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    >> It is the theory that decides what can be observed. - Albert Einstein
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     * 贴子主题: [分享]CFP: (EI/ISTP)第二届 信息工程国际学术会议ICIE2010 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web    
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    发贴心情 [分享]CFP: (EI/ISTP)第二届 信息工程国际学术会议ICIE2010

    WASE举办的 ICIE2009会议论文集已在会后四个月被EI全部检索
    2010 WASE International conference on Information Engineering (ICIE 2010)
    Call for Papers

    Beidaihe, China, August 14-15, 2010.
    Aim and Scope:

    2010 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE 2010) will be held on 14-15 August, 2010 in Beidaihe, China. It provides two day’s focus on the science and technology that are the basis for the information science and engineering. The first International Conference on Information Engineering was successfully held in Shanxi from July 10th to 11th, 2009. About 200 experts in information engineering from the world attended this conference. Building on its great successes in 2009, the 2010 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE 2010) continues to focus on the complementary and synergistic aspects of established fields such as Services Science, Bioinformatics, Mobile Wireless Network, Advanced Intelligence and Pervasive Computing, which are expected to contribute to the further development of the information engineering. Concurrent sessions and a poster session will cover a wide range of topics and issues, including both contributed papers and special sessions developed on specific themes.
    The ICIE 2010 will feature a unique mix of academic, industrial, and cross-discipline topics, and provide a platform for presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences as well as education and curricula development. The ICIE 2010 conference also aims at bridging the perspectives of the researchers and the needs of the practitioners. Speakers at the conference include many of the leading Information Engineering experts from both the academia and the industry around the world.

    We are planning to have the papers published in this conference's proceedings to be published by IEEE CPS and selected excellent papers will be recommended to publish in EI Compendex & SCI journal.
    Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
    Service Science
    • Foundations of Service Science
    • Service System Modeling & Analysis
    • Service Design and Planning
    • Service Quality and Operation Management
    • IT Service Management
    • Service Economy
    • Service Development
    • Service Delivery and Operation
    • Service Computing
    • Service Science Education and Curricula Design 
    • Adaptation and Learning
    • Affective Computing
    • Multiple Sequence Alignment
    • Sequence Analysis
    • Motif Finding
    • Recognition of Genes and Functional Elements
    • RNA Analysis
    • Physical and Genetic Mapping
    • Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny
    • Protein Structure Analysis
    • Microarray Design and Data Analysis
    • Deep Sequencing Data Processing
    • Transcriptome, Gene Expression
    • Epigenomics
    • Proteomics and Post-Translational Modifications
    • Pathways, Networks and Systems
    • Ontologies
    • Databases and Data Integration
    • Biomedical Literature Mining and Understanding
    • Population Genetics, SNP and Haplotyping
    • Comparative Genomics
    • Study on cell metabolic network
    • Integration of biomedical knowledge
    • Biomedical Data Mining
    • Bioinformatics miRNA in plant research of the application
    • Bioinformatics Status and Prospects
    Mobile Wireless Network
    • Multiple Access Techniques
    • Cognitive and Cooperative MAC
    • MAC for Mesh, Ad Hoc, Relay and Sensor Networks
    • Network Information Theory
    • Radio Resource Management and Allocation, Scheduling
    • Cross-Layer Design, Cross-Layer Security
    • Congestion and Admission Control
    • Software Defined Radio, RFID
    • B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN
    • Emerging Wireless/Mobile Applications
    • Context and Location-Aware Wireless Services and Applications
    • Wireless Telemedicine and e-Health Services
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Cognitive Radio and Sensor-Based Applications
    • Content Distribution in Wireless Home Environment
    • Wireless Emergency and Security Systems
    • Service Oriented Architectures, Service Portability
    • SIP Based Services, Multimedia, QoS Support, Middleware
    • Innovative User Interfaces, Peer-to-Peer Services for Multimedia
    • Dynamic Services, Autonomic Services
    • Regulations, Standards, Spectrum Management
    • Test-Bed and Prototype Implementation of Wireless Services
    • Personalization, Service Discovery, Profiles and Profiling
    Advanced Intelligence
    • Adaptation and Learning  
    • Affective Computing, Autonomic Computing and Biological Computing  
    • Agents and Multi-agent Systems  
    • Artificial Emotion and Artificial Psychology
    • Brain and Mind Models
    • Brain-Computer Interface
    • Business Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Coordinative Intelligence
    • Cognitive Informatics  
    • Complex Systems
    • Constraint Satisfaction  
    • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery  
    • Distributed Intelligence, Web Intelligence  
    • Evolutionary Algorithms and Systems
    • Fuzzy Logic and other forms of Logic  
    • Hybrid Artificial and Natural Intelligence
    • Information Retrieval and Extraction
    • Information-knowledge-Intelligence Transform  
    • Integrated Intelligence Theory & Application
    • Intelligent Foundations of Computing
    • Memory model  
    • Model-based Systems  
    • Natural Language Processing & Understanding  
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Planning and Scheduling  
    • Semantic Web  
    • Soft-Computing and Rough Set  
    Pervasive Computing
    • Parallel Computing, Cluster Computing and Heterogeneous Computing
    • Mobile Computing, Web Computing, Supercomputing and Grid Computing
    • Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing
    • Parallel Programming, Distributed Shared Memory
    • Embedded Systems, Real-Time Systems and Parallel I/O Systems
    • Communication and Synchronization Protocols
    • Distributed Algorithms and Architectures, their Analysis and Complexity
    • Distributed Operating Systems, Middleware, Databases
    • Experiments and Performance Measurements in Distributed Systems
    • Fault-tolerance, Self-stabilization, Autonomic Computing
    • High Performance, Cluster and Grid Computing
    • Multiprocessor and Multi-core Architectures and Algorithms
    • Security in Distributed Systems
    • Shared and Transactional Memory, Concurrent Programming
    • Specification, Debugging, and Verification of Distributed Systems
    • Embedded distributed systems and Web-based Systems
    • Distributed opportunistic computing

    For more details about topics, please click:http://www.enjoywise.org/icie/call.html

    Paper Submission:
    Prospective authors need to submit a full paper for review by 20, April. 2010, in PDF or Word format. Papers will be accepted based on peer review and should contain original, high quality work. Claims and results should be substantive enough to be further developed as quality work. All papers must be written in English. Submit a standard paper should not succeed 5 pages (two columns IEEE format), including figures and references with 10-12 point font. Helpful information for paper formatting can be found on the IEEE Authors Tools.
    Submit a paper now.
    Please submit your papers to the following system:  http://www.enjoywise.org/icie/openconf or  https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=icie09  or  icie@enjoywise.org
    Conference Schedule/Important Dates
    • Paper submission site open:      November 15, 2009
    • Full paper submission:            March 15,   2010  
    • Acceptance Notification:          April 6,      2010  
    • Camera-ready papers:           April 16,    2010  
    • Presenting author registration due:     April 16,      2010  
    • Conference:                      August 14~15, 2010

    Please contact and send your session proposals to:
    The ICIE 2010 Industry Chair icie@enjoywise.org

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2010/1/27 10:47:00
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    未到截稿日期,大家请抓紧时间投稿!  具体投稿地址:http://www.enjoywise.org/icie/openconf or  https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=icie09  or  icie@enjoywise.org
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