值是合法的,或列表结构的最后的节点不是空列表,或简单地忽略了结合的某些部分。另外,用普通格式写的集合词汇定义的图可以用URIrefs标识列表中的部分节点,而不是在列表中是唯一的匿名节点,这样,有可能在别的图中有三元组为集合添加元素,而使之不封闭。

As a result, RDF applications that require collections to be well-formed should be written to check that the collection vocabulary is being used appropriately, in order to be fully robust. In addition, languages such as [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/]OWL[/URL] [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-owl][OWL[/URL]], which can define additional constraints on the structure of RDF graphs, can rule out some of these cases.
结果是,RDF应用如果需要集合是格式正确的,为了应用的鲁棒性,就应该检查集合词汇时被正确的使用。另外,语言 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/]OWL[/URL] [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-owl][OWL[/URL]], 能够对RDF图的结构定义额外的限制,可以避免一些集合格式不正确的情况。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 12:10:00 AM

【一日一段 -0717】

4.4 More on Structured Values: rdf:value

[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL] noted that the RDF model intrinsically supports only binary relations; that is, a statement specifies a relation between two resources. For example, the statement:
[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL]注意到RDF模型本质上只支持二元关系,也就是说,一个陈述表示了两个资源之间的关系。例如,陈述:

exstaff:85740 exterms:manager exstaff:62345 .

states that the relation exterms:manager holds between two employees (presumably one manages the other).
说两个雇员之间有exterms: manager关系(一个管理另一个)。

However, in some cases it is necessary to represent information involving higher arity relations (relations between more than two resources) in RDF. [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL] discussed one example of this, where the problem was to represent the relationship between John Smith and his address information, and the value of John's address was a structured value of his street, city, state, and postal code. Writing this as a relation shows that this address is a 5-ary relation of the form:
然而,有些情况下有必要在RDF中表示多元关系(多于两个资源之间的关系)。[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL] 讨论了一个例子,这个例子的问题是要表示John Smith和他的地址信息,即一个由街道,城市,州,邮政编码组成的结构。可以看出这个地址信息是一个5元关系。

address(exstaff:85740, "1501 Grant Avenue", "Bedford", "Massachusetts", "01730")

[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL] noted that this kind of structured information can be represented in RDF by considering the aggregate thing be described (here, the group of components representing John's address) as a separate resource, and then making separate statements about that new resource, as in the triples:
[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#structuredproperties]Section 2.3[/URL]注意到这种结构化的信息可以通过聚集一部分信息作为一个单独的资源(这里,John’s的地址信息),然后对这个新资源发表单独的陈述,如下面的三元组所示:

exstaff:85740 exterms:address _:johnaddress .

_:johnaddress exterms:street "1501 Grant Avenue" .

_:johnaddress exterms:city "Bedford" .

_:johnaddress exterms:state "Massachusetts" .

_:johnaddress exterms:postalCode "01730" .

(where _:johnaddress is the blank node identifier of the blank node representing John's address.)

This is a general way to represent any n-ary relation in RDF: select one of the participants (John in this case) to serve as the subject of the original relation (address in this case), then specify an intermediate resource to represent the rest of the relation (either with or without assigning it a URI), then give that new resource properties representing the remaining components of the relation.

In the case of John's address, none of the individual parts of the structured value could be considered the "main" value of the exterms:address property; all of the parts contribute equally to the value. However, in some cases one of the parts of the structured value is often thought of as the "main" value, with the other parts of the relation providing additional contextual or other information that qualifies the main value. For instance, in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example9]Example 9[/URL] in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#newresources]Section 3.2[/URL], the weight of a particular tent was given as the decimal value 2.4 using a typed literal, i.e.,
在John 的地址信息中,没有一个部分能够作为属性exterms:address的主值(main value),所有部分对值的贡献是相同的。然后,有时候,结构中的一部分可以作为结构的主值,其他部分提供上下文信息或其他对主值的修饰信息。例如,在[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#newresources]Section 3.2[/URL]的[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example9]Example 9[/URL] 中,一个帐篷的重量的值是小数2.4,也就是,

exproduct:item10245 exterms:weight "2.4"^^xsd:decimal .

In fact, a more complete description of the weight would have been 2.4 kilograms rather than just the decimal value 2.4. To state this, the value of the exterms:weight property would need to have two components, the typed literal for the decimal value and an indication of the unit of measure (kilograms). In this situation the decimal value could be considered the "main" value of the exterms:weight property, because frequently the value would be recorded simply as the typed literal (as in the triple above), relying on an understanding of the context to fill in the unstated units information.
实际上,更为复杂的对重量的描述应该是2.4千克( kilograms),而不是仅仅小数2.4。为了表示这个,属性exterms:weight的值还需要2个部分:作为类型文字的数值和量度的单位(千克)。在这种情况下,数值可以看成属性exterms:weight的主值,因为一般这个值都是一个类型文字,而依赖山下文信息来填充这个值的单位。

In the RDF model a qualified property value of this kind can be considered as simply another kind of structured value. To represent this, a separate resource could be used to represent the structured value as a whole (the weight, in this case), and to serve as the object of the original statement. That resource could then be given properties representing the individual parts of the structured value. In this case, there should be a property for the typed literal representing the decimal value, and a property for the unit. RDF provides a predefined rdf:value property to describe the main value (if there is one) of a structured value. So in this case, the typed literal could be given as the value of the rdf:value property, and the resource exunits:kilograms as the value of an exterms:units property (assuming the resource exunits:kilograms is defined as part of example.org's vocabulary). The resulting triples would be:

exproduct:item10245 exterms:weight _:weight10245 .

_:weight10245 rdf:value "2.4"^^xsd:decimal .

_:weight10245 exterms:units exunits:kilograms .

which can be expressed using the RDF/XML shown in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL]:
这可以用RDF/XML表示,如[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL]所示:

Example 21: RDF/XML using rdf:value

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [<!ENTITY xsd "[URL=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#[/URL]">]>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="[URL=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#]http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#[/URL]"


  <rdf:Description rdf:about="[URL=http://www.example.com/2002/04/products#item10245]http://www.example.com/2002/04/products#item10245[/URL]">
     <exterms:weight rdf:parseType="Resource">
       <rdf:value rdf:datatype="&xsd;decimal">2.4</rdf:value>
       <exterms:units rdf:resource="[URL=http://www.example.org/units/kilograms]http://www.example.org/units/kilograms[/URL]"/>


[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL] also illustrates a second use of the rdf:parseType attribute introduced in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#collections]Section 4.2[/URL], in this case, rdf:parseType="Resource". An rdf:parseType="Resource" attribute is used to indicate that the contents of an element are to be interpreted as the description of a new (blank node) resource, without actually having to write a nested rdf:Description element. In this case, the rdf:parseType="Resource" attribute used in the exterms:weight property element indicates that a blank node is to be created as the value of the exterms:weight property, and that the enclosed elements (rdf:value and exterms:units) describe properties of that blank node. Further details on rdf:parseType="Resource" are given in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-syntax][RDF-SYNTAX[/URL]].
[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL]也显示了对[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#collections]Section 4.2[/URL]介绍的属性rdf:parseType的用法,在这里,rdf:parseType="Resource"用以表示节点的内容同时被解释为一个新的匿名节点,而不用写一个嵌套的rdf:Description元素。rdf:parseType="Resource" 用在属性 exterms:weight 元素节点中表示创建了一个匿名节点作为属性的值,且包含的元素 (rdf:value 和 exterms:units) 描述了这个匿名节点的属性。关于rdf:parseType="Resource"更详细的信息在[RDF-SYNTAX].

The same approach can be used to represent quantities using any units of measure, as well as values taken from different classification schemes or rating systems, by using the rdf:value property to give the main value, and using additional properties to identify the classification scheme or other information that further describes the value.

There is no need to use rdf:value for these purposes (e.g., a user-defined property name, such as exterms:amount, could have been used instead of rdf:value in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL]), and RDF does not associate any special meaning with rdf:value. rdf:value is simply provided as a convenience for use in these commonly-occurring situations.
但没有必要用rdf:value去取代用户自定义的属性,如[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example21]Example 21[/URL]中的属性exterms:amount, 因为RDF并没有给rdf:value特殊的解释。它只是作为表示这种情形的惯例。

However, even though much existing data in databases and on the Web (and in later Primer examples) takes the form of simple values for properties such as weights, costs, etc., the principle that such simple values are often insufficient to adequately describe these values is an important one. In a global environment such as the Web, it is generally not safe to make the assumption that anyone accessing a property value will understand the units being used (or other contextually-dependent information that may be involved). For example, a U.S. site might give a weight value in pounds, but someone accessing that data from outside the U.S. might assume that weights are given in kilograms. The correct interpretation of data in the Web environment may require that additional information (such as units information) be explicitly recorded. This can be done in many ways, such as using rdf:value, building units into property names (e.g., exterms:weightInKg), defining specialized datatypes that include units information (e.g., extypes:kilograms), or adding additional user-defined properties to specify this information (e.g., exterms:unitOfWeight), either in descriptions of individual items or products, in descriptions of sets of data (e.g., all the data in a catalog or on a site), or in schemas (see [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#rdfschema]Section 5[/URL]).

然而,尽管大部分数据库中和Web上的数据用简单的数值作为属性(如,重量,价格等)的值,这种简单的数值往往不足够描述这些值。在像Web这样的环境,一般来说,假设其他人访问属性的值的时候能知道它的单位(或其他上下文相关的信息)是不稳妥的。例如,一个美国的网站给中重量的单位是磅,但不是美国的人访问这个数据的时候常假设单位是公斤。对Web上数据的正确解释可能需要其他的信息,如单位信息。这有很多种方法:例如,用rdf:value,把单位信息放在属性名字种,如属性exterms:weightInKg包含了数据的单位信息。或者,加上用户自定义的的信息,如exterms:unitOfWeight, 在物品或产品实例的描述中,在一个数据集的描述中,或者在Schema中(参考[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#rdfschema]Section 5[/URL])

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 12:11:00 AM

【一日一段 -0718】

4.5 XML Literals

Sometimes the value of a property needs to be a fragment of XML, or text that might contain XML markup. For example, a publisher might maintain RDF metadata that includes the titles of books and articles. While such titles are often just simple strings of characters, this is not always the case. For instance, the titles of books on mathematics may contain mathematical formulas that could be represented using MathML [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-mathml][MATHML[/URL]]. Titles might also include markup for other reasons, such as for Ruby annotations [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-ruby][RUBY[/URL]], or for bidirectional rendering or special glyph variants (see, e.g., [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-charmod][CHARMOD[/URL]]).
有时候,属性的值可能是一个XML的片断,或包含XML标记的文本。例如,出版社可能要维护一些RDF数据,包括书和文章的标题。当然,这些标题可能是简单的字符串,但并不总是这样。例如,数学书的标题可能包含用MathML [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-mathml][MATHML[/URL]]表示的数学公式。标题还可能因为其他原因包含标记,如 Ruby标注 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-ruby][RUBY[/URL]], 或者双相的显示特殊的浮雕型变量。 ([URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-charmod][CHARMOD[/URL]])

RDF/XML provides a special notation to make it easy to write literals of this kind. This is done using a third value of the rdf:parseType attribute. Giving an element the attribute rdf:parseType="Literal" indicates that the contents of the element are to be interpreted as an XML fragment. [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example22]Example 22[/URL] illustrates the use of rdf:parseType="Literal":
RDF/XML提供了一个特殊的符号,使书写这种文字变得简单。即通过属性rdf:parseType第三个值,如果一个元素节点的有属性节点rdf:parseType="Literal",表明这个元素节点的内容应该被解释为一个XML片断。[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example22]Example 22[/URL] 演示了这种用法。

Example 22: RDF/XML for an XML Literal

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="[URL=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#]http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#[/URL]"


  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book12345">
     <dc:title rdf:parseType="Literal">
       <span xml:lang="en">
         The <em>&lt;br /&gt;</em> Element Considered Harmful.


The RDF/XML in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example22]Example 22[/URL] describes a graph containing a single triple with subject ex:book12345, and predicate dc:title. The rdf:parseType="Literal" attribute in the RDF/XML indicates that all the XML within the <dc:title> element is an XML fragment that is the value of the dc:title property. In the graph, this value is a typed literal, whose datatype, rdf:XMLLiteral, is defined in [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-concepts][RDF-CONCEPTS[/URL]] specifically to represent fragments of XML (including character sequences that may or may not include XML markup). The XML fragment is canonicalized according to the XML Exclusive Canonicalization recommendation [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-xml-xc14n][XML-XC14N[/URL]]. This causes declarations of used namespaces to be added to the fragment, the uniform escaping or unescaping of characters, the expansion of empty-element tags, and other transformations. (For these reasons, and the fact that the triples notation itself requires further escaping, the actual typed literal is not shown here. RDF/XML provides the rdf:parseType="Literal" attribute so that RDF users will not have to deal directly with these transformations. Those interested in the details should consult [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-concepts][RDF-CONCEPTS[/URL]] and [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-syntax][RDF-SYNTAX[/URL]].) Contextual attributes, such as xml:lang and xml:base are not inherited from the RDF/XML document, and, if required, must, as shown in the example, be explicitly specified in the XML fragment.
[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#example22]Example 22[/URL] 中的RDF/XML 描述了一个包含了一个三元组的图,这个三元组的主体是ex:book12345, 谓词是dc:title. 属性节点 rdf:parseType="Literal" 表示元素节点 <dc:title> 下的内容是一个XML片断,即作为属性dc:title的值。在这个图中,值是类型为rdf:XMLLiteral 的类型文字。[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-concepts][RDF-CONCEPTS[/URL]] 特意定义rdf:XMLLiteral作为表示XML片断的数据类型。这些XML片断都是根据XML Exclusive Canonicalization recommendation [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-xml-xc14n][XML-XC14N[/URL]]规范化了的,这导致了一些转换,如为XML片断加上已用的名字空间声明,统一的字符转义或去转义,空元素的扩展。(因为这些原因以及三元组的标注本身需要一些转义符,这里不显示真正的类型文字。RDF/XML 提供了属性 rdf:parseType="Literal" 使RDF用户不用进行这些转换。详细信息请参考[URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-concepts][RDF-CONCEPTS[/URL]] 和 [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-rdf-syntax][RDF-SYNTAX[/URL]].) 一些上下文属性,如xml:lang 和 xml:base 并不会从RDF/XML文档中继承,如果需要的化,如上例所示,必须在XML片断中给出。

This example illustrates that care must be taken in designing RDF data. It might appear at first glance that titles are simple strings best represented as plain literals, and only later might it be discovered that some titles contain markup. In cases where the value of a property may sometimes contain markup and sometimes not, either rdf:parseType="Literal" should be used throughout, or software must handle both plain literals and literals of type rdf:XMLLiteral as values of the property.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 12:13:00 AM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 12:25:00 AM

--  偶也来一日一段
2.2 The RDF Model
Groups of statements are represented by corresponding groups of nodes and arcs.
So, to reflect the additional English statements
http://www.example.org/index.html has a creation-date whose value is August 16, 1999
http://www.example.org/index.html has a language whose value is English
in the RDF graph, the graph shown in Figure 3 could be used (using suitable URIrefs to name the properties "creation-date" and "language"):

Figure 3: Several Statements About the Same Resource

Figure 3 illustrates that objects in RDF statements may be either URIrefs, or constant values (called literals) represented by character strings, in order to represent certain kinds of property values.

(In the case of the predicate http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language the literal is an international standard two-letter code for English.)

Literals may not be used as subjects or predicates in RDF statements. In drawing RDF graphs, nodes that are URIrefs are shown as ellipses, while nodes that are literals are shown as boxes.

(The simple character string literals used in these examples are called plain literals, to distinguish them from the typed literals to be introduced in Section 2.4. The various kinds of literals that can be used in RDF statements are defined in [RDF-CONCEPTS]. Both plain and typed literals can contain Unicode [UNICODE] characters, allowing information from many languages to be directly represented.)

在RDF的陈述中,文字(literal)可能不被用作主体或者谓词。在RDF图中,节点为URIrefs的都用椭圆来表示,而节点为文字(literal)的则用方框来表示(这个例子中的简单字符串文字叫做简单文字,它与将会在2.4节做介绍的类型文字(typed literals)是不同的。在[RDF-CONCEPTS]中详细说明了各种不同的可以用在RDF陈述中的文字。简单文字和类型文字都能容许采用双字节编码[UNICODE]的字符,即允许用多种语言直接描述的信息。)

Sometimes it is not convenient to draw graphs when discussing them, so an alternative way of writing down the statements, called triples, is also used. In the triples notation, each statement in the graph is written as a simple triple of subject, predicate, and object, in that order. For example, the three statements shown in Figure 3 would be written in the triples notation as:
<http://www.example.org/index.html>; <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator>; <http://www.example.org/staffid/85740>; .

<http://www.example.org/index.html>; <http://www.example.org/terms/creation-date>; "August 16, 1999" .

<http://www.example.org/index.html>; <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language>; "en" .

Each triple corresponds to a single arc in the graph, complete with the arc's beginning and ending nodes (the subject and object of the statement). Unlike the drawn graph (but like the original statements), the triples notation requires that a node be separately identified for each statement it appears in. So, for example, http://www.example.org/index.html appears three times (once in each triple) in the triples representation of the graph, but only once in the drawn graph. However, the triples represent exactly the same information as the drawn graph, and this is a key point: what is fundamental to RDF is the graph model of the statements. The notation used to represent or depict the graph is secondary.
每一个三元组均对应图中相应的一条弧,以及这个弧的起始节点和终止节点(即是陈述中的主体和谓词)。三元组要求一个为在每个它出现过的陈述而分别定义的节点,就这点而言,不像图形表达法那样(倒像是原先的陈述那样)。因此,譬如, “http://www.example.org/index.html”在三元组表示法中共出现了三次(在每个三元组表达式中均出现过一次),而在图形表示法中只出现了一次。但是,三元组精确的描述了图形中所表达的信息,并且揭示了一个要点:RDF的基本原理就是陈述的模型图,而用于表达或是描述这个图形的表达方式则是次要的。
triples notation 翻成三元组表示法行不行?

and this is a key point: what is fundamental to RDF is the graph model of the statements. The notation used to represent or depict the graph is secondary.

orangebench 猛男啊!

--  作者:yuji1998
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 1:32:00 AM

--  我考,我该翻译哪一段的内容阿。
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 2:09:00 AM

The full triples notation requires that URI references be written out completely, in angle brackets, which, as the example above illustrates, can result in very long lines on a page. For convenience, the Primer uses a shorthand way of writing triples (the same shorthand is also used in other RDF specifications).This shorthand substitutes an XML qualified name (or QName) without angle brackets as an abbreviation for a full URI reference (QNames are discussed further in Appendix B). A QName contains a prefix that has been assigned to a namespace URI, followed by a colon, and then a local name. The full URIref is formed from the QName by appending the local name to the namespace URI assigned to the prefix. So, for example, if the QName prefix foo is assigned to the namespace URI
http://example.org/somewhere/, then the QName foo:bar is shorthand for the URIref
http://example.org/somewhere/bar. Primer examples will also use several "well-known" QName prefixes
(without explicitly specifying them each time), defined as follows:
一个完整的三元组表达式要求写出全部的URI地址,正如上面例子那样,所以导致了在一页中有很多长句,方便起见,本书用一种简写法(在其他的RDF规范里用的也是这种)来记述三元组。This shorthand substitutes an XML qualified name (or QName) without angle brackets as an abbreviation for a full URI reference (QNames are discussed further in Appendix B).
这句话不会翻.  : ( 谁来翻一下...  

一个QName包括一个被赋值为命名空间URI的前缀,其后是一个冒号,然后是个地址名称。完整的URIref是由QName通过将地址名称添加到已经赋值给前缀的命名空间URI的方式组成的。因此,例如,如果将命名空间URI“http://example.org/somewhere/”赋值给QName前缀foo,那么QName “foo:bar”就是URIref“http://example.org/somewhere/bar”的缩写(有个例子什么都明白了,^O^)。在本书的例子中也会用一些“公认的”QName前缀(这些前缀无需说明就可使用),定义如下:
prefix rdf:, namespace URI: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
prefix rdfs:, namespace URI: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
prefix dc:, namespace URI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
prefix owl:, namespace URI: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
prefix ex:, namespace URI: http://www.example.org/ (or http://www.example.com/)
prefix xsd:, namespace URI: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#

Obvious variations on the "example" prefix ex: will also be used as needed in the examples, for instance,
显然,“example”的前缀 “ex:”的变形在需要时也会用在示例中,譬如:

prefix exterms:, namespace URI: http://www.example.org/terms/ (for terms used by an example

prefix exstaff:, namespace URI: http://www.example.org/staffid/ (for the example organization's staff

prefix ex2:, namespace URI: http://www.domain2.example.org/ (for a second example organization), and so on.

Using this new shorthand, the previous set of triples can be written as:
ex:index.html dc:creator exstaff:85740 .
ex:index.html exterms:creation-date "August 16, 1999" .
ex:index.html dc:language "en" .

TO:yuji1998   没关系的,你随便选一段然后在这发个帖说明一下,省的别人和你翻重了(我每天都担心这件事会发生...)就行了.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-16 2:44:27编辑过]

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 8:58:00 AM


第5节:trevol (还有5。1和5。2。 5.3-5.5已经翻译完毕)

你可以找第2,第3节的后面的小节 或者第6节翻译。;-)

以下是引用yuji1998在2004-7-16 1:32:09的发言:

--  作者:cwzb
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 5:42:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 10:39:00 PM

5.1 Describing Classes- 描述类

A basic step in any kind of description process is identifying the various kinds of things to be described. RDF Schema refers to these "kinds of things" as classes. A class in RDF Schema corresponds to the generic concept of a Type or Category, somewhat like the notion of a class in object-oriented programming languages such as Java. RDF classes can be used to represent almost any category of thing, such as Web pages, people, document types, databases or abstract concepts.

Classes are described using the RDF Schema resources rdfs:Class and rdfs:Resource, and the properties rdf:type and rdfs:subClassOf.
For example, suppose an organization example.org wanted to use RDF to provide information about different kinds of motor vehicles. In RDF Schema, example.org would first need a class to represent the category of things that are motor vehicles. The resources that belong to a class are called its instances. In this case, example.org intends for the instances of this class to be resources that are motor vehicles.

描述过程通常从划分被描述事物的种类开始。RDF Schema 把事物的种类称之为类。 RDF Schema中的类与我们通常所说的类型或者分类基本相同,在某种程度上也类似于Java这样的面向对象编程语言中的类的概念。RDF类可以用来表示事物的任何分类,例如,网页、人、文档类型、数据库或者抽象概念。类可以通过 RDF Schema中的资源:rdfs:Class 、rdfs:Resource,以及特性:rdf:type 和rdfs:subClassOf来表示。例如,假设某个组织-example.org 想要使用RDF来提供有关不同种类摩托车(Motor vehicles)的信息,它首先需要一个类来表达摩托车的分类。属于某个类的资源被称为该类的实例。在本例中,example.org被设计为这个摩托车类的实例。

In RDF Schema, a class is any resource having an rdf:type property whose value is the resource rdfs:Class. So the motor vehicle class would be described by assigning the class a URIref, say ex:MotorVehicle (using ex: to stand for the URIref http://www.example.org/schemas/vehicles, which is used as the prefix for URIrefs from example.org's vocabulary) and describing that resource with an rdf:type property whose value is the resource rdfs:Class. That is, example.org would write the RDF statement:
ex:MotorVehicle   rdf:type   rdfs:Class .

在RDF Schema中,任何具有特性 rdf:type,并且该特性值是 rdfs:Class 的资源都是一个类。因此,摩托车类可以用 URI引用表示为:ex:MotorVehicle(ex: 表示URI引用-http://www.example.org/schemas/vehicles, 该前缀表明URI引用来自 example.org所创建的词汇) ,这个资源具有rdf:type 特性,该特性的值是rdfs:Class。 也就是说,example.org应该编写如下的 RDF 声明:
ex:MotorVehicle   rdf:type   rdfs:Class .

As indicated in Section 3.2, the property rdf:type is used to indicate that a resource is an instance of a class. So, having described ex:MotorVehicle as a class, resource exthings:companyCar would be described as a motor vehicle by the RDF statement:
exthings:companyCar   rdf:type   ex:MotorVehicle .

正如在3.2小节中所讨论的那样,特性 rdf:type用来表明该资源是某个类的实例。因此,将ex:MotorVehicle描述为类之后,资源exthing:companyCar可以用RDF声明描述为摩托车:exthings:companyCar   rdf:type   ex:MotorVehicle .

(This statement uses a common convention that class names are written with an initial uppercase letter, while property and instance names are written with an initial lowercase letter. However, this convention is not required in RDF Schema. The statement also assumes that example.org has decided to define separate vocabularies for classes of things, and instances of things.)

(在书写声明的时候,通常会遵守一些约定,例如,类名的首字母通常会用大写,特性和实例名称的首字母往往用小写。但是,RDF Schema并不强制要求这一点。 声明假定example.org 为每类事物及事物实例会定义特定的词汇(separate vocabularies)。)

The resource rdfs:Class itself has an rdf:type of rdfs:Class. A resource may be an instance of more than one class.
After describing class ex:MotorVehicle, example.org might want to describe additional classes representing various specialized kinds of motor vehicle, e.g., passenger vehicles, vans, minivans, and so on. These classes can be described in the same way as class ex:MotorVehicle, by assigning a URIref for each new class, and writing RDF statements describing these resources as classes, e.g., writing:
ex:Van     rdf:type   rdfs:Class .
ex:Truck   rdf:type   rdfs:Class .

rdfs:Class也是资源,而且它本身的rdf:type 是 rdfs:Class。 一个资源可以是多个类的实例。描述完ex:MotorVehicle之后,example.org可能需要再定义其它的类来代表各种特定种类的摩托车,例如,passenger veicles, vans, minivans,等等。这些类可以采用和类ex:MotorVehicle同样的方法来定义。首先为每个新建的类指定一个URI引用,然后编写如下的 RDF声明将这些资源定义为类,如:
ex:Van     rdf:type   rdfs:Class .
ex:Truck   rdf:type   rdfs:Class .

and so on. However, these statements by themselves only describe the individual classes. example.org may also want to indicate their special relationship to class ex:MotorVehicle, i.e., that they are specialized kinds of MotorVehicle.
This kind of specialization relationship between two classes is described using the predefined rdfs:subClassOf property to relate the two classes. For example, to state that ex:Van is a specialized kind of ex:MotorVehicle, example.org would write the RDF statement:
ex:Van   rdfs:subClassOf   ex:MotorVehicle .

上面的这些声明本身只是描述了单个的类。example.org可能还想要描述类之间的关系。例如, 类 ex:MotorVehicle是一种特殊的MotorVehicle。 这种两种类之间的特化关系可以用预定义的特性:rdfs:subClassOf来描述。 例如,可以编写代码 ex:Van  rdfs:subClassOf ex:MotorVehicle 来声明:ex:Van是一种特殊的ex:MotorVehicle。

The meaning of this rdfs:subClassOf relationship is that any instance of class ex:Van is also an instance of class ex:MotorVehicle. So if resource exthings:companyVan is an instance of ex:Van then, based on the declared rdfs:subClassOf relationship, RDF software written to understand the RDF Schema vocabulary can infer the additional information that exthings:companyVan is also an instance of ex:MotorVehicle.

在上面的例子中,rdfs:subClassOf的含义是,任何ex:Van类的实例同时也是ex:MotroVehicle的实例。因此,如果资源exthings:companyVan是ex:Van的实例,那么,基于所声明的rdfs:subClassOf关系, RDF软件可以理解RDF Schema词汇,并推理出额外的有用信息,exthings:companyVan 也是ex:MotorVehicle的实例。

This example of exthings:companyVan illustrates the point made earlier about RDF Schema defining an extended language. RDF itself does not define the special meaning of terms from the RDF Schema vocabulary such as rdfs:subClassOf. So if an RDF schema defines this rdfs:subClassOf relationship between ex:Van and ex:MotorVehicle, RDF software not written to understand the RDF Schema terms would recognize this as a triple, with predicate rdfs:subClassOf, but it would not understand the special significance of rdfs:subClassOf, and not be able to draw the additional inference that exthings:companyVan is also an instance of ex:MotorVehicle.

exthings:companyVan的例子说明了一点:RDF Schema可以定义一种扩展语言。但是,RDF本身并没有定义 RDF Schema中的词汇,比如 rdfs:subClassOf所具有的含义. 因此,虽然某个RDF schema定义了ex:Van和ex:MotorVehicle之间的 rdfs:subClassOf 关系,但是 RDF 软件只能认识到这个声明是一个三元组,谓词是 rdfs:subClassOf。RDF软件并不能理解rdfs:subClassOf所代表的含义,也就是说,并且不能推理出新加事实:exthing:companyVan 也是 ex:MotorVehicle的实例。造成这种现象的原因在于理解RDF的软件并不一定能够理解RDF Schema 术语

The rdfs:subClassOf property is transitive. This means, for example, that given the RDF statements:

rdfs:subClassOf特性具有传递性,也就是说,如果给出一些RDF 声明:

ex:Van       rdfs:subClassOf   ex:MotorVehicle .
ex:MiniVan   rdfs:subClassOf   ex:Van .

RDF Schema defines ex:MiniVan as also being a subclass of ex:MotorVehicle. As a result, RDF Schema defines resources that are instances of class ex:MiniVan as also being instances of class ex:MotorVehicle (as well as being instances of class ex:Van). A class may be a subclass of more than one class (for example, ex:MiniVan may be a subclass of both ex:Van and ex:PassengerVehicle). RDF Schema defines all classes as subclasses of class rdfs:Resource (since the instances belonging to all classes are resources).

这些声明可以推理出ex:MiniVan同时也是ex:MotroVehicle 的子类。相应的,如果RDF Schema定义了某个资源是ex:MiniVan的实例,那么它同时也会是ex:MotorVehicle的实例(也是类ex:Van的实例)。类可以是多个类的子类。(例如:ex:MiniVan 可能是ex:Van和ex:PassengerVehicle的子类)。RDF Schema直接定义所有的类都是rdfs:Resource的子类(因为任何类的实例也都资源)。

Figure 18 shows the full class hierarchy being discussed in these examples.

图18 显示了本例中所讨论的类层次图。


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/16/2004 11:18:00 PM

ORAGEBENCH 好好休息两天啊。。。不要累坏了身体。。。呵呵
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 3:32:00 AM

--  偶也来一日一段
Since RDF uses URIrefs instead of words to name things in statements, RDF refers to a set of URIrefs (particularly a set intended for a specific purpose) as a vocabulary. Often, the URIrefs in such vocabularies are organized so that they can be represented as a set of QNames using a common prefix. That is, a common namespace URIref will be chosen for all terms in a vocabulary, typically a URIref under
the control of whoever is defining the vocabulary. URIrefs that are contained in the vocabulary are formed by appending individual local names to the end of the common URIref. This forms a set of URIrefs with a common prefix. For instance, as illustrated by the previous examples, an organization such as example.org might define a
vocabulary consisting of URIrefs starting with theprefixhttp://www.example.org/terms/ for terms it uses in its business, such as "creation-date" or "product", and another vocabulary of URIrefs starting with
http://www.example.org/staffid/ to identify its employees. RDF uses this same approach to define its own vocabulary of terms with special meanings in RDF.
The URIrefs in this RDF vocabulary all begin with http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdf:. The RDF Vocabulary Description Language (described in Section 5) defines an additional set of terms having URIrefs that begin with http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdfs:. (Where a specific QName prefix is commonly used in connection with a given set of terms in this way, the QName prefix itself is sometimes used as the name of the vocabulary. For example,
someone might refer to "the rdfs: vocabulary".)

着公用前缀的URIrefs。譬如:正像是前面的插图解说的那样,一个组织,比方说是example.org,就可能会定义一个由前缀全部为http://www.example.org/terms/的URIrefs构成的词汇表,用来记述这个组织在商业上用到的术语(例如:“创建日期”,“产品”等),同时也会定义一个全部由http://www.example.org/staffid/开头的URIrefs词汇表来区分这个组织的雇员。RDF用相同的方法来定义RDF术语的词汇表,这些术语在在RDF中有着特殊含义。在这个RDF的词汇表中的URIrefs都是以http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#做开头的,并按照惯例把它和QName前缀rdf:关联起来。RDF词汇表描述语言(将会在第五节做阐述)定义了另一套有以http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#做开头的URIrefs的术语集合,并按照惯例把它和QName前缀rdfs:关联起来。(当一个特定的QName前缀以这种方式与一个已给定的术语集相关联的时候,那么这个QName前缀有时会被用来做这个词汇表的名称,比如,有人可能听说过“the rdfs: vocabulary”)


Using common URI prefixes provides a convenient way to organize the URIrefs for a related set of terms. However, this is just a convention. The RDF model only recognizes full URIrefs; it does not "look inside" URIrefs or use any knowledge about their structure. In particular, RDF does not assume there is any relationship between URIrefs just because they have a common leading prefix (see Appendix A for further
discussion). Moreover, there is nothing that says that URIrefs with different leading prefixes cannot be considered part of the same vocabulary. A particular organization, process, tool, etc. can define a vocabulary that is significant for it, using URIrefs from any number of other vocabularies as part of its vocabulary.


In addition, sometimes an organization will use a vocabulary's namespace URIref as the URL of a Web resource that provides further information about that vocabulary. For example, as noted earlier, the QName prefix dc: will be used in Primer examples, associated with the namespace URIref http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/. In fact, this refers to the Dublin Core vocabulary described in Section 6.1. Accessing this namespace URIref in a Web browser will retrieve additional information about the
Dublin Core vocabulary (specifically, an RDF schema). However, this is also just a convention. RDF does not assume that a namespace URI identifies a retrievable Web resource (see Appendix B for further discussion).

另外,有时一个组织将使用词汇表的URIref命名空间用作是提供关于该词汇表的详细资料这种Web资源所在地的URL。例如:像起初很著名的QName前缀dc: 将会在入门书的例子中用到,它是和命名空间URIref http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/相关联的。事实上,这参考使用了在6.1节阐述的都柏林核心词汇表。通过在网页浏

In the rest of the Primer, the term vocabulary will be used when referring to a set of URIrefs defined for some specific purpose, such as the set of URIrefs defined by RDF for its own use, or the set of URIrefs defined by example.org to identify its employees. The term namespace will be used only when referring specifically to the syntactic concept of an XML namespace (or in describing the URI assigned to a prefix in a QName).

在这本入门书的其余部分里,当涉及到一些为特殊目而定义的一套URIref,比如供RDF自身的使用而定义的各种URIref ,或者是example.org定义的用来区分它雇员的一套URIref,时都将会用到术语词汇集。命名空间的术语只是当明确地涉

1.That is, a common namespace URIref will be chosen for all terms in a vocabulary, typically a URIref under the control of whoever is defining the vocabulary.


2.The URIrefs in this RDF vocabulary all begin with http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdf:.


3.there is nothing that says that URIrefs with different leading prefixes cannot be considered part of the same vocabulary. A particular organization, process, tool, etc. can define a vocabulary that is significant for it, using URIrefs from any number of other vocabularies as part of its vocabulary.


4.The term namespace will be used only when referring specifically to the syntactic concept of an XML namespace (or in describing the URI assigned to a prefix in a QName).


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 4:01:00 PM


Section 2.3    =>     2.3节
RDF/XML abbreviations     =>    RDF/XML简略形式
triple 译为三元组,还是三元式

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 7:24:00 PM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2004-7-17 16:01:15


Section 2.3    =>     2.3节
RDF/XML abbreviations     =>    RDF/XML简略形式
triple 译为三元组,还是三元式 ===》赞成译为 : 三元组

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 8:42:00 PM

to trevol:

这样不太好吧 ;-) 不管怎样,老婆应该是第一位的!


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 8:42:00 PM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-17 3:32:33的发言:
Since RDF uses URIrefs instead of words to name things in statements, RDF refers to a set of URIrefs (particularly a set intended for a specific purpose) as a vocabulary. Often, the URIrefs in such vocabularies are organized so that they can be represented as a set of QNames using a common prefix. That is, a common namespace URIref will be chosen for all terms in a vocabulary, typically a URIref under
the control of whoever is defining the vocabulary. URIrefs that are contained in the vocabulary are formed by appending individual local names to the end of the common URIref. This forms a set of URIrefs with a common prefix. For instance, as illustrated by the previous examples, an organization such as example.org might define a
vocabulary consisting of URIrefs starting with theprefixhttp://www.example.org/terms/ for terms it uses in its business, such as "creation-date" or "product", and another vocabulary of URIrefs starting with
http://www.example.org/staffid/ to identify its employees. RDF uses this same approach to define its own vocabulary of terms with special meanings in RDF.
The URIrefs in this RDF vocabulary all begin with http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdf:. The RDF Vocabulary Description Language (described in Section 5) defines an additional set of terms having URIrefs that begin with http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdfs:. (Where a specific QName prefix is commonly used in connection with a given set of terms in this way, the QName prefix itself is sometimes used as the name of the vocabulary. For example,
someone might refer to "the rdfs: vocabulary".)

着公用前缀的URIrefs。譬如:正像是前面的插图解说的那样,一个组织,比方说是example.org,就可能会定义一个由前缀全部为http://www.example.org/terms/的URIrefs构成的词汇表,用来记述这个组织在商业上用到的术语(例如:“创建日期”,“产品”等),同时也会定义一个全部由http://www.example.org/staffid/开头的URIrefs词汇表来区分这个组织的雇员。RDF用相同的方法来定义RDF术语的词汇表,这些术语在在RDF中有着特殊含义。在这个RDF的词汇表中的URIrefs都是以http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#做开头的,并按照惯例把它和QName前缀rdf:关联起来。RDF词汇表描述语言(将会在第五节做阐述)定义了另一套有以http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#做开头的URIrefs的术语集合,并按照惯例把它和QName前缀rdfs:关联起来。(当一个特定的QName前缀以这种方式与一个已给定的术语集相关联的时候,那么这个QName前缀有时会被用来做这个词汇表的名称,比如,有人可能听说过“the rdfs: vocabulary”)


Using common URI prefixes provides a convenient way to organize the URIrefs for a related set of terms. However, this is just a convention. The RDF model only recognizes full URIrefs; it does not "look inside" URIrefs or use any knowledge about their structure. In particular, RDF does not assume there is any relationship between URIrefs just because they have a common leading prefix (see Appendix A for further
discussion). Moreover, there is nothing that says that URIrefs with different leading prefixes cannot be considered part of the same vocabulary. A particular organization, process, tool, etc. can define a vocabulary that is significant for it, using URIrefs from any number of other vocabularies as part of its vocabulary.


In addition, sometimes an organization will use a vocabulary's namespace URIref as the URL of a Web resource that provides further information about that vocabulary. For example, as noted earlier, the QName prefix dc: will be used in Primer examples, associated with the namespace URIref http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/. In fact, this refers to the Dublin Core vocabulary described in Section 6.1. Accessing this namespace URIref in a Web browser will retrieve additional information about the
Dublin Core vocabulary (specifically, an RDF schema). However, this is also just a convention. RDF does not assume that a namespace URI identifies a retrievable Web resource (see Appendix B for further discussion).

另外,有时一个组织将使用词汇表的URIref命名空间用作是提供关于该词汇表的详细资料这种Web资源所在地的URL。例如:像起初很著名的QName前缀dc: 将会在入门书的例子中用到,它是和命名空间URIref http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/相关联的。事实上,这参考使用了在6.1节阐述的都柏林核心词汇表。通过在网页浏

In the rest of the Primer, the term vocabulary will be used when referring to a set of URIrefs defined for some specific purpose, such as the set of URIrefs defined by RDF for its own use, or the set of URIrefs defined by example.org to identify its employees. The term namespace will be used only when referring specifically to the syntactic concept of an XML namespace (or in describing the URI assigned to a prefix in a QName).

在这本入门书的其余部分里,当涉及到一些为特殊目而定义的一套URIref,比如供RDF自身的使用而定义的各种URIref ,或者是example.org定义的用来区分它雇员的一套URIref,时都将会用到术语词汇集。命名空间的术语只是当明确地涉

1.That is, a common namespace URIref will be chosen for all terms in a vocabulary, typically a URIref under the control of whoever is defining the vocabulary.


2.The URIrefs in this RDF vocabulary all begin with http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdf:.


3.there is nothing that says that URIrefs with different leading prefixes cannot be considered part of the same vocabulary. A particular organization, process, tool, etc. can define a vocabulary that is significant for it, using URIrefs from any number of other vocabularies as part of its vocabulary.

4.The term namespace will be used only when referring specifically to the syntactic concept of an XML namespace (or in describing the URI assigned to a prefix in a QName).



1.That is, a common namespace URIref will be chosen for all terms in a vocabulary, typically a URIref under the control of whoever is defining the vocabulary.


----------->也就是说,为一个词汇表中的所有术语选择一个共同的命名空间URIref, 这个URIref由定义该词汇表的开发人员来规定。

2.The URIrefs in this RDF vocabulary all begin with http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#, conventionally associated with the QName prefix rdf:.


------------>RDF 词汇表中的 URIrefs 都以 “http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# ”开头,通常情况下,其QName用前缀“rdf:”来表示。

3.there is nothing that says that URIrefs with different leading prefixes cannot be considered part of the same vocabulary. A particular organization, process, tool, etc. can define a vocabulary that is significant for it, using URIrefs from any number of other vocabularies as part of its vocabulary.


------->当 URIrefs 带有不同的先导前缀时,并没有规定说,这些URIrefs就不能被认为属于同一个词汇表。 某个特定的组织、过程(process)或者工具等可以根据自己的需要,来定义词汇。这些词汇的 URIrefs可以来自于任何其它的词汇,数目不受限制。

4.The term namespace will be used only when referring specifically to the syntactic concept of an XML namespace (or in describing the URI assigned to a prefix in a QName).


----> 术语 命名空间只是在特指XML命名空间这个语法概念的时候才会使用(或者用来描述 QName中的URI前缀)

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 8:47:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-17 20:42:03的发言:
to trevol:

这样不太好吧 ;-) 不管怎样,老婆应该是第一位的!



--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 10:40:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 10:50:00 PM




--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/17/2004 11:06:00 PM

以下是引用trevol在2004-7-17 20:47:04的发言:


--  作者:mangz
--  发布时间:7/18/2004 9:50:00 PM

admin 和trevol你们好,我在http://Wiki.w3china.org 注册好,名字是:mangz,我每天可以有3小时左右的时间,我正想做这方面的课题,做一下翻译,有助于我尽快熟悉这个领域。翻译那个部分都可以,尽管分配:zchchina@hotmail.com
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/18/2004 11:40:00 PM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 12:15:00 AM


以下是引用mangz在2004-7-18 21:50:13的发言:
admin 和trevol你们好,我在http://Wiki.w3china.org 注册好,名字是:mangz,我每天可以有3小时左右的时间,我正想做这方面的课题,做一下翻译,有助于我尽快熟悉这个领域。翻译那个部分都可以,尽管分配:zchchina@hotmail.com

--  作者:qqqdragon
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 10:51:00 AM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 1:53:00 PM

以下是引用qqqdragon在2004-7-19 10:51:07的发言:




--  作者:mangz
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 3:29:00 PM

--  作者:Candy
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 4:23:00 PM


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-19 16:44:33编辑过]

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 5:04:00 PM

以下是引用Candy在2004-7-19 16:23:51的发言:

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-19 16:44:33编辑过]




再次感谢 Candy 美眉的热情参与!

--  作者:Candy
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 5:24:00 PM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 5:39:00 PM

--  好啊~~ 3.1我快要完成了,要不3.2就交给你了?
以下是引用Candy在2004-7-19 17:24:03的发言:

--  作者:Candy
--  发布时间:7/19/2004 5:47:00 PM


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 2:24:00 AM

终于把2.2节The RDF Model搞定了,有几个词组不知怎么翻好:
1.formal logic  翻成形式逻辑行不行?
2.RDF applications  翻成RDF应用程序行不行?
3.It will simply not associate with the triple any special meaning that the vocabulary developer might have associated with a URIref like ed:dsfbups.   这句话看不懂...凑合着翻了一下:这只不过是没把词汇表开发人员赋值给一个URIref(比如 ed:dsfbups)的任何特定含义赋值给三元组。special meaning 翻成特定含义,还是特殊含义?
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 9:27:00 AM

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-20 2:24:57的发言:
终于把2.2节The RDF Model搞定了,有几个词组不知怎么翻好:
1.formal logic  翻成形式逻辑行不行?
2.RDF applications  翻成RDF应用程序行不行?
3.It will simply not associate with the triple any special meaning that the vocabulary developer might have associated with a URIref like ed:dsfbups.   这句话看不懂...凑合着翻了一下:这只不过是没把词汇表开发人员赋值给一个URIref(比如 ed:dsfbups)的任何特定含义赋值给三元组。special meaning 翻成特定含义,还是特殊含义?
---它(generic RDF software ,通用的RDF软件)不会把词汇表设计人员赋给一个URIref(比如 ed:dsfbups)的任何特定含义赋给三元组。
     ( 特定,特殊,好像没有多大区别 ;-) )


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 7:56:00 PM


2.4 Typed Literals
2.4 键入实字

The last section described how to handle situations in which property values represented by plain literals had to be broken up into structured values to represent the individual parts of those literals. Using this approach, instead of, say, recording the date a Web page was created as a single exterms:creation-date property, with a single plain literal as its value, the value would be represented as a structure consisting of the month, day, and year as separate pieces of information, using separate plain literals to represent the corresponding values. However, so far, all constant values that serve as objects in RDF statements have been represented by these plain (untyped) literals, even when the intent is probably for the value of the property to be a number (e.g., the value of a year or age property) or some other kind of more specialized value.
最后一个区间描述了该如何处理被平的实字表现的性质数值必须进入结构化数值之内被打碎表现那些实字的个别配件的形态。 使用这一个接近,取代 ,, 记录日期一个 [万维]网页是创造的如单一 exterms:创建日期特性,藉由一个单一平的实字如它的数值,数值会被表现如一个结构由如各别的信息月,日子和年所组成,使用对表现相应的数值是文字上的单独平。 然而,到现在为止,当 RDF 指述的物件已经被这些平的 (不打字) 实字表现的时候 , 所有的常数评价那一个服务, 即使当意图或许为性质的数值是一个数目 (举例来说,一个年或老化特性的数值) 或一些其他的类型较专门的数值。

--  作者:weekend
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 8:20:00 PM


我已经注册好了。用户名是 weekend

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 11:17:00 PM


Note that asserting the reification is not the same as asserting the original statement, and neither implies the other. That is, when someone says that John said something about the weight of a tent, they are not making a statement about the weight of a tent themselves, they are making a statement about something John said. Conversely, when someone describes the weight of a tent, they are not also making a statement about a statement they made (since they may have no intention of talking about things called "statements").The text above deliberately referred in a number of places to "the conventional use of reification". As noted earlier, care is needed when using the RDF reification vocabulary because it is easy to imagine that the vocabulary defines some things that are not actually defined. While there are applications that successfully use reification, they do so by following some conventions, and making some assumptions, that are in addition to the actual meaning that RDF defines for the reification vocabulary, and the actual facilities that RDF provides to support it.
注意到对具体化做断言和对原来的陈述做断言是不同的,并且,两者互不蕴涵。也就是说,当某人说John说了一些关于帐篷重量的事情,他本身并没有说关于帐篷重量的事情,而只是对John说的事情做出了一个陈述。相反地, 当某人(用一个陈述)描述了一个帐篷的重量,他并没有对这个陈述做出其他的陈述(因为他可能没有兴趣说关于“陈述”的事情)。上述说法在一些地方被称为“具体化的惯例用法”。就像前面说到的一样,用RDF具体化词汇的时候要谨慎,因为很容易设想这些词汇定义了一些其实并没有定义的事情。如果有应用程序成功使用具体化词汇,他们是通过遵循某些惯例,做了一些假设做到的,这些惯例和假设都是在RDF为具体化词汇定义的真正意义之外的,也是在RDF为了支持他们而提供的真正辅助之外的。

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/20/2004 11:52:00 PM

这段也不太明白,特别是最后几句。 ;-(

Using rdf:ID as shown in Example 20 generates the reification automatically, and provides a convenient way of indicating the URIref to be used as the subject of the statements in the reification. Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples. However, this relationship is once again outside RDF, since there is nothing in the resulting triples that explicitly says that the original triple had the URIref exproducts:triple12345 (RDF does not assume there is any relationship between a URIref and any RDF/XML that it might have been used or abbreviated in).

--  作者:weekend
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 4:02:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-20 23:17:18的发言:

That is, when someone says that John said something about the weight of a tent, they are not making a statement about the weight of a tent themselves, they are making a statement about something John said.



--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 11:41:00 AM

以下是引用weekend在2004-7-20 20:20:54的发言:

我已经注册好了。用户名是 weekend


您可以翻译 6。3 节 XPackage


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 11:43:00 AM

5。1 和5。2 都已经翻译完了。。。现在正在校对。。


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 12:14:00 PM

section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 12:18:00 PM

有时间的话,5.3-5.5 也看看吧,看是否和你前面的翻译有冲突。 ;-)

今天把4.3 翻译完,但有些还是拿不准,不是完全理解了4.3说的东西,这节希望

以下是引用trevol在2004-7-21 11:43:28的发言:
5。1 和5。2 都已经翻译完了。。。现在正在校对。。


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 12:20:00 PM

感觉你的翻译清晰易懂些,谢谢 ;-)
以下是引用weekend在2004-7-21 4:02:32的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-20 23:17:18的发言:

  That is, when someone says that John said something about the weight of a tent, they are not making a statement about the weight of a tent themselves, they are making a statement about something John said.



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 12:27:00 PM

--  翻译为钩子 ? 这样会不会太难听了?
以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 12:14:32的发言:
section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 12:29:00 PM

--  欢迎欢迎~~~~我们的力量越来越强了
以下是引用weekend在2004-7-20 20:20:54的发言:

我已经注册好了。用户名是 weekend

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 1:12:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-20 19:56:20的发言:

2.4 Typed Literals
2.4 键入实字

The last section described how to handle situations in which property values represented by plain literals had to be broken up into structured values to represent the individual parts of those literals. Using this approach, instead of, say, recording the date a Web page was created as a single exterms:creation-date property, with a single plain literal as its value, the value would be represented as a structure consisting of the month, day, and year as separate pieces of information, using separate plain literals to represent the corresponding values. However, so far, all constant values that serve as objects in RDF statements have been represented by these plain (untyped) literals, even when the intent is probably for the value of the property to be a number (e.g., the value of a year or age property) or some other kind of more specialized value.
最后一个区间描述了该如何处理被平的实字表现的性质数值必须进入结构化数值之内被打碎表现那些实字的个别配件的形态。 使用这一个接近,取代 ,, 记录日期一个 [万维]网页是创造的如单一 exterms:创建日期特性,藉由一个单一平的实字如它的数值,数值会被表现如一个结构由如各别的信息月,日子和年所组成,使用对表现相应的数值是文字上的单独平。 然而,到现在为止,当 RDF 指述的物件已经被这些平的 (不打字) 实字表现的时候 , 所有的常数评价那一个服务, 即使当意图或许为性质的数值是一个数目 (举例来说,一个年或老化特性的数值) 或一些其他的类型较专门的数值。


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 1:31:00 PM




--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 2:37:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-21 12:27:49的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 12:14:32的发言:
section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

  Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.


HOOK -挂钩、钩子 ,至少和WINDOWS编程中的术语是一致的。如果感觉绕口的话,就保留原文 HOOK。    比译成- 虎克 -强 !  呵呵

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 2:55:00 PM

那partial hook呢?
半钩? 还是 离别钩?


以下是引用trevol在2004-7-21 14:37:28的发言:
[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-21 12:27:49的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 12:14:32的发言:
  section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

   Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.


HOOK -挂钩、钩子 ,至少和WINDOWS编程中的术语是一致的。如果感觉绕口的话,就保留原文 HOOK。    比译成- 虎克 -强 !  呵呵

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 5:03:00 PM

--  晕阿~~~怎么还有partial hook
以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 14:55:20的发言:
那partial hook呢?
半钩? 还是 离别钩?


[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-7-21 14:37:28的发言:
[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-21 12:27:49的发言:
  [quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 12:14:32的发言:
   section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

    Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.


  HOOK -挂钩、钩子 ,至少和WINDOWS编程中的术语是一致的。如果感觉绕口的话,就保留原文 HOOK。    比译成- 虎克 -强 !  呵呵

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/21/2004 5:25:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-21 17:03:07的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 14:55:20的发言:
那partial hook呢?
  半钩? 还是 离别钩?


  [quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-7-21 14:37:28的发言:
  [quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-21 12:27:49的发言:
   [quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-21 12:14:32的发言:
    section 4.3 ,这个"hook"怎么翻译阿?

     Moreover, it provides a partial "hook" relating the triples in the reification with the piece of RDF/XML syntax that caused them to be created, since the value triple12345 of the rdf:ID attribute is used to generate the URIref of the subject of the reification triples.


   HOOK -挂钩、钩子 ,至少和WINDOWS编程中的术语是一致的。如果感觉绕口的话,就保留原文 HOOK。    比译成- 虎克 -强 !  呵呵

FAINT 倒 !!

Partial hook------------是不是我们小时候钓鱼用的“偏勾”啊!



--  作者:weekend
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 6:03:00 AM


以下是引用trevol在2004-7-21 11:41:27的发言:
[quote]以下是引用weekend在2004-7-20 20:20:54的发言:

  我已经注册好了。用户名是 weekend



您可以翻译 6。3 节 XPackage


--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 11:10:00 AM


还有我建议一下那个RDF Primer的wiki页面是不是可以分一下页呢,每一章节分一下或者怎么样,感觉载入那个页面实在太费时间了,而且很长,滚动条都要拉半天才能到下面,看起来比较困难好像.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 11:23:00 AM


rdf primer是比较大,我也向admin提过这问题,他说分页难度太大,只好讲究了。;-)

以下是引用nybon在2004-7-22 11:10:14的发言:

还有我建议一下那个RDF Primer的wiki页面是不是可以分一下页呢,每一章节分一下或者怎么样,感觉载入那个页面实在太费时间了,而且很长,滚动条都要拉半天才能到下面,看起来比较困难好像.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 11:31:00 AM

第一章 简介                                       -4页  (admin,已完成初稿)
第二章 资源描述语句                          -24页 (forwar,即将完成)
第三章 RDF的XML语法                        -19页 (admin,正在翻译中,3.1已完成)
第四章 其它RDF能力特征                     -24页(orangebench,已完成初稿)
第五章 定义RDF 词汇 RDF Schema          -19页(trevol,已完成初稿)
第六章 RDF应用领域                           -31页(尚缺 )
第七章 RDF规范相关文档                     - 2页
附录                                                  11页(尚缺 )

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 12:06:00 PM

我先报名翻译附录 :-)
--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 4:27:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 5:00:00 PM

Blank nodes provide one way to do this. For each n-ary relationship, one of the participants is chosen as the subject of the relationship (John in this case), and a blank node is created to represent the rest of the relationship (John's address in this case). The remaining participants in the relationship (such as the city in this example) are then represented as separate properties of the new resource represented by the blank node.

翻成:空节点提供了一种完成这个任务的方法:对于每一个N元关系,选择其中的一元(participant)作为这个关系的主体(比如John),创建一个空节点来描述其余的关联关系(比如John's address),这个N元关系的其他元(比如city)则被描述成由空节点描述的新资源的各个单独的属性。

行不行?participant 该怎么翻?

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 5:03:00 PM

participant 翻译的不错啊,元 挺好的 ;-)
我翻译的4。4 节也是讲n元关系的。

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-22 17:00:11的发言:
Blank nodes provide one way to do this. For each n-ary relationship, one of the participants is chosen as the subject of the relationship (John in this case), and a blank node is created to represent the rest of the relationship (John's address in this case). The remaining participants in the relationship (such as the city in this example) are then represented as separate properties of the new resource represented by the blank node.

翻成:空节点提供了一种完成这个任务的方法:对于每一个N元关系,选择其中的一元(participant)作为这个关系的主体(比如John),创建一个空节点来描述其余的关联关系(比如John's address),这个N元关系的其他元(比如city)则被描述成由空节点描述的新资源的各个单独的属性。
行不行?participant 该怎么翻?

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 5:15:00 PM




--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 7:13:00 PM

那个wiki页面的有的章节的"编辑"的链接似乎有点问题,像6.5 CIM/XML我点编辑的话链接到的是6.2 PRISM的编辑,而点6.7 section(不是标题的那个)的编辑才会链接到6.5的编辑,is there any problem or I made some mistake??
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 7:23:00 PM

一直有这问题,也没有得到解决 ;-)
以下是引用nybon在2004-7-22 19:13:03的发言:
那个wiki页面的有的章节的"编辑"的链接似乎有点问题,像6.5 CIM/XML我点编辑的话链接到的是6.2 PRISM的编辑,而点6.7 section(不是标题的那个)的编辑才会链接到6.5的编辑,is there any problem or I made some mistake??

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/22/2004 9:46:00 PM


欢迎  nybon 加入,目前第六章分配情况如下:

6. RDF 应用领域 
6.1 都柏林核心元数据计划  5页
6.2 PRISM 5页

6.3 XPackage 4页                          (已经分配给 weekend)
6.4 RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary 4页  ---(已分配给 qqqdragon)

6.5 CIM/XML 4页                          (已分配给 nybon)
6.6 基因本体联盟 3页 4页
6.7 设备能力与用户偏好描述 4页


[此贴子已经被orangebench于2004-7-23 2:34:25编辑过]

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 12:52:00 AM

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 12:58:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-22 19:23:10的发言:
一直有这问题,也没有得到解决 ;-)


--  作者:Candy
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 11:05:00 AM

--  第三章中的“RDF URIrefs”该怎么翻译啊?
--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 12:17:00 PM

嗯,张维明有出一本书叫《语义信息模型及应用》,里面很多内容都是翻译RDF Model and Syntax Specification的,不知道有没有翻到这个URIref,书现在不在我手头,应该别人也有的吧,看看就知道了.
--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 1:07:00 PM

以下是引用Candy在2004-7-23 11:05:54的发言:

URIref 暂时先不翻译了,最后统稿的时候,在同一一下。。。

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 4:21:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 5:03:00 PM

以下是引用Ontoweb在2004-7-23 16:21:13的发言:


6。1 节  有关 dublin Core 应用的那块内容 您翻译一下,可以吗?


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 5:18:00 PM

--  那是因为在某个标题(即== heading ==)后出现了多余字符
(== heading == 后面不应出现字符,必须另起一行)


以下是引用nybon在2004-7-22 19:13:03的发言:
那个wiki页面的有的章节的"编辑"的链接似乎有点问题,像6.5 CIM/XML我点编辑的话链接到的是6.2 PRISM的编辑,而点6.7 section(不是标题的那个)的编辑才会链接到6.5的编辑,is there any problem or I made some mistake??

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 5:25:00 PM

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 6:54:00 PM

6.1 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

Metadata is data about data. Specifically, the term refers to data used to identify, describe, or locate information resources, whether these resources are physical or electronic. While structured metadata processed by computers is relatively new, the basic concept of metadata has been used for many years in helping manage and use large collections of information. Library card catalogs are a familiar example of such metadata.
    元数据是关于数据的数据。这个术语指的是用来识别、描述、查找信息资源的数据,而不管这些数据资源是物理或者电子的。当被计算机处理的结构化元数据较新时,元数据的基本概念在帮助管理和使用海量(large collections ?)信息时曾经用过多年。元数据一个常见的应用就是图书目录卡。

The Dublin Core is a set of "elements" (properties) for describing documents (and hence, for recording metadata). The element set was originally developed at the March 1995 Metadata Workshop in Dublin, Ohio. The Dublin Core has subsequently been modified on the basis of later Dublin Core Metadata workshops, and is currently maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
都柏林核心是描述文件(对于记录元数据)的一个“元素”集(属性)。1995年3月在俄亥俄州的都柏林(Dublin, Ohio),元素集由元数据工作组首先开发出来。 稍后,在都柏林核心元数据工作组基础上,都柏林核心进行了一系列的修改,这就是我们现在看到的都柏林核心元数据倡议。

The goal of the Dublin Core is to provide a minimal set of descriptive elements that facilitate the description and the automated indexing of document-like networked objects, in a manner similar to a library card catalog. The Dublin Core metadata set is intended to be suitable for use by resource discovery tools on the Internet, such as the "Webcrawlers" employed by popular World Wide Web search engines. In addition, the Dublin Core is meant to be sufficiently simple to be understood and used by the wide range of authors and casual publishers who contribute information to the Internet.
都柏林核心的目的是提供一个描述元素的最小集,以便描述和文件的自动索引。如网络的对象可以在某种程度上类似于一张图书目录卡。 都柏林核心的目标是将元数据集建成适合因特网上使用的资源发现工具,诸如被流行的万维网搜索引擎使用的“Webcrawlers”。 此外,都柏林核心期望元数据集能够充分地简单地被理解,以便为因特网提供信息的作者和出版商给予更大范围的支持。
Dublin Core elements have become widely used in documenting Internet resources (the Dublin Core creator element has already been used in earlier examples). The current elements of the Dublin Core are defined in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description [DC], and contain definitions for the following properties:

都柏林核心元素已广泛地用于文件因特网资源(都柏林核心创造者元素早期的例子)。 都柏林核心当前的元素在都柏林核心元数据元素集中给出了定义,版本1.1: 参考描述[ DC ]。且包含下列的属性的定义:


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 9:25:00 PM




--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/23/2004 9:49:00 PM



第一章 简介                                       -4页  (admin,已完成初稿)
第二章 资源描述语句                          -24页 (forwar,除2.4外基本完成,正在翻译中)
第三章 RDF的XML语法                        -19页 (admin,正在翻译中, 3.1已完成)
第四章 其它RDF能力特征                     -24页(orangebench,已完成初稿)
第五章 定义RDF 词汇 RDF Schema          -19页(trevol,已完成初稿)
第六章 RDF应用领域                           -31页

6.1 都柏林核心元数据计划  5页          --Ontoweb
6.2 PRISM 5页                                 (无)
6.3 XPackage 4页                          (已经分配给 weekend)
6.4 RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary 4页  ---(已分配给 qqqdragon)
6.5 CIM/XML 4页                          (已分配给 nybon)
6.6 基因本体联盟 4页                 (无)
6.7 设备能力与用户偏好描述 4页         (无)

第七章 RDF规范相关文档                     - 2页
附录                                                  11页(admin预约 )

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:7/24/2004 10:04:00 AM

Initiative 译成什么好呢? 倡议 ? 计划?
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/24/2004 10:40:00 AM

呵呵,这么快! 我觉得 Initiative  翻译为倡议 挺好的.
以下是引用Ontoweb在2004-7-24 10:04:11的发言:
Initiative 译成什么好呢? 倡议 ? 计划?

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/24/2004 7:25:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-23 21:49:05的发言:


第一章 简介                                       -4页  (admin,已完成初稿)
第二章 资源描述语句                          -24页 (forwar,除2.4外基本完成,正在翻译中)
第三章 RDF的XML语法                        -19页 (admin,正在翻译中, 3.1已完成)
第四章 其它RDF能力特征                     -24页(orangebench,已完成初稿)
第五章 定义RDF 词汇 RDF Schema          -19页(trevol,已完成初稿)
第六章 RDF应用领域                           -31页

6.1 都柏林核心元数据计划  5页          --Ontoweb
6.2 PRISM 5页                                 (无)
6.3 XPackage 4页                          (已经分配给 weekend)
6.4 RSS 1.0: RDF Site Summary 4页  ---(已分配给 qqqdragon)
6.5 CIM/XML 4页                          (已分配给 nybon)
6.6 基因本体联盟 4页                 (无)
6.7 设备能力与用户偏好描述 4页         (无)

第七章 RDF规范相关文档                     - 2页
附录                                                  11页(admin预约 )


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/24/2004 8:08:00 PM

--  同意斑竹的看法
以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-24 10:40:57的发言:
呵呵,这么快! 我觉得 Initiative  翻译为倡议 挺好的.
[quote]以下是引用Ontoweb在2004-7-24 10:04:11的发言:
Initiative 译成什么好呢? 倡议 ? 计划?

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/26/2004 3:37:00 PM

--  这几个单词如何翻译
3.3 RDF/XML Summary
The examples above have illustrated some of the basic ideas behind the RDF/XML syntax. These examples provide enough information to begin writing useful RDF/XML. A more thorough discussion of the principles behind the modeling of RDF statements in XML (known as striping), together with a presentation of the other RDF/XML abbreviations available, and other details and examples about writing RDF in XML, is given in the (normative) RDF/XML Syntax Specification [RDF-SYNTAX].


property values
attribute values

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/26/2004 4:06:00 PM

Consider a graph of nodes, each with a type (ie. category or 'class'), and each having a bunch of named properties (relationships) connecting it to other nodes, which might be simply string-y values, or further nodes that are themselves at the sharp and/or blunt ends of various other edges in the graph. We need to create XML elements (possibly with associated attributes) that stand for these nodes and arcs. RDF's convention for doing this is called striped because, as you look at the XML element nesting structure, elements alternately represent nodes and edges.

This is RDF striping. Understanding this basic representational convention is all you need to understand most RDF/XML examples you'll encounter.

Understanding the Striped RDF/XML Syntax

根据上面的解释,striping 也许可以翻译为 “斑纹”语法 ? 有没有更好的翻译?

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 12:14:00 AM




1.validity 翻成合法性?合乎规则性?有效性?

2.lexical space 翻成词汇空间?词汇域?value space 值域?,我翻成了值域,行不行?

3.A lexical-to-value mapping from the lexical space to the value space.
lexical-to-value 翻成词到值映射?词汇域到值域的映射?

4.the built-in XML Schema datatypes  翻成“XML模型内建数据类型”行不行?

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 12:22:00 AM

呵呵,不是二等兵,应该是 敢死队 ;-)

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-27 0:14:27的发言:



1.validity 翻成合法性?合乎规则性?有效性?
--- 好像是 有效性 好些.
2.lexical space 翻成词汇空间?词汇域?value space 值域?,我翻成了值域,行不行?
---lexical space 词法空间  value space 值空间,不要翻译为值域, 以和rdfs 的range 区别

3.A lexical-to-value mapping from the lexical space to the value space.
  lexical-to-value 翻成词到值映射?词汇域到值域的映射?
---好像 可以, 等trevol 定夺 ;-)

4.the built-in XML Schema datatypes  翻成“XML模型内建数据类型”行不行?
--XML Schema 内置数据类型 (Schema可不翻译)

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 12:29:00 AM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 9:58:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-26 16:06:38的发言:
Consider a graph of nodes, each with a type (ie. category or 'class'), and each having a bunch of named properties (relationships) connecting it to other nodes, which might be simply string-y values, or further nodes that are themselves at the sharp and/or blunt ends of various other edges in the graph. We need to create XML elements (possibly with associated attributes) that stand for these nodes and arcs. RDF's convention for doing this is called striped because, as you look at the XML element nesting structure, elements alternately represent nodes and edges.

This is RDF striping. Understanding this basic representational convention is all you need to understand most RDF/XML examples you'll encounter.

Understanding the Striped RDF/XML Syntax

根据上面的解释,striping 也许可以翻译为 “斑纹”语法 ? 有没有更好的翻译?

和orengebench 讨论后,建议暂时翻译为 “条状嵌套”, 大家可以继续考虑一下,有没有更好的翻译。。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 10:11:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-27 0:22:03的发言:
呵呵,不是二等兵,应该是 敢死队 ;-)


   A lexical-to-value mapping from the lexical space to the value space.
   lexical-to-value 翻成词到值映射?词汇域到值域的映射?

建议建议译为: 从词空间到值空间的"词-值"映射。


--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 4:20:00 PM

An excellent discussion of CIM/XML can be found in [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-devos [DWZ01]]. [NB: This power industry CIM should not be confused with the CIM developed by the [http://www.dmtf.org/ Distributed Management Task Force] for representing management information for distributed software, network, and enterprise environments. The DMTF CIM also has an XML representation, but does not currently use RDF, although independent research is underway in that direction.]

power system

These extensions support the description of inverse roles and multiplicity (cardinality) constraints describing how many instances of a given property are allowed for a given resource (allowable values for a multiplicity declaration are zero-or-one, exactly-one, zero-or-more, one-or-more).



power system是翻成电力系统还是能源系统?感觉字面来看是能源,不过那边讲的似乎都是电力有关的。

inverse role是什么意思?

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 4:28:00 PM

Finally, CIM/XML also illustrates an important fact for those looking for additional examples of "RDF in the Field": sometimes languages are described as "XML" languages, or systems are described as using "XML", and the "XML" they are actually using is RDF/XML, i.e., they are RDF applications.

RDF in the field怎么翻又??

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 5:17:00 PM

以下是引用nybon在2004-7-27 16:20:28的发言:
An excellent discussion of CIM/XML can be found in [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#ref-devos [DWZ01]]. [NB: This power industry CIM should not be confused with the CIM developed by the [http://www.dmtf.org/ Distributed Management Task Force] for representing management information for distributed software, network, and enterprise environments. The DMTF CIM also has an XML representation, but does not currently use RDF, although independent research is underway in that direction.]

power system

These extensions support the description of inverse roles and multiplicity (cardinality) constraints describing how many instances of a given property are allowed for a given resource (allowable values for a multiplicity declaration are zero-or-one, exactly-one, zero-or-more, one-or-more).



power system是翻成电力系统还是能源系统?感觉字面来看是能源,不过那边讲的似乎都是电力有关的。

inverse role是什么意思?


[I]N.B. n : a Latin phrase (or its abbreviation) used to indicate that special attention should be paid to something; "the margins of his book were generously supplied with pencilled NBs" [syn: nota bene, NB, N.B.]


POWER SYSTEM: 建议 译为-电力系统;

INVERSE ROLE: 建议暂时译为: 反向角色;


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 5:21:00 PM

以下是引用nybon在2004-7-27 16:28:19的发言:
Finally, CIM/XML also illustrates an important fact for those looking for additional examples of "RDF in the Field": sometimes languages are described as "XML" languages, or systems are described as using "XML", and the "XML" they are actually using is RDF/XML, i.e., they are RDF applications.

RDF in the field怎么翻又??

RDF in the field 可以翻译为  RDF在领域中的应用

--  作者:猫小
--  发布时间:7/27/2004 6:03:00 PM

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/28/2004 8:34:00 AM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/28/2004 9:46:00 PM



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/28/2004 10:25:00 PM

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:7/29/2004 10:50:00 AM

6.5 基本完成,已经提交上去了,也请admin校对帮助修改一下^_^,辛苦了

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/29/2004 11:47:00 AM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/29/2004 9:20:00 PM


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/29/2004 9:26:00 PM

To Ontoweb, nybon:

如果有时间的话,你们还可以继续翻译第6节的其他部分哦。 ;-)

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:7/29/2004 10:24:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/30/2004 12:57:00 AM

我看第六节的6.2 PRISM部分没分配,那我来翻译一下吧。



--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:7/30/2004 10:26:00 AM

昨晚加班,2.2节已经校对完了。本来以为要好几天,但发现你翻译的很好,就迅速解决了 ;-)

那6.2就交给你了 ;-)
以下是引用forwar在2004-7-30 0:57:41的发言:
我看第六节的6.2 PRISM部分没分配,那我来翻译一下吧。



--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/30/2004 4:38:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-30 10:26:49的发言:
昨晚加班,2.2节已经校对完了。本来以为要好几天,但发现你翻译的很好,就迅速解决了 ;-)

那6.2就交给你了 ;-)


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/30/2004 11:43:00 PM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:7/31/2004 11:44:00 AM




1.Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata [PRISM]出版业必需的行业元数据标准?

2.end-to-end metadata 怎么翻?

3.Rights Tracking 翻成 权限追踪 行不行?

4.PRISM Controlled Vocabulary(pcv) 翻成 PRISM限制性词汇集 行不行?

5.Digital Rights Management 翻成 数字权限管理 行不行?

6.Example 36 says that the photographer for the Corfu image was employee 3845, better known as John Peterson. It also says that the geographic coverage of the photo is Greece. It does so by providing, not just a code from a controlled vocabulary, but a cached version of the information for that term in the vocabulary.


例36说明了图片“Corfu”的摄影师员工号是“3845”(employee 3845),就是人们熟知的John Peterson(better known as John Peterson)。它还说明了图片的出处在地理学上是希腊。它能做到这些,不仅仅是因为提供了一个取自限制性词汇集的代码,还提供了关于词汇集中术语信息的一个隐藏的解释。



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/31/2004 6:12:00 PM


Section 2   -> 第2节
Section 2.1 -> 2.1节
Section 2.2.1 -> 2.2.1节
对于夹在汉字中的 英文, 英文两头没有加空格
  [译注// 内容 ] (目前使用的)
  /*译注: 内容 */
对于link的处理 : 没有在两头增加空格 (不过这样可能会有问题)
参考文献的引用:URIrefs[RFC 2396] (方括号前与文字不留空格,注:W3C原文是留1个空格的)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-9 12:19:42编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:7/31/2004 6:35:00 PM

不了解上下文,仅供参考 :-)

以下是引用forwar在2004-7-31 11:44:20的发言:



1.Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata [PRISM]出版业必需的行业元数据标准?

2.end-to-end metadata 怎么翻?

3.Rights Tracking 翻成 权限追踪 行不行?

~~~have no idea

4.PRISM Controlled Vocabulary(pcv) 翻成 PRISM限制性词汇集 行不行?

~~~受限词汇表? ?

5.Digital Rights Management 翻成 数字权限管理 行不行?


6.Example 36 says that the photographer for the Corfu image was employee 3845, better known as John Peterson. It also says that the geographic coverage of the photo is Greece. It does so by providing, not just a code from a controlled vocabulary, but a cached version of the information for that term in the vocabulary.


例36说明了图片“Corfu”的摄影师员工号是“3845”(employee 3845,员工 3845???),就是人们熟知的John Peterson(better known as John Peterson)。它还说明了图片的地理出处在地理学上是希腊(图片上的画面所在地理位置为希腊。BTW:关于dc:coverage可以参考http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&ID=9051[/color])。它能做到这些(例36得以描述这些信息),不仅仅是因为提供了一个取自限制性词汇集的代码,还提供了关于词汇集中术语信息的一个隐藏的解释。




--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/1/2004

employee 3845,员工 3845,我猜是这个意思,于是就这样写了;图片上的画面所在地理位置为希腊,这一句我翻错了,这句没理解好。现在看看“还说明了图片的地理出处在地理学上是希腊”翻的真搞笑~~哈哈哈~~
--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 10:47:00 AM

以下是引用admin在2004-7-31 18:35:17的发言:
不了解上下文,仅供参考 :-)

[quote]以下是引用forwar在2004-7-31 11:44:20的发言:



  1.Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata [PRISM]出版业必需的行业元数据标准?

  2.end-to-end metadata 怎么翻?

  3.Rights Tracking 翻成 权限追踪 行不行?

~~~have no idea  ======>版权追踪

  4.PRISM Controlled Vocabulary(pcv) 翻成 PRISM限制性词汇集 行不行?

~~~受限词汇表? ?  ====》受控词汇表

  5.Digital Rights Management 翻成 数字权限管理 行不行?

~~~~~~~~~~恩。。是这么翻的   ====》建议译为:数字版权管理

  6.Example 36 says that the photographer for the Corfu image was employee 3845, better known as John Peterson. It also says that the geographic coverage of the photo is Greece. It does so by providing, not just a code from a controlled vocabulary, but a cached version of the information for that term in the vocabulary.


  例36说明了图片“Corfu”的摄影师员工号是“3845”(employee 3845,[color=#0000FF]员工编号 3845[/color]),就是人们熟知的John Peterson(better known as John Peterson)。它还说明了图片的地理出处在地理学上是希腊(图片所显示的地理位置为希腊。BTW:关于dc:coverage可以参考http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&ID=9051[/color])。例36之所以能够做到这一点,在于它不仅仅提供了来自受控词汇表的术语代码(code),而且它还可以提供该词汇表中术语代码所隐含的信息。



--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 11:05:00 AM

--  什么叫 end-to-end metadata  ?
--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 12:16:00 PM

以下是引用admin在2004-8-1 11:05:52的发言:

End-to-end metadata: Most published content already has metadata created for it. Unfortunately, when content moves between systems, the metadata is frequently discarded, only to be re-created later in the production process at considerable expense. PRISM aims to reduce this problem by providing a specification that can be used in multiple stages in the content production pipeline. An important feature of the PRISM specification is its use of other existing specifications. Rather than create an entirely new thing, the group decided to use existing specifications as much as possible, and only define new things where needed. For this reason, the PRISM specification uses XML, RDF, Dublin Core, and well as various ISO formats and vocabularies.

END TO END  metadata 可能是可以被多个应用(END)所共用和重用的元数据吧。。。

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 5:15:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 7:06:00 PM


5.1 和 5。2 都校完了。。。明天贴上去。



--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 7:28:00 PM

--  作者:npubird
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 8:32:00 PM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 8:46:00 PM

以下是引用npubird在2004-8-1 20:32:47的发言:

--  作者:weekend
--  发布时间:8/1/2004 10:24:00 PM

各位,6.3 翻译了.亲大家去帮忙修改一下.



--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 10:39:00 AM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 10:53:00 AM

我大概看了一下你翻译的6.5, 感觉翻译的很好,可以继续哦。
以下是引用nybon在2004-8-2 10:39:22的发言:

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 12:00:00 PM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 12:10:00 PM

Ok! 2.3, 2.4 校对完毕, forwar的翻译很不错, 非常感谢!


--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 12:31:00 PM

"鏁版嵁搴撴寚浠よ娉曢敊璇? 杩欏彲鑳芥槸鐢变簬闈炴硶鎼滅储鎸囦护鎵寮曡捣鐨?瑙?$5), 涔熷彲鑳芥槸鐢变簬杞欢鑷韩鐨勯敊璇墍寮曡捣銆? 鏈鍚庝竴娆℃暟鎹簱鎸囦护鏄細
SELECT user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_email,user_options,user_rights,user_touched FROM user WHERE user_id=67
鏉ヨ嚜浜庡嚱鏁?"User::loadFromDatabase"銆? MySQL杩斿洖閿欒 "1016: Can't open file: 'user.MYD'. (errno: 145)"銆?"


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 12:43:00 PM

以下是引用nybon在2004-8-2 12:31:42的发言:
"鏁版嵁搴撴寚浠よ娉曢敊璇? 杩欏彲鑳芥槸鐢变簬闈炴硶鎼滅储鎸囦护鎵寮曡捣鐨?瑙?$5), 涔熷彲鑳芥槸鐢变簬杞欢鑷韩鐨勯敊璇墍寮曡捣銆? 鏈鍚庝竴娆℃暟鎹簱鎸囦护鏄細
SELECT user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_email,user_options,user_rights,user_touched FROM user WHERE user_id=67
鏉ヨ嚜浜庡嚱鏁?"User::loadFromDatabase"銆? MySQL杩斿洖閿欒 "1016: Can't open file: 'user.MYD'. (errno: 145)"銆?"


--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/2/2004 1:29:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-2 12:10:50的发言:
Ok! 2.3, 2.4 校对完毕, forwar的翻译很不错, 非常感谢!



--  作者:anonymous
--  发布时间:8/3/2004 3:04:00 PM

--  作者:Kevin-20040804
--  发布时间:8/4/2004 3:32:00 PM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/4/2004 3:46:00 PM

谢谢! 我们后面还会继续组织翻译RDF,OWL的其他规范, 欢迎参与!
以下是引用Kevin-20040804在2004-8-4 15:32:58的发言:

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 10:12:00 AM



--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 11:06:00 AM

以下是引用nybon在2004-8-2 12:00:54的发言:

nybon,6。6 翻译得怎么样了。。。呵呵。。。好几天没有见你了哦。。。

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 12:23:00 PM

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 4:35:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 4:38:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-6 16:35:08的发言:


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 5:45:00 PM

最后一句: 不知道如何翻译好。

===7.2 Test Cases===

The test cases are not a complete specification of RDF, and are not intended to take precedence over the other specification documents. However, they are intended to illustrate the intent of the RDF Core Working Group with respect to the design of RDF, and developers may find these test cases helpful should the wording of the specifications be unclear on any point of detail.<BR>

这些测试用例并不是一个RDF的完全规范, 以不优先于其他规范文档. 然而, 他们是用以说明RDF核心工作组对RDF的设计用途,  发现这些测试用例有用的开发人员应该注意到这个(测试用例)规范从任何详细程度上来说都是不够清晰的.

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 6:39:00 PM

最后一句感觉需要改动了一下 :-)

这些测试用例不是对RDF的完全规格说明,也没有优先于其他规范文档的意思。相反,它们是用来阐明RDF核心工作组(RDF Core Working Group)在RDF的设计方面的意图。开发人员也许会觉得这些测试用例很有帮助,如果那些规范在某些细节的措辞上不够清晰的话。

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-6 17:45:08的发言:
最后一句: 不知道如何翻译好。

===7.2 Test Cases===

The test cases are not a complete specification of RDF, and are not intended to take precedence over the other specification documents. However, they are intended to illustrate the intent of the RDF Core Working Group with respect to the design of RDF, and developers may find these test cases helpful should the wording of the specifications be unclear on any point of detail.

这些测试用例并不是一个RDF的完全规范, 以不优先于其他规范文档. 然而, 他们是用以说明RDF核心工作组对RDF的设计用途,  发现这些测试用例有用的开发人员应该注意到这个(测试用例)规范从任何详细程度上来说都是不够清晰的.

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 6:41:00 PM

你这样一说,意思就清楚了. 我马上改过来!


以下是引用admin在2004-8-6 18:39:00的发言:
最后一句感觉需要改动了一下 :-)

这些测试用例不是对RDF的完全规格说明,也没有优先于其他规范文档的意思。相反,它们是用来阐明RDF核心工作组(RDF Core Working Group)在RDF的设计方面的意图。开发人员也许会觉得这些测试用例很有帮助,如果那些规范在某些细节的措辞上不够清晰的话。

[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-6 17:45:08的发言:
最后一句: 不知道如何翻译好。

  ===7.2 Test Cases===

  The test cases are not a complete specification of RDF, and are not intended to take precedence over the other specification documents. However, they are intended to illustrate the intent of the RDF Core Working Group with respect to the design of RDF, and developers may find these test cases helpful should the wording of the specifications be unclear on any point of detail.

  这些测试用例并不是一个RDF的完全规范, 以不优先于其他规范文档. 然而, 他们是用以说明RDF核心工作组对RDF的设计用途,  发现这些测试用例有用的开发人员应该注意到这个(测试用例)规范从任何详细程度上来说都是不够清晰的.

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/6/2004 8:00:00 PM

--  可以等到下次更新时一起更新
怪我把主题做得太长了,现在的RDF Primer已经有500K了,每更新一次,数据库就增大500K,不仅费空间,而且打开速度也很慢,,

--  作者:xujcan
--  发布时间:8/7/2004 3:01:00 PM

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/7/2004 6:43:00 PM

--  6.7还没人翻,你可以先翻译这一章。

以下是引用xujcan在2004-8-7 15:01:03的发言:

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/7/2004 7:02:00 PM

非常欢迎! 除了可以翻译6.7 和review 其他人翻译的外,

Wiki上还有相关的规范,如RDF concept and abstract syntax, owl overview都可以翻译.

以下是引用xujcan在2004-8-7 15:01:03的发言:

--  作者:Spark
--  发布时间:8/7/2004 11:25:00 PM

3. -》权限跟踪 注:版权是copyright,是right的子集 :)
5. -》数字权限管理 理由同上。 相信我,这个说法是通用的。

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-1 10:47:15的发言:
[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-7-31 18:35:17的发言:
不了解上下文,仅供参考 :-)

  [quote]以下是引用forwar在2004-7-31 11:44:20的发言:



   1.Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata [PRISM]出版业必需的行业元数据标准?

   2.end-to-end metadata 怎么翻?

   3.Rights Tracking 翻成 权限追踪 行不行?

  ~~~have no idea  ======>版权追踪

   4.PRISM Controlled Vocabulary(pcv) 翻成 PRISM限制性词汇集 行不行?

  ~~~受限词汇表? ?  ====》受控词汇表

   5.Digital Rights Management 翻成 数字权限管理 行不行?

  ~~~~~~~~~~恩。。是这么翻的   ====》建议译为:数字版权管理

   6.Example 36 says that the photographer for the Corfu image was employee 3845, better known as John Peterson. It also says that the geographic coverage of the photo is Greece. It does so by providing, not just a code from a controlled vocabulary, but a cached version of the information for that term in the vocabulary.


   例36说明了图片“Corfu”的摄影师员工号是“3845”(employee 3845,[color=#0000FF]员工编号 3845[/color]),就是人们熟知的John Peterson(better known as John Peterson)。它还说明了图片的地理出处在地理学上是希腊(图片所显示的地理位置为希腊。BTW:关于dc:coverage可以参考http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&ID=9051[/color])。例36之所以能够做到这一点,在于它不仅仅提供了来自受控词汇表的术语代码(code),而且它还可以提供该词汇表中术语代码所隐含的信息。



--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/8/2004 12:20:00 AM

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-6 11:06:39的发言:

nybon,6。6 翻译得怎么样了。。。呵呵。。。好几天没有见你了哦。。。

^_^,去同学那里玩了两天才回来.翻的差不多了,不过有写地方不会翻, question list:

The objective of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium [GO] is to provide controlled vocabularies to describe specific aspects of gene products.


The three organizing principles of the GO are molecular function, biological process, and cellular component.

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/8/2004 12:47:00 AM

This tag represents the relationship "GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674", or, in English, "Antioxidant is a molecular function."
纯粹的一个翻译问题,它这里说"in English",我后面应该翻还是不翻呢?
译文1: 该标记表示了"GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674"这一关系,或者用英语来说,表示了"抗氧化剂是一个分子功能"

译文2: 该标记表示了"GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674"这一关系,或者用英语来说,表示了"Antioxidant is a molecular function"

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/8/2004 12:54:00 AM

--  请qinpu进来看一下
以下是引用nybon在2004-8-8 0:20:11的发言:
[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-8-6 11:06:39的发言:

  nybon,6。6 翻译得怎么样了。。。呵呵。。。好几天没有见你了哦。。。

^_^,去同学那里玩了两天才回来.翻的差不多了,不过有写地方不会翻, question list:

The objective of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium [GO] is to provide controlled vocabularies to describe specific aspects of gene products.


The three organizing principles of the GO are molecular function, biological process, and cellular component.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~have no idea 呀~~~~ qinpu 是不是会知道呢?

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/8/2004 1:07:00 AM

go:association can have both go:evidence, which holds a go:dbxref to the evidence supporting the association, and a go:gene_product, which contains the gene symbol and go:dbxref.


ISS means "inferred from sequence similarity [with <database:sequence_id>]"
IDA means "inferred from direct assay"
TAS means "traceable author statement"


since the nesting of other elements within these elements does not conform to the alternate node/predicate arc "stripes" described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of [RDF-SYNTAX].


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-8 10:57:54编辑过]

--  作者:xujcan
--  发布时间:8/8/2004 8:58:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 8:39:00 AM

以下是引用nybon在2004-8-8 0:20:11的发言:
[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-8-6 11:06:39的发言:

  nybon,6。6 翻译得怎么样了。。。呵呵。。。好几天没有见你了哦。。。

^_^,去同学那里玩了两天才回来.翻的差不多了,不过有写地方不会翻, question list:

The objective of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium [GO] is to provide controlled vocabularies to describe specific aspects of gene products.


The three organizing principles of the GO are molecular function, biological process, and cellular component.

controlled vocabulary ->可译成 “受控词表”  ,言下之意就是词表是某个权威组织开发和维护的。

那三个专业词汇 MOLECULAR FUNCTION、BIOLOGICAL PROCESS, CELLULAR COMPONENT 翻译得应该不错。具体可以参考:http://www.bioclub.org/modules/xoopsfaq/index.php?cat_id=2

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 8:41:00 AM

以下是引用nybon在2004-8-8 0:47:04的发言:
This tag represents the relationship "GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674", or, in English, "Antioxidant is a molecular function."
纯粹的一个翻译问题,它这里说"in English",我后面应该翻还是不翻呢?
译文1: 该标记表示了"GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674"这一关系,或者用英语来说,表示了"抗氧化剂是一个分子功能"

译文2: 该标记表示了"GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674"这一关系,或者用英语来说,表示了"Antioxidant is a molecular function"

如: 该标记表示了"GO:0016209 isa GO:0003674"这一关系,或者用英语来说,表示了"Antioxidant is a molecular function"(抗氧化剂是一个分子功能)。

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 3:12:00 PM

--  [B] 是不是可以考虑翻译的 术语 和 格式 统一 了?[/B]



没把握的,或可能需要讨论的,可以先在 讨论页面(点击edit旁的discussion) 发表自己的看法。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 3:20:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 15:50:17的发言:
什么地方会混淆呢? 我只发现在rdf xml syntax中,有属性节点(attribute node)。在RDF中没有attribute的概念吧?

在REVIEW第三章的时候,发现文中多次同时出现 ATTRIBUTE 和 PROPERTY两个词。如果两个词都翻译为属性的话,可能会丢失一些信息。

ATTRIBUTE 确实是在从XML语法层面上谈问题;而RDF/S中,每当从RDF数据模型层面上讨论问题的时候,都采用用PROPERTY一词。因此,笼统地将两个词都译为“属性”并不合适。毕竟这两个词在RDF PRIMER中都出现,而且第三章尤其频繁。

建议在翻译中区分这两个词,ATTRIBUTE 翻译为-“属性”;PROPERTY 翻译为“特性”。


--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 4:29:00 PM



但是总觉得特性,有点怪怪的感觉,毕竟我们从OO,UML都习惯了说,为一个类声明/设置/添加一个属性;一个Person的实例/个体具有属性Weight等等。要改口的确有些困难 :-)

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-9 15:20:44的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 15:50:17的发言:
什么地方会混淆呢? 我只发现在rdf xml syntax中,有属性节点(attribute node)。在RDF中没有attribute的概念吧?

在REVIEW第三章的时候,发现文中多次同时出现 ATTRIBUTE 和 PROPERTY两个词。如果两个词都翻译为属性的话,可能会丢失一些信息。

ATTRIBUTE 确实是在从XML语法层面上谈问题;而RDF/S中,每当从RDF数据模型层面上讨论问题的时候,都采用用PROPERTY一词。因此,笼统地将两个词都译为“属性”并不合适。毕竟这两个词在RDF PRIMER中都出现,而且第三章尤其频繁。

建议在翻译中区分这两个词,ATTRIBUTE 翻译为-“属性”;PROPERTY 翻译为“特性”。


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 4:46:00 PM

准确地说,attribute在第3节中是指XML的属性(attribute node)节点,而 property是RDF的属性(谓词)。

特性 我也觉得有点难以接受, 总觉得怪怪的。

所以,我的建议是:如果通过上下文不会混淆,都翻译为属性,可能混淆的话,attribute 翻译为XML属性(节点),property翻译为RDF属性

此外,在attribute第一次出现的时候, 注明一下它的意思:即XML属性节点。

以下是引用admin在2004-8-9 16:29:05的发言:


但是总觉得特性,有点怪怪的感觉,毕竟我们从OO,UML都习惯了说,为一个类声明/设置/添加一个属性;一个Person的实例/个体具有属性Weight等等。要改口的确有些困难 :-)

[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-8-9 15:20:44的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 15:50:17的发言:
  什么地方会混淆呢? 我只发现在rdf xml syntax中,有属性节点(attribute node)。在RDF中没有attribute的概念吧?

  在REVIEW第三章的时候,发现文中多次同时出现 ATTRIBUTE 和 PROPERTY两个词。如果两个词都翻译为属性的话,可能会丢失一些信息。

  ATTRIBUTE 确实是在从XML语法层面上谈问题;而RDF/S中,每当从RDF数据模型层面上讨论问题的时候,都采用用PROPERTY一词。因此,笼统地将两个词都译为“属性”并不合适。毕竟这两个词在RDF PRIMER中都出现,而且第三章尤其频繁。

  建议在翻译中区分这两个词,ATTRIBUTE 翻译为-“属性”;PROPERTY 翻译为“特性”。


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 8:56:00 PM

RDF PRIMER 到目前为止只剩下了6.4、6.6 、6。7三个小节,尚未完成。同志们加把劲!争取明天集中精力把这三个小节结束,具体任务分配:



--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 11:06:00 PM


A CC/PP ''vocabulary'' defines specific components and their attributes.  CC/PP however, does not define such vocabularies. Instead, vocabularies are defined by other organizations or applications (as described below).

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/9/2004 11:57:00 PM


An instance of a CC/PP vocabulary is called a ''profile''.


有没有更好的? 谢谢!

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/10/2004 12:41:00 AM

翻译完6.7,越发觉得RDF是个好东西! Yeah!


--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/10/2004 11:53:00 AM

RDF PRIMER 初稿已经翻译完毕!感谢一起奋战了将近一个月的兄弟姐妹们,大家辛苦了!庆祝一下。。。。。



--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/10/2004 12:12:00 PM



以下是引用trevol在2004-8-10 11:53:42的发言:
RDF PRIMER 初稿已经翻译完毕!感谢一起奋战了将近一个月的兄弟姐妹们,大家辛苦了!庆祝一下。。。。。



--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/10/2004 12:21:00 PM

6.6节已经提交,不过满多东西不会翻的,someone helps me to do a review and modification.
--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/10/2004 11:03:00 PM




--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/11/2004 12:10:00 AM

6.2  "hits the stands" 怎么翻译?

typically they all go live at the time the magazine hits the stands.

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/11/2004 9:13:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-11 0:10:08的发言:
6.2  "hits the stands" 怎么翻译?

typically they all go live at the time the magazine hits the stands.

hit the stands ----------翻译为“杂志发行”应该是正确的。可以用magazine hits the stands 到GOOGLE上搜索一下。

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/11/2004 10:24:00 AM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/11/2004 10:48:00 AM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-11 0:10:08的发言:
6.2  "hits the stands" 怎么翻译?

typically they all go live at the time the magazine hits the stands.


--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/11/2004 11:22:00 PM

6.3 weekend 的翻译非常好,我几乎没做改动。谢谢!
--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 12:47:00 AM

--  作者:nybon
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 8:35:00 AM

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 10:28:00 AM

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-11 10:48:00的发言:
[quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-11 0:10:08的发言:
6.2  "hits the stands" 怎么翻译?

  typically they all go live at the time the magazine hits the stands.



--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 10:34:00 AM

刚才又看了一遍6.2PRISM。“而把它许可给一个叫LexisNexis (http://www.lexisnexis.com/) 的聚集软件则是另外一个例子。”这句话中的“聚集软件”对么?

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 11:06:00 AM

英文是 aggregator, RSS中常有RSS Aggregator, 就是RSS 聚集软件的意思。也学翻译

以下是引用forwar在2004-8-12 10:34:29的发言:
刚才又看了一遍6.2PRISM。“而把它许可给一个叫LexisNexis (http://www.lexisnexis.com/) 的聚集软件则是另外一个例子。”这句话中的“聚集软件”对么?

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 2:53:00 PM

6.6 刚看了一遍,感觉也翻译的很好,很通顺。

从6。5 到6。6 到其他章节,原来我的贪心 ;-)

以下是引用nybon在2004-8-12 8:35:05的发言:

--  作者:Ontoweb
--  发布时间:8/12/2004 9:40:00 PM

--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/13/2004 8:48:00 AM

the RSS 1.0 author can provide large amounts of metadata and handling instructions to the recipient of the file.

不是很了解RSS1.0, 这话怎么译啊 ?

--  作者:forwar
--  发布时间:8/16/2004 1:50:00 AM

--  作者:qinpu
--  发布时间:8/21/2004 6:16:00 AM


以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-9 16:46:17的发言:
准确地说,attribute在第3节中是指XML的属性(attribute node)节点,而 property是RDF的属性(谓词)。

特性 我也觉得有点难以接受, 总觉得怪怪的。

所以,我的建议是:如果通过上下文不会混淆,都翻译为属性,可能混淆的话,attribute 翻译为XML属性(节点),property翻译为RDF属性

此外,在attribute第一次出现的时候, 注明一下它的意思:即XML属性节点。

[quote]以下是引用admin在2004-8-9 16:29:05的发言:


  但是总觉得特性,有点怪怪的感觉,毕竟我们从OO,UML都习惯了说,为一个类声明/设置/添加一个属性;一个Person的实例/个体具有属性Weight等等。要改口的确有些困难 :-)



  [quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-8-9 15:20:44的发言:
  [quote]以下是引用orangebench在2004-7-13 15:50:17的发言:
   什么地方会混淆呢? 我只发现在rdf xml syntax中,有属性节点(attribute node)。在RDF中没有attribute的概念吧?

   在REVIEW第三章的时候,发现文中多次同时出现 ATTRIBUTE 和 PROPERTY两个词。如果两个词都翻译为属性的话,可能会丢失一些信息。

   ATTRIBUTE 确实是在从XML语法层面上谈问题;而RDF/S中,每当从RDF数据模型层面上讨论问题的时候,都采用用PROPERTY一词。因此,笼统地将两个词都译为“属性”并不合适。毕竟这两个词在RDF PRIMER中都出现,而且第三章尤其频繁。

   建议在翻译中区分这两个词,ATTRIBUTE 翻译为-“属性”;PROPERTY 翻译为“特性”。


--  作者:qinpu
--  发布时间:8/21/2004 6:31:00 AM

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-13 8:48:17的发言:
the RSS 1.0 author can provide large amounts of metadata and handling instructions to the recipient of the file.

不是很了解RSS1.0, 这话怎么译啊 ?

使用 RSS 1.0 的作者(发布者)可以提供非常大量的元数据并且处理文件容器指令

--  作者:qinpu
--  发布时间:8/21/2004 6:34:00 AM

唉,给版主添乱了,惭愧惭愧 :(



--  作者:trevol
--  发布时间:8/21/2004 7:01:00 PM

以下是引用qinpu在2004-8-21 6:31:19的发言:
[quote]以下是引用trevol在2004-8-13 8:48:17的发言:
the RSS 1.0 author can provide large amounts of metadata and handling instructions to the recipient of the file.

  不是很了解RSS1.0, 这话怎么译啊 ?

使用 RSS 1.0 的作者(发布者)可以提供非常大量的元数据并且处理文件容器指令

  对 "handling instructions to the recipient of the file" 的含义还是不理解。。

--  作者:qinpu
--  发布时间:8/21/2004 9:59:00 PM

以下是引用trevol在2004-8-13 8:48:17的发言:
  the RSS 1.0 author can provide large amounts of metadata and handling instructions to the recipient of the file.

   不是很了解RSS1.0, 这话怎么译啊 ?

  是我翻译的不太准,recipient 和handling好像翻错了,这样看看行不行(意译):
(使用) RSS 1.0的(文件)作者可以提供(1.)数量较大的元数据,以及(2.)(传递给)文件接收者的处理指令。

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:8/30/2004 9:07:00 PM

--  作者:txx5890
--  发布时间:8/30/2004 10:53:00 PM

--  作者:shenmingfei2004
--  发布时间:9/9/2004 1:35:00 AM

--  作者:weekend
--  发布时间:9/16/2004 6:06:00 PM

以下是引用orangebench在2004-8-11 23:22:40的发言:
6.3 weekend 的翻译非常好,我几乎没做改动。谢谢!


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