以文本方式查看主题 - 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 Semantic Web(语义Web)/描述逻辑/本体 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [2011]Griffith大学 王克文教授研究组 PHD奖学金机会 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=89170) |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:1/17/2011 9:29:00 PM -- [2011]Griffith大学 王克文教授研究组 PHD奖学金机会 The Research Program “Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technologies” of the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS) at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, is seeking for strong candidates for PhD scholarships available from early 2011. Successful candidates will work in a project on computational logics and their applications in data and ontology engineering, funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). An international candidate can apply for both living allowance scholarship (~A$22,680, tax free) and tuition fee scholarship. The duration of each scholarship is for 3 or 3.5 years. A successful candidate should - possess an undergraduate degree or masters degree, or be close to completion of such studies (preferably, by July 2011); - have a good background in at least one of computer science, mathematics, statistics, logic or related areas; - show interest in an area like computational logic, data management, ontology engineering, semantic technologies, nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming, or probabilistic reasoning. The successful applicants will work in one of two projects funded by the Australia Research Council (ARC): ARC Discovery: Efficient multi-context systems for heterogeneous information reasoning and sharing, 2011-2013. (Kewen Wang, Grigoris Antoniou and Torsten Schaub) ARC Discovery: Rule-Based Reasoning Systems for Complex and Dynamic Ontologies, 2010.1-2012. (Kewen Wang, John Thornton, Junhu Wang, Thomas Eiter, Grigoris Antoniou, Hans Tompits) Interested applicants are encouraged to first contact Associate Professor Kewen Wang, email: k.wang@griffith.edu.au, phone: +61 7 3735 5028 |
-- 作者:andyneo -- 发布时间:1/17/2011 10:10:00 PM -- can i have a try? |
-- 作者:Amy-xing -- 发布时间:4/2/2011 8:30:00 PM -- 300万转让高科技术资料,(关于人体智能巨能量机器人,数字万能机器人,电子机器人)并提供一套样品,有意者MMM |
W 3 C h i n a ( since 2003 ) 旗 下 站 点 苏ICP备05006046号《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》 |
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