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----  NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta Now Available!  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=41&rootid=&id=65940)

--  作者:菜籽
--  发布时间:8/15/2008 9:43:00 AM

--  NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta Now Available!
Download NetBeans IDE 6.5 NOW !

Development simplified

NetBeans™ IDE 6.5 Beta introduces several new features, including a robust IDE for PHP, JavaScript™ debugging for Firefox and IE, and support for Groovy and Grails. This release also includes a number of enhancements for Java™, Ruby and Rails, and C/C++ development. Java feature highlights include: built-in support for Hibernate, Eclipse project import, and compile on save.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta also includes all the great features introduced in NetBeans 6.1 like the powerful and intuitive JavaScript Editor, support for Spring Framework, ClearCase (via Update Center), and RESTful Web Services.

Combining excellent out of the box experience, compelling features, and a great plugin ecosystem, NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta is a must-download for all developers.

Download NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta

More information about NetBeans IDE 6.5 Beta:

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Release information

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Tutorials and documentation

    * Code Completion
    * Quick Fixes and Semantic Checks
    * Code Generator
    * FTP Support
    * Debugging with Xdebug
    * Support for popular Web Services


    * Debugging support for Firefox and IE
    * HTTP client monitoring
    * Bundled popular JavaScript libraries


    * Groovy/Grails support
    * Compile on Save
    * Eclipse project import and synchronization
    * Built-in Hibernate support
    * JSF CRUD Generator now Ajax-enabled


    * New Connection Dialog
    * SQL Editor Improvements


    * Improved code completion and error highlighting
    * Remote Development
    * Support for packaging


    * New Ruby/GlassFish v3 "Prelude" Bundle
    * Support for Ruby Tests
    * Updated Rails to 2.1.0
    * Improved support for Rake build tool

GlassFish v3 "Prelude" Bundles

    * Modular, OSGi based architecture
    * Small footprint, fast startup and deployment
    * Support for scripting, incl

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