-- 作者:power201
-- 发布时间:3/22/2010 5:14:00 PM
-- 第二届IEEE信息工程与电子商务国际会议将于7月在乌克兰-捷尔诺波尔召开
The 2nd International Symposium on Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce (IEEC2010) 第二届IEEE信息工程与电子商务国际会议-IEEC2010(IEEC2009已全部EI Compendex检索) 7月23-25,2010,捷尔诺波尔,乌克兰 http://www.icieec.org/ 论文提交日期: 2010年3月18日 论文录用通知日期: 2010年3月 31 日 论文修订版本提交日期: 2010年4月6日 论文注册日期: 2010年4月13日 论文提交系统: http://www.icieec.org/submission/ 会议论文模版: http://www.icieec.org/instruct8.5x11.doc(只接受英文稿件) IEEE会议论文版权表:http://www.icieec.org/IEEECopyrightForm.doc(录用注册后提交) 第二届IEEE信息工程与电子商务国际会议(IEEC2010)将于2010年7月23-25日在乌克兰-捷尔诺波尔召开。第一届IEEE信息工程与电子商务国际会议(IEEC2009)全部收录的论文已经被EI Compendex检索。IEEC2010将由美国IEEE出版社出版,收录的论文将全部被EI Compendex和ISTP检索。会议优秀论文将被推荐选入EI或SCI收录的国际期刊专刊发表。 欢迎研究员、工程师、教师和学生踊跃投稿,会议论文主题由以下六个领域构成,但并不局限于: Area 1 : Business and Social Applications E-Service E -Learning E-Entertainment E-Banking E-commerce E -Government E-Society Architectures and applications of B2B, B2C and C2C Business processes re-engineering Healthcare and Medical Applications Virtual Organizations Collaborative Business Systems Supply-chain Management CRM and Business Solutions Workflow Management Systems E-Marketing and Consumer Behavior Intellectual Rights Trust and Privacy Issues in Social Networks Semantic Web Applications and Ontology Sharing Adoption of Standards and Protocols for e-Business Applications Business Intelligence Information Infrastructures of Businesses Area 2 : Surveying and Mapping and Field Concerned / Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Application of Remote Sensing Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering Geodesy and Survey Engineering Global Positioning System Integration of 3S Database Technology Intelligent Transportation Technology of Survey and Mapping Machine Perception and Virtual Reality Geosciences Mine Engineering and Technology Civil and Architectural Engineering Area 3 : Artificial Intelligence and Its Application Basic Theory of Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Knowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering Evolutionary Learning Machine Learning Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Neural Networks Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms Swarm Intelligence and Optimization Soft Computing and Computation Intelligence Intelligence Plan and Scheduling Heuristic Searching Bioinformatics and Artificial Life Information Retrieval and Web Search Intelligence Control Application of Artificial Intelligence Bayesian Networks Support Vector Machines Distributed and Parallel Computing Cloud Computing Grid Computing Parallel Computing Human-computer Interaction Machine Learning Area 4 : Image Processing and Digital Signal Processing Image quantification and image codes Image reconstruction and image enhancement Image segmentation and feature extraction Image fusion and ultra resolution Information hiding and digital watermarking Content-based Image Information Retrieval Video transmission and analysis Remote sensing imagery processing and medicine imagery processing Computer applications and related fields Image processing in industry and agriculture Area 5 : Computer Modeling and Simulation Applied Mathematics Mathematical Modeling Computational Mathematics and Its Applications Engineering Mathematics System Modeling and Simulation Science and engineering computing Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic Optimization techniques and algorithms Non-linear calculation Mechanics and finite element method Systems Science and Systems Engineering Control Theory and Applications Computational geometry and computer graphics Software Engineering Area 6: Talent Education of Survey and Mapping Computer Aided Instruction Distance Education/learning Research on Network Education Computer Education Professional Education ====================================== IEEC2010会议联系秘书处 邮件: ieec2010@vip.sina.com, info@icieec.org 电话: +86-15102769220 ====================================== 注释:每篇被录用的论文中至少有一位作者注册并交纳论文版面费,并出席大会。如果有特殊原因不能出席大会,会议后,我们会免费邮寄论文集和发票,但请一定来信确认接收地址。