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----  2011年机械工程与先进制造技术国际会议-MAMT2011(EI/ISTP)[分享]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=35&rootid=&id=90091)

--  作者:power2010
--  发布时间:4/6/2011 5:30:00 PM

--  2011年机械工程与先进制造技术国际会议-MAMT2011(EI/ISTP)[分享]


2011 International Symposium on Machinery and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (MAMT2011)
24-25 September, 2011 Wuhan, China
ht tp://ww w.is ma mt.or g/

2011 International Symposium on Machinery and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (MAMT2011) will bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific Areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of Machinery and Advanced Manufacturing Technology. The Proceedings of MAMT2011 will be published by ASME Press, and all accepted papers will be included in ASME Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and/or ISTP. The best papers presented at the Symposium will be selected for publication in some International Journals, which are indexed by SCI or EI.

Important Time
Paper submission due:               01 June, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance:   01 July, 2011
Final manuscript due:               09 July, 2011
Registration and full payment due:  22 July, 2011


Online Paper Submission: ht tp://w ww.isma mt.or g/sub miss ions.html
在线投稿系统:ht tp://w ww.isma mt.org/sub miss ions.html

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Area1:Machinery Science and Engineering
Area2: Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Design
Area3: Engineering Design
Area4:System Modeling, Simulation and Application

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The Secretary of MAMT 2011

Email: ismamt2011@ vip.163.com, ismamt2011@ vip.sina.com
Phone: +86-15102769290
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