-- 作者:yangjia0426
-- 发布时间:7/31/2009 9:53:00 AM
-- 2009年活动媒体技术及脑信息学国际会议的研讨会征文通知[公告]
#################################################################### Active Media Technology 2009 & Brain Informatics 2009 CALL FOR POSTERS and CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (2009年活动媒体技术及脑信息学国际会议的研讨会征文通知) #################################################################### 2009 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2009) 2009 International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2009) October 22-24, 2009, Beijing, China Homepage: [url]http://www.wici-lab.org/amtbi09/[/url] Mirror page: [url]http://www.iwici.org/amtbi09/[/url] Co-organized by Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) and IEEE Task Force on Brain Informatics (IEEE TF-BI) ------------------------------------------------ On-line registration (and more information) at [url]http://www.wici-lab.org/amtbi09/[/url] Special discount (or free) registration is available for students and poster session presenters (为给国内青年科研人员和研究生提供更多参加国际学术会议的机会,在国际学术交流中开阔视野、增长知识,大会组委会对提交Poster且需要资助的国内参会代表特别是学生提供部分会议注册费资助(获得资助的代表的注册费不含会议论文集和晚宴费用),具体情况如下。 A. 国内参会代表(Poster):资助200美元,即只需缴纳注册费840人民币或120美元 B. 国内学生代表(Poster):资助200美元,即只需缴纳注册费490人民币或70美元 C. 提供部分全额资助(免注册费) 申请会议注册费资助的参会代表请填写资助申请表(从大会镜像网站[url]http://www.iwici.org/amtbi09/cfp/appliform.doc[/url]下载资助申请表“appliform.doc”),并通过快递的方式送达会议组委会(北京工业大学科学楼211室 黄佳进 邮编 100124 电话 010-67396464)。提交资助申请截止日期为2009年9月30日(以收到日期为准)。组委会将组织专家对资助申请进行评审并于2009年10月10日前发资助反馈函。) ************************************************ You are invited to join Active Media Technology 2009 and Brain Informatics 2009. Active Media Technology is a new area of intelligent information technology and computer science that emphasizes the proactive, seamless roles of interfaces and systems as well as new media in all aspects of digital life. An AMT based system offers services to enable the rapid design, implementation and support of customized solutions. Brain Informatics has recently emerged as an interdisciplinary research field that focuses on studying the mechanisms underlying the human information processing system (HIPS). BI lies in the interplay between the studies of human brain and the research of informatics. The two conferences will have a joint opening, keynote, reception, and banquet. Attendees only need to register for one conference and can attend keynotes, sessions, workshop, posters across the two conferences. AMT-BI 2009 Keynote Speakers ============================ Using Neural Imaging to Inform the Instruction of Mathematics Professor John Anderson Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University [url]http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/people/ja/[/url] Distributed Human-Machine Systems: Progress and Prospects Dr. Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) [url]http://www.ihmc.us/users/jbradshaw[/url] Large Scale Reasoning on the Semantic Web: what to do when success is becoming a problem Professor Frank van Harmelen AI Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam [url]http://www.cs.vu.nl/~frankh[/url] How Midazolam Can Help Us Understand Human Memory: 3 Illustrations and a Proposal for a New Methodology Professor Lynne Reder Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University [url]http://memory.psy.cmu.edu/[/url] Research on Brain-like Computer Professor Zhongzhi Shi Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences [url]http://www.intsci.ac.cn/en/shizz/[/url] A Framework for Machine Learning with Ambiguous Objects Professor Zhi-Hua Zhou National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology Nanjing University, China [url]http://cs.nju.edu.cn/zhouzh/[/url] AMT-BI 2009 Special Sessions ============================ In addition to sessions for presenting accepted papers, we have the following special sessions: Special Session on Information Processing Meets Brain Sciences Special Session on Conversational Informatics Special Session on Human-Web Interaction AMT-BI 2009 Workshop ==================== WICI Workshop/Posters on Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics ============================ ***** Call for Posters ***** ============================ AMT-BI'09 also welcomes Posters submissions. AMT-BI'09 Posters session will provide researchers and practitioners in active media technology and brain informatics an exciting and highly interactive way to explore new ideas and results. All areas of the AMT/BI conference are of interest to the Posters and Demos. The proposal of a poster must include the following information: - Authors (name, affiliation, email, address, phone and fax) - The corresponding author with her/his email address - Abstract - Keywords - The category of the submission (AMT or BI) The proposals of posters must be submitted online at the conference websites. The deadline for proposals submission is 30 September 2009. Special discount (or free) registration is available for students and poster session presenters Conference Site =============== The conference will take place at the Grand Gongda Jianguo Hotel (Beijing Gongda Jianguo Fandian - 4-stars hotel) is located inside Beijing University of Technology within close proximity of the central business district and only a five-minute walk from the 2008 Beijing Olympic badminton and eurythmics venue. We will give a special discount price for BI-AMT'09 attendees. (400 RMB/1 single room, 450 RMB/1 double room (2 persons use), including Tax, Breakfast, etc.) The hotel reservation information is available at the AMT-BI'09 homepages. ----------------- Co-sponsored by Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) Chinese Society of Radiology National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, PRC Shanghai Psytech Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Hanix United, Inc. Beijing Branch Beijing JinShangQi Net System Integration Co. Ltd Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS/LNAI) *** Contact Information *** Email: Jia Hu [email]hujia0601@gmail.com[/email] Jiajin Huang [email]hjj@emails.bjut.edu.cn[/email]