以文本方式查看主题 - 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 算法理论与分析 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=60) ---- 一道关于动态规划和哈夫曼树的C语言题 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=60&rootid=&id=56671) |
-- 作者:hitlyq -- 发布时间:12/12/2007 5:54:00 PM -- 一道关于动态规划和哈夫曼树的C语言题 做了很久了,一点思路都没有,哪位高手给帮帮忙 Fast Food
The fastfood chain McBurger owns several restaurants along a highway. Recently, they have decided to build several depots along the highway, each one located at a restaurant and supplying several of the restaurants with the needed ingredients. Naturally, these depots should be placed so that the average distance between a restaurant and its assigned depot is minimized. You are to write a program that computes the optimal positions and assignments of the depots. To make this more precise, the management of McBurger has issued the following specification: You will be given the positions of n restaurants along the highway as n integers d1 < d2 < ... < dn (these are the distances measured from the company's headquarter, which happens to be at the same highway). Furthermore, a number k (k <= n) will be given, the number of depots to be built. The k depots will be built at the locations of k different restaurants. Each restaurant will be assigned to the closest depot, from which it will then receive its supplies. To minimize shipping costs, the total distance sum, defined as Write a program that computes the positions of the k depots, such that the total distance sum is minimized. Input The input file contains several descriptions of fastfood chains. Each description starts with a line containing the two integers n and k. n and k will satisfy 1 <= n <= 200, 1 <= k <= 30, k <= n. Following this will n lines containing one integer each, giving the positions di of the restaurants, ordered increasingly. The input file will end with a case starting with n = k = 0. This case should not be processed. Output For each chain, first output the number of the chain. Then output a line containing the total distance sum. Output a blank line after each test case. Sample Input 6 3 Sample Output Chain 1 |
W 3 C h i n a ( since 2003 ) 旗 下 站 点 苏ICP备05006046号《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》 |
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