-- 作者:jianhua_318
-- 发布时间:10/15/2010 1:40:00 PM
-- [2010-10-20]★EI&ISTP★智能计算与车辆系统会议(CIVS2010)
2010 International conference on Computational Intelligence and Vehicular System (CIVS2010) 2010年智能计算与车辆系统国际会议 http://www.iita-association.org/civs2010/index.htm Cheju, Korea (South) , November 22-23, 2010. CIVS2010将为专家学者在计算智能、人工智能、自动控制、车辆系统、交通系统和物流系统等领域提供一个良好的交流平台。 CIVS2010由IEEE韩国社区发起(Sponsored by Seoul Section VT Chapter),将在东方夏威夷:韩国济州岛召开(中国公民以团队或个人形式前往韩国济州岛地区旅游,出境时只需向边检民警出示有效的中国护照和前往地的机票或登机牌即可,无须办理任何签证手续,可以在济州岛停留30天)。 CIVS2010已进入IEEE会议列表:http://www.ieee.org/conferences_ ... .html?Conf_ID=17578 CIVS 2010论文将全部被IEEE出版,并被EI核心和ISTP收录。 Important Date 投稿截止日期:2010年10月1日 录用通知发送:2010年10月20日前 (我们陆续发送录用通知) 会议日期:2010年11月22-23日 会议网站: http://www.iita-association.org/civs2010/index.htm 投稿系统: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=civs2010 联系电话:18971065808, Dr. LI Jian. QQ群: 124736785(原8群已满) 注册费: IEEE/IITA/学生 2400元 普通注册 2600元 同一作者第二篇 1800元 Submissions of papers describing original work in, but not limited to: Vehicular System: On-board / off-board / remote diagnostics and prognostics Fault mitigation and recovery Safety systems Infotainment systems Navigation systems / Electronic horizon Human Machine Interfaces Advisory Systems Attributes and assessment of intelligence in intelligent vehicles Autonomous and semi-autonomous driving Application to automotive, aerospace, marine, military, and other (mining industry, locomotives, etc.) vehicles Intelligent transportation systems Vehicle manufacturing processes Other vehicle applications Computational Intelligence Neural Networks Evolutionary Learning & Genetic Algorithms Granular computing & Rough sets Fuzzy Theory and Models Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology Swarm Intelligence and Optimization Supervised & Semi-supervised Learning Unsupervised & Reinforcement Learning Kernel Methods and Supporting Vector Machines Cognitive Science & Computational Neuroscience Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation Combinatorial & Numerical Optimization Systems Biology and Computational Biology Neural Computing and Optimization Nature Inspired Computing and Optimization Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems Ensemble Methods Machine Learning Theory and Methods